The message

Kellan fell to the ground as blood poured from his back area. "Damn". He whispered. He got up and quickly ran deeper into the forest.

"These two…are too strong for me. Even my attack didn't phase them". Kellan said. Kellan stopped and took breathes. "Where are you little guy?" Striker called out.

Kellan held his breath, ready for the jinn to past by until he heard a giant whispered in his ear. "Behind you". Pallah said.

Kellan jumped away from the tree. But, Pallah managed to use her spine-sword and slash Kellan on the face.

Before Kellan could counter, Striker ran behind him and jabbed his sword through Kellan. Kellan was losing lost of blood and Striker threw him into a tree and hung him by the sword.

"Like a rat caught in a trap, huh, sis?" Striker laughed.

"Let's kill him, bother! I don't wanna waste anymore -"

"The both of you talk a lot". Kellan managed to gasp.

"Eh? Hey, dumbass! Shut up while we talk!" Striker yelled.

It's strange. These two act like children and give off young energy. Are the jinns here…part human? The high-level in the cave…did she use real humans to create new jinns? If so, we have a spell-caster on our hands. But…looks like I'm not gonna make it! Kellan thought as Striker and Pallah started arguing amongst each other.

"Don't give end that crap! I was the one who did the most damage!" Striker argued.

"Tuff shit! I'm the one who caught him off guard in the first place and weakened him! It's my kill! I'll do it, brother!" Kellan took this time to slowly pull the sword out, held in his dreadful yells of pain and agony to free himself.

Striker jumped on top of Pallah and began beating her. She responded with her own blows to the face.

Kellan freed himself and jumped away into the forest. "I have to find Sage quickly! And Zuri!" Kellan said.

"Wait…where did he go!?" Pallah asked.

"Oh shit".

Kellan ran his hardest and tried to find an escape. "Sage…I can sense it! He's close!" Kellan said as he ran even faster.

Kellan heard footsteps approaching from behind. He turned around and swung his axe. Astor stopped his attack with just one finger. "Calm yourself, Kellan". Astor whispered.

"When did you-"

"No time! Your sister is fighting a powerful jinn and I came looking for the boy! Where's Joey!? And what's going on with you? Is the village safe?"

Kellan ignored Astor and shoved him out of the way. "You need to stop worrying about the boy. Sage went after him, so it means he's already been killed". Kellan reassured.

"I see…and these two must be jinns, huh?" Astor asked as Pallah and Striker emerged from the darkness.

"Look at this, brother…he's got a friend with him".

"Astor…please save me!" Striker mocked in Astor's moms voice. "The hell!?"

"Calm it! They did the same thing with me". Kellan said. Kellan looked down and noticed all the blood he had lost.

I'm losing myself! Astor knows it but…he's not saying a word to protect me from them!

"Behind you!" Pallah laughed.

Astor and Kellan both spun around and watched as a blade was already too close for Astor and Kellan to dodge.

Oh, damn! They created clones!? Shit! It this rate we both will-

A flash of a person ran between the two men. A boy stopped the sword from penetrating Astor and Kellan. It was Joy. Joey stopped the attack by putting the sword in his mouth. Blood poured from his mouth, as he bit down harder.

"Joey!?" Astor yelled with surprise in his voice.

"Stop acting dumb…and fight!" Joey yelled with his mouth smothered against the sword.

A spark came from Astors hands. A great explosion pushed him in the air and allowed him to fly towards the two jinns.

"He's coming right after us? This man is crazy, sis!" Striker laughed.

Striker jumped out of the way. While jumping, Astor missed and flew past him. Before Astor could completely go by, Stroker placed his hand on Astro's shoulder and whispered: "Shoulder Shield."

Bones popped out of Astors shoulder and formed into a shield that Striker grabbed for himself.

Astor didn't feel anything. He just laughed at the ability. "So…if you touch someone you can make their body parts to weapons? Not a bad ability". Astor laughed.


Lily was surrounded by darkness and was frozen in place. "Where…what is this?" She asked. Lily's voice echoed across the void.

"Lily." A deep voice whispered in the darkness. "Who's there!? What's going on!? Who are-"

"It is time." The voice whispered. The voice made Lily shiver down her spine. Lily felt nothing but pure evil looking at her from the depths of the abyss.

