No Hope

Jinx charged at the jinn. "Your stronger than that boy I killed!" The jinn laughed as it jumped back.

"Why so quiet? Are you mad that I killed him!?"

Jinx ignored the jinns comments and kept charging him.

If I cut him…he'll just split his body again. I have to finish him off…in a single blow! Jinx thought as she jumps around the forest to confuse the jinn.

"This woman…what are you planning!?"

The scaly jinn jumped across the area and away from Jinx. "No you don't." She said as she managed to catch the jinn and grabbed him by the legs.

Jinx quickly cut a arm off of the jinn. The arm didn't fight back or transform. "I knew it." Jinx scuffed as they both fell from the air. Jinx pushed the jinn down and landed softly on her feet.

"When you attack…your jinn energy flows to that part of the body. When you used your legs, your energy converted to your legs and not your upper body. Which means…I can win this!"

"Die!" The jinn slammed its hands against the ground. Jinx could feel the ground shake aggressively. "The hell!?"

"Ritual: Kingdom of Death!"

Jinx jumped up. She didn't know what to expect from the ritual…this was new.

Vibrations! I felt vibrations…that's why I jumped! But what is this? Something's wrong-

Giant spikes shot from the ground everywhere around the island, destroying homes and killing people who have not evacuated.

Jinx moved her body in air and dodged the spikes. "Shit, this thing is insane! Destroying most of the island like that!?" Jinx said as a spike pierced her thigh.


Jinx kept on moving and moving as the spikes kept coming. "All of you…just die!!!" The jinn screamed as the spikes grew bigger and faster.

"I have to shut him up!" Jinx said. She took a deep breath, gathered herself, and leaped in the air from jumping off of a spike.

"I'll kill you!" The jinn laughed as it jumped out of its spot. "Oh, don't jinx it!" Jinx scuffed. If he's willing to really do it…then I'll have no choice but to use my own ritual…it's a gamble…but we'll see who wins! "Ritual: Unlucky!" Jinx pulled out her dice. "Catch!" Jinx yelled while in the air. The jinn caught the dice and looked at the number 1.

"Perfect." Jinx laughed.

The lower the number, the least likely you'll win the fight. Jinx's ability was terrifying…but a gamble.

Jinx pulled out her chainsaw and dove towards the jinn. "Humans…are so interesting!" The jinn laughed. He managed to get behind Jinx and drag her to the ground. Jinx kicked him off and used her jinn weapon to cut his chest open.

"I can win!"


"Wraith…move out of the way or I'll kill you." Elizabeth said as she turned her back and walked towards the building where Jackson watched.

"S-stop! I won't let you…hurt him or anyone!" Wraith said as she held her hand out. Elizabeth rolled her eyes and turned around slowly.

"When your dead, I'll still keep my promise." Elizabeth pulled out her weapon again and took a step towards Wraith. Before Wraith could do anything else, Elizabeth was suddenly behind her. "Your to slow, Wraith." Elizabeth whispered as she swung her sword at Wraith's head.

Wraith ducked and jumped away. "Portal!"

Wraith teleported on a nearby house and clapped her hands. "Jinn weapon:-"

Elizabeth jumped and kicked Wraith in the face. "Like I'd…let you summon that thing!" Elizabeth laughed.

Wraith wiped her face and breathed. "Calm down, Wraith…don't let her get in your head!" She told herself.

Elizabeth walked towards Wraith and threw her sword to the side. "I'll give you a free hit! Make it count!" Elizabeth laughed.

Wraith threw a barrage of punches, Elizabeth blocked each attack with ease. "Do better than that!" Elizabeth yelled. She slapped Wraith across the face and knocked her to the ground.

"S-STOP IT!" Jackson yelled from far.

I need get separation! And fast! Wraith thought as she made a portal and teleported away from the fight. "If I can't beat you with my strength…I'll have to just move faster!" Wraith said as she slammed her hands together and closed her eyes.

Elizabeth picked up her sword and walked towards her. "Show me, Wraith Culling!" Elizabeth laughed.

"Don't get cocky! No matter how strong you are…you won't be able to go beyond! Ritual: Infinity!"

Thousands of portals were created around the small town. Wraith jumped in to one and managed to land a blow to Elizabeth's back.

"Not bad-"

Elizabeth was kicked in her face, as she went flying into a portal that was behind her. Elizabeth was met with a fist.

I can't react. She's moving around at such a high rate that-no…it's fine. Elizabeth thought as a smiled appeared.

Jackson built up the strength to get on top of a desk and prepare himself to dive off of the building. "I have…to help…everyone!"

