Joey,Astor, and Kellan all fought their hardest. The twin jinns were too much for all of them.

Astor flew around the forest, dodging each of their attacks completely. "Damn it! These two are high-levels now! We can't beat them!" Astor yelled as he built up heat in his feet and created a giant explosion that pushed away Striker.

Pallah was alone. Joey jumped up, put a blade in his mouth and cut Pallah in the back.

"You don't have any arms! Why are you still fighting, chosen on!?" Pallah asked as she kicked Joey to the ground.

Pallah landed on a tree and took a deep breath. "Hell fire strike!" Astor yelled as a powerful beam of heat was shot at Pallah.

Striker jumped in front of the beam and reflected it.

Kellan jumped in front of Astor and blocked Strikers attack. "Astor…we must retreat. We can't last much-"

"Retreat? There's no where to run!" Striker laughed.

"That's right, brother! We already castes our spell! Nothing can leave this island without killing all of us! And…you all are cursed! Cursed people can't leave! Hahahaha!"

"What is she talking about!?" Astor asked.

"I think…a jinn among them…has placed a curse on us all. Not allowing us to leave…ever. The only way for us to defeat the jinns…we have to kill ourselves." Kellan said as he lowered his head in disappointment.

"What!?" Joey asked he fell backwards.

"Calm yourself, boy! There has to be a way out of this!" Kellan said.

Striker and Pallah both laughed. "Even if you do kill us…we'll just keep on coming back!"


Sage and Delta were still fighting. Sage had done great damage to Delta…but I was only the beginning of what Delta could do.

"Your not bad!" Delta laughed as he charged Sage. Sage used his staff and smacked Delta across the face, sending him falling from the tree.

"Root bending!" The roots of the tree wrapped around Sage's body. Sage moved his staff in the air and created a purple mist. "Jinn spell: Dragon of Defense!" The mist formed into a head of a dragon and clamped down on Sage.

"It's about time you came…brother!" Delta yelled. Sage stood on top of the dragon's head and noticed something with giant wings flying towards him.

"What's that?-"

The creature flew through Sage's body like a rock going through paper.

Another jinn!? Delta thought as he fell out of the tree and plummeted towards the ground.

"Echo! Get over here!" Delta laughed as the bat looking jinn landed and hugged Delta.

Sage was quickly losing consciousness! He had to act fast before it was too late. Echo jumped off of the tree and was about to deal the finishing blow to Sage.

Echo was kicked in the face by a man wearing a long white rob. "So…this is a high-level, huh?" The man with blond hair laughed.

"That rob…your part of…the Tojo clan!" Sage claimed.

"Hahah! Of course! I'm here…to make a deal with you…jinns."

"What!?" Sage said as he struggled to move.

Delta jumped off of the giant tree and landed beside Echo. "A deal?" Echo asked in his deep voice.

"Yes…a deal. Both of us want Joey dead! We can team up and kill him…and in return…we can take you jinns to a place where people thrive and jinn energy is untouched! A purified place, where jinns have yet to discover!" The man laughed.

"What's your name?" Delta asked.

"My name's Alex Tojo." Alex said. Sage and the two jinns didn't realize it but, hundreds of soldiers were surrounding them.

"Echo…he's lying." Delta whispered as he reached behind his back.

"Kill them all." Alex said in a earpiece. The warriors jumped from the bushes and jumped towards the two jinns.



Delta and Echo both jumped and starts tearing the warriors to pieces.

Alex ran through the crowd and grabbed Delta by the head and slammed him on the ground.

"So fast!" Delta said. I forgot…Tojo clan members have a extra boost in strength and abilities! They're better than jinn slayers! This should be a treat! Delta thought as he twisted his body and threw Alex across the forest.

Alex stomped his feet and stopped his body from moving. "Grab the man and carry him to the ship!" Alex ordered the warriors.

Sage was carried off by the soldiers and Alex was alone. "We should be working together! Not fighting among each other!" Alex yelled as Echo crashed from the sky.


Zuri looked at the jinn with her eyes. "I can't move. Your abilities…are u matched." The jinn completed. "Enough! Who are? And what are you!?" Zuri questioned the jinn.

"I…don't know. I have faint memories of screams…then a man offered me a gift and I took it. I came back…as this. It's like I'm part dead and alive. I don't know." The jinn said in a calm voice.

"What's your name?"

"My name is Zane. Yours?"

"Zuri. But that's enough talking. I have to kill you. It seems like you can't help me with my goal-"

"You want the boy dead, right?" Zane asked.

"Yes…that's the only reason why we're here. The boy is a threat to both our worlds. He needs to be put down." Zuri said as she released her ability on Zane and set him free.

"You set a enemy free?"

"Because…I'll need your help to make sure he's dead! Zane…will you help me kill Joey? You can even get the rest of your siblings to help!" Zuri asked.

