
Night came…Jackson and Jaden both followed the thousands of people who gathered in the town.

Everyone walked down the king the distance, was a police officer standing on a stage with a microphone.

"Don't mess this up…this is all we got." Wraith said in the headsets.

Jackson and Jaden said nothing as they walked through the crowd of clueless people.

They shouldn't notice us…it's too many people here for that, Jackson thought. Jackson and Jaden halted as they where close enough to see the man on the stage.

"Thank you all for gathering…tonight." The man stumbled his words and looked pale.

On a distant building, Natalia set up position. "Jinn weapon: Sniper of Serpents!"

A long sniper formed in her hands as he took aim. "I see. Looks like theres a wire on the back of his neck. Jackson, this man is already being controlled by someone!" Natalia said in Jackson's earpiece.

Jackson looked at Jaden and Jaden gave him a little nod.

"We wait." Jaden told Natalia.

"Wraith, are you in position?"

"Yes…I'm currently out of the town and in a nearby city. Just give me the word and I'll teleport everyone to safety."

Jackson took a deep breath as the man was about to begin his speech.

"Why are we out here!? Where's my kids!?" A man yelled in the crowd.

"Everyone…calm down." The man gulped as he looked in the corner of a distant building.

Jaden moved his eyes and saw nothing. What is he looking at? Isn't he controlled? Or is something watching him!?

"Your kids…are all going to be experiencing great things on this day. Right now, we ask that you all join me in this beautiful prayer!"

"Stop messing around! We haven't seen our kids in days and we wanna know where they are!" The crowd of people started getting out of control and throw things at the man.

"Are there not any kids among you!?" The man asked.

It's a setup question! He's trying to make sure that no one is here! Jackson grabbed Jaden and moved quietly throughout the crowd of people.

"We're undergoing an investigation as of now! We-"

"We!? I don't see any officers! What's going on!"

A woman's voice came into the man's earpiece that was hidden underneath his hair. "Your starting to screw up…shall I do things my way?"

"N-NO!" The man yelled.

"What's going on, Natalia?" Jaden whispered.

"I don't see anything!"

"Check to the man's left. He keeps looking over at something." Jackson said. Natalia moved the scope of her gun and noticed a figure sitting in the shadows.

"Wait! I got something. There's someone in the corner of the stage-no? Two-five-no, more people!"

The man looked around and around. "Jaden, get ready!" Jackson said as he slowly reached to the side.

"All of you…forgive me!" The man cried.

"What are you talking about!?" Someone yelled.

A strange dust filled the area and everyone started to collapse on to the ground and run for cover. "Forgive me…all of you will be used tonight…to create a better world!" The man yelled.

"Wraith! Use your portal now!" Jackson yelled in the earpiece.

"I'm sorry, Jackson…it's the only way." Wraith whispered. Jackson's heart stopped as he came to realization about the situation. Another voice came into the earpiece. "Hey, Jackson!" Elizabeth whispered.

"We already knew your little plan from the jump. Now…you can die just like the rest of 'em." She whispered as she snapped her fingers.

Jaden noticed students running right at him and Jackson. Jackson stood in disbelief, still thinking about Wraith.

"Jackson, we have to go! Jackson!?

Jadens words were muffled to Jackson. "You were the one…who said we'll be in this together." He whispered.

Jaden grabbed Jackson and started running towards Joeys house down the king road.

"Natalia shoot!"

Natalia lined up her sight and took aim at the people who were Turing into zombie-like beings. "I wouldn't do that if I were you, Natalia." Elizabeth scuffed. "You see…they are still people. They're just under a little spell that can't be broken."

"Wh-what?" Natalia said.

"They. Are. In. A. Spell. That. Can't. Be. Broken."

The people who attended the meeting had gotten up from the ground and quickly followed the students.

"Don't take them to Joey's house. Drop me off here and come up with a plan with Jodi." Jackson whispered as he freed himself from Jaden's arms.

"Jaden…I'm sorry." Jackson said softly as he pulled out his sword.


"Hurry up and go! Shit went south! They already know were here!" Jackson yelled as he charged the hundreds of people.

Natalia took aim at Jackson. "I'll have no choice…but to cover fire him! Natalia shot one person In the head and quickly reloaded.

"The whole town or most is u see the spell. I wonder…is Jackson gonna go with plan b?"

Natalia felt heat on her face. She rolled out of the way as she was shot in the shoulder. She coughed up blood and rolled to cover.

"Nice shot…Ahriman." Kebushie scuffed. Natalia had a clear view of the figures. Kebushie, along with 16 other jinns stood cities away. "He hit me from this range!? Why is Kebushie here!?" Natalia jumped off the roof and took off in the opposite direction.