"Leave that to us, Jackson." Amber said as Hercules,Rock, and Ximena all walked out to the edge and looked down at the town.

"What a damn mess!" Hercules scuffed.

"You guys…really came." Jackson said tearfully as Amber began healing his legs. "Who severed your legs!?"

"A girl named Elizabeth. She's a insane-level-"

"We'll worry about her later…for now…let's kill some damn jinns!" Rock laughed.

Hercules stared at the destruction. "Jackson….what happened to the others?" Hercules asked in a slow paced voice.

"They're…they didn't make it."

"I see. How many are left? I see Wraith's ritual…what about anybody else?"

"Jodi,Jaden,Natalia…and some civilians still in the town. Kebushie is also here! He came with sixteen high-level jinns! Elizabeth started this whole spell and is controlling most of the people in town! And Kebushie has something up his sleeve…I just know it! It's all my fault! If only I had been more-"

"SILENCE CHILD!" Hercules yelled. "It's not your fault…ever since you became a slayer…I thought of you as a asshole who'll die soon. But, you did a great job, Jackson. You really have changed…you did excellent with leading this team! As for the others…may their souls rest easy and I hope they can pass the trials and come back! Now…Rock,Ximena,Amber, and Jackson! Around the town…there are thousands of police cars! No one without jinn energy can enter the town…the world is trying to bust inside! We need someone from the outside to lure the people away!"

"Why?" Ximena asked.

"Ximena…this spell…if we die that's it. There is no coming back for the kids! I'll risk my life to see this spell broken by the end of the night!" Jackson's legs fully healed and he was able to stand.

Everyone summoned their jinn weapons. "Be ready! Rock, you'll handle Kebushie! We know he wants to sit in the school for some reason! Who go handle it! Me and Amber will assist the slayers below with evacuating civilians and fighting! We need Jackson or some other slayer around to tell the people in here to tell the people outside to leave! Ximena, you'll use your ritual on Jackson at all times!" Hercules ordered.

"How do you guys know Kebushie's at the school!?" Jackson asked.

No one answered Jackson. "We just hope he's not after what we think he's after." Hercules said.

"Now…are you ready!? Let the war…begin!" Hercules yelled as he shot his jinn energy in the air.


In the school, Kebushie noticed the beautiful colors touching the sky. "So…you guys finally entered the battlefield, huh?"


Everyone jumped out of the building and made way.

I'll help Wraith! Together…we may have a shot at beating Elizabeth-wait, what about Lily!? Jackson thought as he moved smoothly through the town ss buildings.

"Is she safe!?"


Jodi was thrown out of the house and Astaroth slowly approached him. "That jinn…it's very powerful! Is that the thing your mother made a deal with?" Astaroth scuffed.

"Shut up! You can't-"

"Oh, but I can! That jinn…it has a unique energy. Boy, if you just call Joey…I'll let Lily go and spare your life." Astaroth said as he held his hand out.

"Mom…copy my movements and please…don't let anything happen to Lily. I'll give you my everything. My heart, soul, anything you want!" Jodi said.

"Okay,okay,okay,okay, Jodi,JODI!!" The jinn screamed as their energy flooded the area.

"You feel that?" Jodi asked.

"Feel what?"

"I think a storm is coming!"


Hercules and Amber ran through the town, fighting off the controlled and saving the civilians in the process.

"Tell me, Hercules…you think we'll win?" Amber asked as they searched a small neighborhood.

"You want the truth?"


"We have no hope in winning…unless Ahana comes to help! Then…we will have a shot at beating this little war! But, if what Ahana said is true about the angels…she might be worn out by the time she comes here." Hercules explained.

"I see. So…your saying we have a shot at winning and beating this prophecy?"

"A very small chance. But I'll be lucky to live after tonight. Which is why…I want to save as many of our young slayers as much as possible! We can't have our younger generation killed off!"


A brilliant idea popped into Kebushie's mind as he was looking for the right spot. "Ahh…I just thought of something amazing! Way if, I were to combine a small amount of the jinns stored up and combine them into one? Wouldn't that make a being? A being like a jinn slayer!? I don't even know if my experiments with that little spider jinn world or not…but if it worked then I really am a genius!" Kebushie laughed as he summoned hundreds of jinns in the school's gym.

"Now…I just take half of them…and merge together…and that will create!"

All of the jinns merged together and two woman were created from the jinns. "I did it!" Kebushie laughed.

Right now…these two are high-levels! Amazing! Imagine when I get my hands on the corps! Kebushie thought as the two woman kneeled to him.

"I'm your creator, Kebushie! I created you two for one thing and one thing only….to bring destruction to the slayers!"


