All Or Nothing

Natalia's leg was shot off. Her scream was heard throughout the town. She rolled over and threw herself off of the building.

"This jinn leaped…from multiple cities away! Approximately 52.90 kilometers away! That's insane!" Natalia said as she used a zip line to pull herself around the town.

"I have to find a place to hide…then I can treat my leg and get back on the field!"

Natalia cut her zip line and collapsed behind another building. This jinn…all of them are the original high-levels. Something isn't right. Why didn't Kebushie just send all of them to kill us? They must be here for something else. Natalia thought as she poured alcohol on her wound.

Natalia wrapped her leg up and quickly jumped on one leg to move around. "I'll have to rely on the zip line!" She said as she used it to move around.


Jodi sat with Lily in the room and took a deep breath. "Lily…they left me here to explain this to you."

"Explain what? And why won't you let me outside?"

"Because we are in the middle of a war that people like you can't see. Right now, everyone in town is under a spell…or most people in the town. We're under attack and they'll stop at nothing until Joey is dead…at least, that's what I think. I do know that Kebushie wants to use the orb."

Lily couldn't help but laugh. "Hahaha! Wait…so, your telling me that my town is currently going to war with evil spirits that wants Joey dead? And this Kebushie wants to use a orb on some dead guy? For what? What does the orb do?" Lily laughed.

"Lily, this is serious. Put on these glasses." Jodi handed her the pair of Jinn glasses. Lily put them on and looked around.

"Oh my god!"

"You see-"

"This is fake!"

"How about this. Go take a step outside and-"

Jaden and the dark jinn crashed through the wall of Lily's room. "RUN…NOW!" Jaden yelled as Jaden could see controlled people running up the street towards the house.

"Oh…OH? THIS SHIT IS REAL!!" Lily screamed. Jodi quickly pulled out his sword and swung it at the jinn.

It was like everything went in slow motion. The jinn was on top of Jaden and about to cut his head off.

Everything feels so slow…don't tell me that this jinn is…Astaroth? The jinn of chaos and time! Jodi thought as the jinn moved out of the way.

Jodi's body went back to normal speed and he stopped himself from cutting Jaden's head off.

"You managed to stop it? Good for you!" Astaroth laughed. Astaroths body was in clear view. He had pale skin that was grey, two long horns at the top of his head, two tails, fours arms, and a giant hole in his stomach. Two long snakes slithered out and wrapped around his arms. "I don't see Joey anywhere in my future…where is he?" Astaroth asked.

Jodi picked Jaden up and the three just stared at the tall jinn. "Lily…hurry up and get your-"

Before Jodi could finish, Astaroth was already in range to grab Lily.

S-so fast! I couldn't even see him move! Jaden thought.

I couldn't read him? No, that's not it! He froze time for a split second and walked over here! Jodi thought.

"Die girl." Astaroth laughed.

"N-no! Don't breath in his foul breath! LILY!" Jodi yelled as he used his jinn energy to push everything away. Lily and Jaden were pushed away with great force.

Lily went through the wall and fell down the stairs. Jaden was pushed down the street. "Lighting Blade!"

"Oh? You have a rather interesting history!" Astaroth scuffed. "I see you even have the silver ring…interesting. You all really did come prepared! That boy, Jaden…he wears a ring as well?"

"Shut up! What do you things want!?" Jodi asked as he jinn energy was flooded with electricity.

"We want…the death of you all." Astaroth said as the two snakes lunged at him. Jodi took a deep breath and thought hard on the situation.

If I stroke…he'll just stop time and move to Jaden or Lily! I…damn it!

"Come out…MOTHER!"


Lily had successfully grabbed her mother and ran. Lily thought about why Jaden said to her.

"Don't stop running! Run until you leave the town and can't make it anymore!"

My legs feel like jelly! I can't feel them! I'm going to faint!

"Lily…what's going on?" Martha asked.

"It's nothing, mom! We're just going on a little trip…that's all!" Lily said. She could feel herself losing it.

"No matter the pain! Keep moving your feet, Lily!" Lily told herself as she sped up and reached the outskirts of the town.

"We're almost out mom-"

Lily was hit with a invisible force field. "What!? No way!" Lily put Martha down and hit her body against the force field repeatedly. "Come on! Come on! We were so close!" Lily cried.

"Lily…let me up." Martha whispered.

Lily could see a eagle enter the force field. The eagle was surrounded by a dark energy…something Lily had never seen before in her life.

"Oh, I get it now. Only things can enter the field…things that are involved with the energy."


The eagle flied over the chaotic town and looked for Jackson. Jackson was in a building as he stared down at the town.

"Shit….this really isn't good." Jackson scuffed. "We…are all going to do here." He said.