"This is war! Everyone…stick with the plan, destroy the school, and find the body!" Kebushie yelled as the 16 high-levels jumped off and headed to their designated areas.

The jinn named Ahriman jumped across the multiple cities and landed right on Natalia's building. Natalia managed to escape and hid behind a dumpster.

"Jackson….your not gonna believe this but…Kebushie and his jinns are here!" Natalia said in the headset.

Jackson and Jaden both were shocked. But kept on moving. "I have to reach the house…before one of the jinns-"

A giant black figure dashed pass Jaden and made a break towards Joey's house. "Stop!" Jaden yelled. "Jinn weapon: Whip Of Hell!" Jaden wrapped the whip around the jinns leg and pulled it away from the house. Jaden tightened the grip and set the whip on fire from activation. The flames didn't affect the jinn in the slightest. "Jinn slayers…you guys are a pain in the ass, no matter the years!" The jinn laughed as it kept running towards the house, dragging Jade across the road.

"I have…to stop you! High-jinn or not, I will not fail my mission again!" Jaden yelled as he popped up from the ground, planted his feet in the concrete and threw the jinn down the road with great strength.


Jackson kept cutting and cutting. Everyone on the ground was dead. Jackson kept on killing each person one-by-one.

Don't stop! Don't let this distract you! They can't recover from the spell…and there's too many of them! Jackson thought as the crowd of people jumped at him.

He surrounded his shoes with jinn energy and jumped through a nearby building. Jackson took a deep breath and lifted his head. The people were already in the building.

"Shit!l he yelled as he blocked all of their attacks. A bullet went through the window and shot through the heads of ten people.

Jackson looked over in the distance and seen Juliana taking the shot.

"Juliana behind you!" Jackson yelled in the earpiece.

Ahriman stood a couple feet away from Juliana and took aim. Juliana turned her head, but it was too late. Ahriman shot her entire leg off in a single shot.

Juliana's scream was heard throughout the small town. Wraith's ears twitched as she and Elizabeth were now in the town. "You can help them if you would like. I won't stop you." Elizabeth said.

"Y-you won't stop me?"

"That's what I just said. It's too late though…but don't worry. Once I kill them all I'll make sure that she'll revive your lost ones."

Wraith stood in shock and couldn't tell if Elizabeth really meant it…or was bluffing.

"What will you do?" Wraith asked. Elizabeth scuffed and walked past Wraith. She pulled out her thick sword and walked slowly toward the town. "Of what Natalia said is true…then I'm going to go kill Kebushie and his jinns. The people are under my command. This is easy…it's only a matter of time before she enters the battlefield. I still have to ask Jackson questions about Joey." Elizabeth said as she took her time walking.

"Hurry up, Wraith. Warn them." Elizabeth laughed with a crazy look in her eyes. Wraith quickly made a portal and was headed to the town.


Joey, Kellan, and Astor all were still fighting Pallah and Striker. It's been hours and they've been going at it this entire time.

"Can't get an opening!" Astor yelled. "Jet-fire Fist!" Astor landed a blow to Striker's stomach and pushed him away.

Damn it! Me and sis can't even kill them! Why? Because this Astor is here!? Striker thought as he twisted in air and landed.


Jinx walked around the island slowly and found a piece of the jinn that was caught in the explosion. "I knew it. He didn't kill you." Jinx said as she fell to her knees and wailed.

The jinn grew back and stayed on the ground.


Sage and Delta fought on the tee, each trading blows. "He's not gonna last much longer! This is it!" Delta laughed.


Deep in the island…the last jinn egg hatched, releasing the last member of the sinister six.

The jinns level: high-level near insane.


The air ship floated above the island. Bomber and the three Tojo clan warriors looked down. "All these webs…it must be you, Martha!" Bomber laughed as he jumped from the ship.

The three warriors nodded their heads and followed Bomber. "Fairy island…we are here for one thing…the death of Joey!" One of the soldiers said as they plummeted to the ground.

Bomber hit the island, making a great explosion behind him for the entrance. "Let the fun…finally begin! Hahahahaha!"

Thousands of fighters jumped from the ship and used parachutes to float down.

The three soldiers landed behind Bomber and started their operation immediately. Alex, the soldier in the middle, slammed his hands on to the ground. "Ritual: All-Father's Battlefield!"

My ritual…allows the whole area to be surrounded with jinn energy. It absorbs it and I get to drain it! I grow stronger in return! All of my allies get a boost in their abilities!

Asprix walked forward and placed her hands on Bomber. "Guide us…please."

Bomber looked up at the sky and noticed all the fighter flying in. "This brings back memories." He laughed as he quickly ran towards the fighting.


Kebushie walked down the road and ignored all the chaos around him. "Heavens gate high…magnificent! What a wonderful school." He said as he had reached his destination.

Next chapter: All or Nothing