Wraith was doing good damage to Elizabeth. Elizabeth didn't know how to react or predict where Wraith would go.

Elizabeth closed her eyes and took a deep breath, focusing on the battle at hand. "Feel it. This uneasy feeling I keep having…I can finally reach it! It's just another piece of power that I'll learn right now!" Elizabeth scuffed as she relaxed and fell backwards.

While falling, Elizabeth thought deeply about Wraith's next move.

I know my body better than anyone! The air,insects, everything. I can feel…everything! This is what it must feel like…to be part of a powerful family! Elizabeth thought as she spun around and threw a punch at air.

She should come…now! The head of a middle-aged man came through the portal. Elizabeth knocked his head off clean.

"You didn't think I'd be that predictable…would you?" Wraith laughed as she teleported portal from portal.

"She threw a controlled at me!? Elizabeth asked herself as she jumped back and focused once again.

I have to protect Jackson! Everyone! It's my Fault she knew…about the plan and everything! I was the one who set the kids up at the high school! I caused all of this! Wraith thought as she summoned even more portals.

"I'll go so fast that your eyes can't follow!" Wraith moved across the town at great speed. It looked like flashes of light moving around everywhere.

"This is the end, Wraith!" Elizabeth laughed as she jumped in the air and grabbed Wraith before she could reach the next portal.

Wraith held out her hand to summon another portal, but it was too late. Elizabeth quickly stabbed Wraith's hands with a knife and stuck her in the ground.

"See? Even with your little speed…your still too weak-"

"DON'T DO IT!!" Jackson yelled as he turned the corner and halted. Jackson was out of breath and he knew he was completely outmatched.

"Angel Slayer."

"Wait! We can all…we can all stop this! Let me think…just give me a second to-"

Elizabeth put her sword over Wraith's head and stared at Jackson. "Your heart…it beats with life when you look at this girl. Don't tell me…you like her? I remember…when I had a crush on a certain someone…all he wanted was sex though." Elizabeth said as she raised the sword over her head.


"Answer this question, Jackson! Can you…bring Joey here?"

Jackson fell to his knees and stared at the ground with tears in his eyes. "Elizabeth I'm begging you! I don't want anymore people to die! Please, let her go! Let us all go! We don't-"

"Enough. I've mad up my mind, Jackson. You…are just like your disgusting father. You've lost everything and everyone you've ever loved…now your starting to lose yourself." Elizabeth scuffed.


"It should be about time…for your turn, Jackson." Ahana laughed in a dark area.


Elizabeth raised her sword. Wraith looked and Jackson…she couldn't help but smile.

"It's okay…to be scared, Jackson." Wraith whispered as her head was cut off.

He head want past Jackson's ear…Jackson could hear a giant whisper: "let it all go…your a special one."

"Done." Elizabeth laughed as she walked towards the defeated Jackson. Elizabeth grabbed Jackson by the chin and looked him in the eyes. "I'm gonna kill you now, okay? Be still for me."

Jackson's eyes were fixated on the ground. He thought about what Elizabeth said and of all the people he loved.

Jackson thought about his butler the man who he loved and viewed as a father. He thought about Elena, the girl who made him feel confident and loved in the darkest times. He thought about Charlie, a boy who was sick and inspired him to be the person he is. Jackson knew he could never get the time with those people back. Wraith was now gone, and there was no way to revive her from the dead.

Jackson remembered the car explosion. He remembered how he lay on the ground and looked up at a girl who placed the curse to not tell anyone.

"It was you….Elizabeth." Jackson said as he gazed at the ground.

"Oh, you finally remember? Yes, I was the one..who killed that old man and placed another curse on you!" Elizabeth laughed as she raised her sword.

"I-I'm gonna….I'm gonna-"

(It's okay to be scared, Jackson.)

"I'm gonna….."

(Let it go)

"I'm gonna…."

*Jackson thought about all the people who made him laugh and smile in his life. All of them…were taken away from him.

"Kill you."

Red energy surrounded Jackson's body as Elizabeth was even shocked. She jumped back and studied the energy.

"What…is this?"

"I'm gonna…kill you, make you feel unpredictable amounts of pain! Rain hell upon you! Slaughter you! Drag you to the most evil pits of hell! IM GOING TO KILL YOU, ELIZABETH!!!" Jackson yelled as a red beam shot in the sky and shacked the entire town.

Elizabeth didn't know what to make of this sudden power-up. "There's no way! Even with his current level…he suddenly shot up?" Elizabeth said as she pulled out another sword that was smaller than her jinn weapon.

Jackson's jinn energy had shot up and released a heat that Elizabeth would never forget.