"Your exactly right, Jackson." Elizabeth said as she walked from the darkness of the room. "Elizabeth…you son of a-"

Elizabeth punched Jackson and sent him flying across the room with unmatched strength. "I have questions regarding Joey. I'd love to get the truth." A snake appeared around Jackson's body and opened its mouth.

"If you lie, you die. Tell me…do you know where Joey is?"


"Tell me…Jackson!"

The eagle landed and spit the scroll in its mouth on the ground. "What's this?" Elizabeth asked as she bent over and picked the scroll up. Her eyes grew wide as a smile appeared across her face. "Joey…is on a island!? I see! So…this changes things! What if-"

"Stop! You can't do this! Kebushie and the other jinns are here! They'll stop at nothing-"

"If I were to take Lily as prisoner, would that draw Joey in!? I wonder? I guess I'll find Lily!" Elizabeth laughed as she walked past Jackson.

The snake disappeared and Jackson wasted no time in grabbing Elizabeth by her arm. "Stop it!"

Elizabeth crushed Jackson's hand and kicked him away. Jackson got back up and threw himself at her.

"Dumb ass." She laughed. Elizabeth dodged Jackson and watched him get off the ground slowly.

Jackson three punches, but Elizabeth was too quick and smooth to hit. "I was hoping…that the most popular guy in school…would be able to fight." Elizabeth said as she punched him in the stomach.

Jackson spit out blood as she grabbed him by the hair and dragged him around the room. "Look at you! On the ground like a little boy! How does it feel Jackson!? Picking on others smaller than you!?" Elizabeth laughed.

She threw him tossed him out of the building and Jackson hit the ground hard. He tried to crawl away but Elizabeth jumped down,crushed both his legs with her weight, and cut them off with her sword.

Jackson yelled in pain as Elizabeth laughed. Jackson pulled himself away from Elizabeth.

"Jinn-slayer weapon: Angel Slayer."

Elizabeth watched Jackson pull himself across the ground and laughed.

"I'm…going to revenge my people. The Tojo clan will fall! You all will die! And she will get what she wants!"

"You're…insane." Jackson said as he tried to gasp for air.

"Me…insane? Do you not know the history of your household?"

"Wh-what are you…getting at?"

"Your father…your mother…they all deserved-"

"Don't you dare talk about my family! You have no right! Your nothing but a slave! You let a jinn give you power all for you to three your life away and get revenge! Don't bring my family into this! Let the rest of these guys go! Just take me! Let Lily, Jodi,Natalia, and Wraith go! Help them escape Kebushie…and you can take me instead!" Jackson pleaded.

"For you to beg…you really have changed, Jackson. You care for Wraith…even though she betrayed you?"

"I know about her situation you dumbass! You manipulated her!"

Elizabeth rolled her eyes and raised her sword. "They'll all die with you." Elizabeth swung her sword at Jackson. Before she could finish him off, Wraith had kicked Elizabeth away from him.

"Wraith!?" Jackson yelled.

Wraith ignored Elizabeth and checked on Jackson. "Your legs! What happened-"

"Wraith…I guess you'll be my first kill tonight." Elizabeth interrupted.

"Portal!" Wraith said as a portal surrounded Jackson and teleported him into a distant building. Jackson was sent a couple blocks away and could see Wraith looking at Elizabeth. "No."

"You chose to help them? Why's that?" Elizabeth asked.

"Because…of all the memories I've built with everyone…I can't just turn my back!"

"You already have. Thanks to you, your plan is ruined and we're-"

"We have a plan b. It's up to Jackson to make the shots. I can't let you kill them! I'll stop you and that jinn from harming anyone else! We shouldn't be fighting each other! We have another enemy that's powerful enough to kill us all! With your help, we could defeat-"

"Enough. I'll kill you here and now, Wraith."Elizabeth said as she took a battle stance.


Ahana felt a strange vibration in her head. She turned her attention to somewhere where Amber couldn't see. "What is it?" Amber asked.

"Pack your things. Something's wrong!" Ahana said urgently. "What about the four-"

"It's a trick! This whole time…they were using him this whole time! Amber I'm going to teleport you to the town, there's something I have to prepare for immediately! Kebushie isn't after Astor's body! The angels aren't under the river! Joey…Joey is the thing that'll trigger this! Based on the future that I know…Joey…Joey will trigger this from great anger. But there's still hope…as long as everything else takes it's course, Jackson and Jodi can both become stronger."

"What the hell is happening!?"

"No time! Be ready to fight! Gather the rest of the slayers and help back at the town." Ahana said as she clapped her hands and teleported Amber away.


Jinx watched as the jinn built itself again and smiled. "You damn things…why do you exist? You guys…took everything from me…everything!" Jinx said as she prepared herself to fight the jinn alone.

Next chapter: No hope