"This is just a dream…I have to wake up-"

"This isn't a dream, Lily. I need you…and you need me." The being said. Whatever was in front of her, moved across the abyss. It shaked everything from its massive size and power.

"Let me in…Lily."

"Get the hell out of my mind! I've been seeing you since…since-"

"Since your were a child, yes! Lily…i can end ALL of your suffering. You just have to trust me."

"N-no! Get out! Get out! Get out! Get out!"

"LET ME IN!" The being yelled as sharp teeth emerged from the darkness and chomped down on Lily.

Lily screamed and fell into Jodi's arms. "Lily are you okay!? What's wrong!? Something scare you!?" Jodi flooded Lily with questions as she stared up at the roof.

"N-nothing…it's nothing. You…wouldn't understand." She sighed.

Jackson kicked open the door and checked on Lily. "Fine…won't ask you anymore about it. Jodi, we need to go over the plan again. Come to Joeys room, please." He said calmly.

"What plan?" Lily asked.

"Uhhhh….can't say!"

"Uhhhh….shut up!"

"Oh…okay. Let me know if you guys need help." Lily said with a smile.

"Uhh-huh." Jackson sighed as he pulled Jodi into Joeys room.

Wraith,Jackson,Jodi,Flock,Natalia, and Jaden all sat around the desk with a clear map of the town. "Your welcome for earlier!" Jaden scolded Jodi.

"Oh, for "saving" me? Sorry, but the only person who told me about being sneaky around town was Jackson. Everything went down when I was gone."

"Gone? Where were you exactly?" Jaden asked.

"Calm down, Jaden. We don't need to fight." Jackson said.

"Calm down? More than half of our people are dead! We have someone as strong as Ahana on the enemy side! Someone in this room told that girl we were here! It's not-"

"I said…calm down!" Jackson said as he stared at Jaden with a sinister look.

"Check your boy, Jackson. Jaden has a point! Jodi was the only slayer missing at the time of the attack. It's weird isn't it? The girl even said that someone told her, right?" Flock asked.

"No…she didn't. She knew…and that's when I knew that someone betrayed us." Jackson explained in a calm voice.

"I think you don't know what your doing. I mean, look…you even got our squad killed." Jaden scolded.

"Repeat that and see why happens!"

"Everyone! Shut up and calm down! Our teachers will come!" Natalia reassured.

"Teachers!? They're not coming! We've been here for days! Nothing has changed, Natalia! Group is dead! No reinforcements are coming! And now…now we have a damn plan that might not even work! Open your damn eyes! We even have to hide from a controlled town-"

Jackson punched Jaden in the fac before he could say anymore. "I told you to shut up! Don't wake his mom up, you fool! Do you want them to know where we are!? If you don't like the plan, do your own thing! I won't stop you!" Jackson yelled.

Jaden brushed himself off and glared at Jackson. "If that's the best hit you've got…I'm not supersede why your little girlfriend died that night." Jaden scuffed.

"The hell!?" Jackson said as he approached Jaden again.

Wraith stepped between the two boys and pushed them away. "You have no right…to insult her!" Jackson yelled at Jaden.

"You couldn't even protect her! Your whole family is dead and it's your fault!"

Silence fell upon the group. Jodi had already walked behind Jaden and held a blade to his neck. "No, Jodi! It's fine. We don't need cowards like him in our group." Jackson said. Everyone besides Jaden walked towards the map and talked about the plan.

Coward…I haven't heard those words in so long, Jaden thought as he sat in the corner and listened.

"Okay, so the meeting will take place in the middle of the town. Around the school! Since all of the kids are controlled…it might be a spell they're trying to do on the parents. If one of us can just…go in there…stop the caster…then the parents will be safe. But if we do that we'll have no choice but to fight…and maybe, just maybe there will be death." Jackson explained as he dragged his finger to different parts of the map.

"That's when you come in, Wraith. You'll set up on the west side and teleport everyone away once shit goes bad. Flock, you'll be with me on the ground at the meeting. Natalia, you'll set up on a building and watch us with your jinn weapon. If you see anything weird…take the shot without hesitation!" Jackson explained.

"Jackson, what-"

"Jaden, you can come with me actually. Flock, you stalk the guy who's talking at the meeting and see what he's up to"." Jackson ordered.

Lily removed her ear from the door and started biting her nails. "Let me in." The voice whispered.