Jacksons body grew more muscular and lava oozed from beneath the ground from the heat.

"I didn't think it was possible…but right now, Jackson is currently….a insane-level slayer!"


Everyone in the area stopped fighting and stared with disbelieve. "Ahana? No…who is that?" Natalia whispered from her hiding spot.


"Red beam shooting in the sky. It's you…Jackson!" Jodi laughed as Astaroth stared at the energy.

"Jodi." Jackson whispered into Jodi's earpiece.

Jodi put his hand over the mic and talked. "What's going on over there!? Is that you?"

"Don't worry about me. Right now…I need you to start the second plan."

"Are-are you sure!?"


"Yes. We have no choice." Jackson said as he took a step towards Elizabeth to reveal his insane body transformation.

Elizabeth put her hands on Wraith's earpiece. "Jodi, if you do this….I won't have control over my people! It'll be low and medium levels fighting everyone-"

"That's the point…Kebushie is still our main target. If we can use your people and turn them into jinns…then they will attack Kebushie and his jinns. Jodi, do it!" Jackson yelled.


"Jackson…are you sure? We might lose everything!" Jodi said as he put his hands together. Astaroth laughed maniacally and took a few steps back. "This is your future, Jodi! Do it!" He laughed.

"Jackson…can I trust-"


Elizabeth took a deep breath and jumped at Jackson. Jackson took a step forward and disappeared. Elizabeth turned her head and noticed Jackson staring at his hands. "I feel…so new." He said.

He teleported!? No…he's just that fast! I have to hurry and ask him questions…my beast can kill-

Elizabeth cuts appeared around Elizabeth's body as she went flying into a building. "He…had already attacked me?"


"What do you mean this is my future? Why would you let me?" Jodi asked Astaroth.

"Hehehe it's your choice!"

Astaroth…a jinn. Jinns are not to be trusted. Could this be a little trick? If I were to use my ritual, Astaroth wouldn't be affected. But maybe, he doesn't want me to use my ritual? Or…he's telling the truth? Either way…I have to think for myself and others! I hope…you all are safe when I do this! Jodi thought as he clapped his hands together.

Astaroth's smile disappeared from his face as he jumped back. "My future…was inaccurate? Not possible! Something's wrong!"

"Everyone…forgive me. Plan b…is starting right now!" Jodi said. "Ritual: Jinn Blood Bath!"

Elizabeth noticed red smoke coming from the ground and jumped away from Jackson. "Hahah, I'll be seeing you really soon, Jackson!" Elizabeth disappeared.

Jackson put away his sword and ran away from the smoke. "Everyone get out of the smoke….NOW!!" Jackson yelled in the earpiece.

Natalia tied her leg with a thick rope and jumped away from the smoke. "Shit!" She said as the smoke was getting closer and closer.

Suddenly, Jackson scooped Natalia off of her feet and ran.

"Jackson!?" She yelled in surprise. "No time! We need to focus!" He said.

Natalia stared at Jackson and noticed a change. "What happened? Where's Wraith-"

She noticed the anger in Jackson's eyes and stopped talking immediately.

Around the town, the controlled all became mindless jinns. Thousands of them started attacking each other and the jinn slayers.


Hercules and Amber noticed a small house that was untouched in the area. "JODi THATS ENOUGH!!" Hercules yelled out as he ran towards the house.

A mother and her child tried to outrun the smoke but were caught in it, both turning into jinns and killing them.


Kebushie noticed the smoke entering the school. "I'll have to wait…sadly." Kebushie said as he backed up in the shadows. "My daughters, kill Jackson and Jodi!"


Jinx stood over the dead jinn and laughed uncontrollably while covered in blood.

"I…did it, Duce." She said. Jinx turned her back and walked away slowly. Footsteps were heard behind her. She turned around and was shocked to see a jinn and three humans.

"Those cloths..wait your with the Tojo-"

Bomber knocked her out and tossed her body to the side. "Check her memories…it's the first step to finding Joey." Bomber said.

Asprit touched Jinx on her head and immediately gathered all of her information. "I see…yes,yes, ohhh…he's close…everyone spread out and kill on sight! You all are warriors…serve the angels and protect our world!" Asprit said as the thousands of soldiers spread out and scattered across the island.

Alex had his eyes on the giant tree in the middle of the island. "I'll start there…I can sense powerful energy!" Alex laughed as he dropped to the ground and jumped towards the tree. He disappeared in the night sky.

Asprit and Bomber were the only two left. "I'll follow you, jinn. I still don't trust you." She said.

"That's fine. I know exactly where Joey is anyways. Let…the hunt start!"

Next Chapter: Complete Devastation