"We will help you." A woman's voice echoed through the darkness. The woman who created the eggs walked out into the opening. "Mother…"

Zane kneeled to the woman. "We will help you kill the boy, but only if you can do something for us." The jinn woman said. "My name is Nebula…and we're gonna have some fun!"


Pepper hovered over Joey and watched. "Joey!" She yelled. Pepper noticed both of his arms completely gone.

"What the hell-"

"No time. Pepper, you need to hurry up and-"

"My people are gone. They left me behind. But Astor,Joey, everyone! I came to tell you that more people-"

"Here they are!" A jinn laughed in the distance.

Pallah and Striker both looked up at the tree. "F-father!" They both yelled as they kneeled.

Astor slowly turned his head and felt agony in his heart. The tall gree jinn was Bomber. Behind him where two fighters from the Tojo clan and their army.

"It's about time! Now we all can really have some fun!" Bomber laughed.

Asprit looked at Joey and felt anger fill her heart. She raised her hand. "Kill them all!" She yelled.

Astor didn't care about the Tojo clan. He only had one thing in mind. To kill Bomber. "You…cold-blooded bastard!" Astor yelled as he created a explosion with his flames to push himself towards Bomber.

"Oh?" Bomber scuffed. In the fraction of a second, the bomber managed to turn his head and speak to Asprit. "This is personal." He said. Astor reached him and kicked him high in the sky.

Kellan, Pepper, and Joey were all surrounded. "Joey…can you move?" Kellan asked.

Joeys eyes grew wide. "Kellan…your not gonna turn me in? Why would you-"

"You did nothing wrong!" Kellan yelled as he took a stance. Kellan had lost a lot of blood…he didn't have much time.

"I'm not leaving you." Joey said as he bit down on Kellan's shirt and tried to drag him.

"ENOUGH! You must accept losing people in your life!" Kellan sighed. "I'll buy you and Pepper some time to run. Don't die on me, Joey." Kellan said with a smile. He grabbed Joey and Pper and threw them far away.

"Good luck." Kellan whispered.


Joey and Pepper landed near the village. Pepper immediately worked on Joeys arms. "Try to relax, please! I have to heal your arms." Pepper explained.

"There's no point, Pepper! Just give them what they want and kill me!" Joey begged. "W-why say such things!? Why?" Pepper asked.

Joey moved away from pepper and scratched his head aggressively. "Damn it! Damn it! Damn ittt! I'm so damn weak! I couldn't help Sage or Kellan! And they might be dead because of me! I shouldn't have ever came! If only…if I'd have stay home! Auuughhhhh!!! Damn it! I'm so weak! Why am I like this, Pepper!? Why!?" Joey yelled as tears of fist ration poured from his eyes. "Every time I overcome a obstacle in life…there's always another wall I have to climb! Why? Why can't I be like Ahana!? Why?…"

Pepper flew on Joeys shoulder. "Joey…look at me. Look at me Joey!" Pepper said.

Joey turned around and faced Pepper. "That's life…we all have to overcome obstacles! Your not alone! I remember, before I came to the island, my parents owned a store and one day…a group of bad people came in a robbed us at gun point. Both of them were killed and I had to be the adult for my two little brothers. I don't know where they are, but I know that I overcame that obstacle. Joey, everything is okay. You and me…we got this!" Pepper said with a smile across her face.

Joey's arms were completely healed and he pushed himself off of the ground.

"I finally found you, Joey Castle." A man laughed as he emerged from the dark forest. Joey quickly pulled out his pistols and pointed them at the man. "The name Tojo has been in your head all day, hasn't it? Your on the list! You and the other two chaos bringers! All of you are wanted!" The man shouted as he took off his cape. The man was well build and had long blond hair that dropped to his back area. "I'm Sprix, one of the strongest warriors in the Tojo clan. I'm here to kill you." Sprix laughed.

"Joey we need run! We're not strong enough to-"

"Pepper…head towards the plane and gather everyone. We have to be ready to run! It's the only way!" Joey said. Joey looked up and noticed a eagle in the sky surrounded by jinn energy.

The eagle flew towards Joey and dropped a note. "Where's Duce!?" Joey yelled to the eagle.

Is this kid ignoring me? Don't you dare ignore me! Sprix thought as he charged up and shot a beam of energy at Joey. Joey quickly fired and shot Sprix in both his shoulders.

Pepper flew around and tried to find an opening. "Joey…please."

Joey moved out of the way and started running in circles around Sprix. "That damn boy was supposed to kill you at the games! He's such a failure!" Sprix laughed as he punched Joey in the stomach.

What's going on!? My energy is being distributed? I can't put as much power into it as I want. Is it the pistols?

Sprix jumped back and studied Joey. "What's wrong? I never knew a Tojo member would be so damn weak!" Joey yelled over.

Sprix laughed and rolled his eyes. "Your here to ruin the fun, Asprit." Sprix sighed. Asprit walked out and pointed at Joey. Asprit was beeping from the head and the soldiers all walked behind her.

"That damn man!" She yelled as she pointed at Joey. "I'm not wasting anytime! Ritual: Seal of Fait!"

Kellan emerged from the woods and slammed Asprit to the ground. "RUUNNN!!!" He yelled.

Asprit pointed at Kellan and uttered words. "Curse…kill him." Kellan gasped for air as a giant spirit manifested over his body.

"Kellan!" Joey yelled as he shot at Apsrit. Asprit looked at the bullet and stopped it from hitting her with an unknown force.


The bullet came back and shot at Joey. Joey ducked and thought about what happened.

"What kind of power is that!?"

The spirit stood over Kellan and chanted a unknown prayer. "JOEY, GET OUT OF HERE, NOW!!" Kellan yelled. The spirit opened its mouth.

"Eat his spirit." Asprit whispered.

Kellan's body was lifeless as the spirit reached down, put its hands inside of Kellan's chest, and ripped out his heart.

"That should be enough to hold Xenon." Asprit sighed.

"Joey we have to go!" Pepper yelled. Joey was frozen with fear. He stood in place and stared at Kellan's body.

"He…was just alive a few seconds ago-"

"Joey we have to go!"

Asprit pointed at Joey and laughed. "I finally…got you! Ritual: Seal of Fate!"


Astor and Bomber flew around the island, destroying everything in their path. "So much fun!" Bomber laughed as he redirected himself in air and kicked Astor to the ground.

Astro clapped his hands. "Flaming Sphinx!"

A giant creature formed and jumped at Bomber. While in the air, Bomber clapped his hands and smiled with twisted words: "Destructive Clapping…spam!" Bomber clapped his hands repeatedly, creating huge explosions through the area.

"Hahahaha! Die!!!" Bomber laughed as he kept clapping his hands.

Astors creation was destroyed from the explosions. "This jinn is insane!" Astor thought as he flew around dodging the explosions.

"Your mom put up a better fight, boy!" Bomber yelled as he clapped even faster.

I can't get close to him. Right now, he is too strong! The only way for me to defeat him…is if I use the move! But…I'll die in the process. It's worth the sacrifice! I just wish….I could've killed Joey in the- Astor stopped thinking about defeating Bomber and thought about how Joey came back to save him, knowing that he wanted him dead.

It was like the explosions in the back went silent. Astor couldn't help but drop tears of regret. "That damn boy. He came…knowing that I wanted to kill him!"

Astor caught a glimpse of his own past and remembered Ahana's words in a conversation about Joey.


"You'll change your mind about Joey boy. I can guarantee that." Ahana scuffed.

"Ahana…you know why I invited him. I want the kid dead! The angels-"

"Believe me…you and him are so similar. It actual surprises me how much you two have in common. Both had sick mothers, both were poor, both were-"

"Me and that thing have nothing in common!" Astor raised his voice and teamed his body. "Try me." Ahana whispered.

Astor calmed down quickly and lowered his voice. "Me and the kid-"


"….Joey. We have nothing in common. Me and you don't even know what he's capable of! That's why you should have killed him!"

"But where's the fun in that? Don't you want to see what he is capable of? He might even help us kill all jinns, right?"

"What?" Astor was confused.

Ahana stood up from her desk and walked around in circles. "Life…is a strange thing, Astor. For example: let's say a child is at a restaurant with family. The kid imagines himself being a superhero, so he gets on the table and starts jumping around. What do you tell the child, Astor?"

"I tell him to sit down, we're in a restaurant."

"I see. That's one of the problems with society. Everyone in the restaurant would have scolded the parents and told them to teach the child how to act. Why do that? Who made those rules? Everyone is unpaid actors and actresses in this world. This stimulation, these people, this things! The child went from feeling like Superman and wearing a thinking about what the others think about him. Now that child has to grow up and be surrounded by tables. Society ruins itself from the people who aren't or want to be part of this stimulation. Your like the other people in the restaurant, Astor. You live in this stimulated world and try to change others. Joey is like the kid. He doesn't care about rules or anyone else. He just wants happiness. You,the Angels, the Tojo clan, and humans…all are calculated tables in this world." Ahana said as she sat down in her chair and closed her eye.

"What are u saying? I wanna kill him because?"

"You know he's different from the rest. You don't even know him, yet you want to kill him because the angels said? Sounds to me like your in a stimulation. And believe me, Astor. If you choose the wrong path, this mission, your goal…will fail."

Astor stood up and walked out of the room.


"I finally understand what you mean, Ahana." Astor scuffed. "I have to protect everyone!" Astor yelled as he changed direction and flew in the opposite area.

"He's gonna let me go? Oh, no…I say when we're done!" Bomber yelled as he took a deep breath. "All this destruction…your better than your mother!" He laughed. Bomber used a explosive to launch himself across the forest and right over Astor. "What?-" Astor flew out of the way and landed on a tree. Bomber pointed at Astor. "I'll kill you right now,Astor Hemlock!" Bomber laughed maniacally.

"H-how do you know my name? Only…only people of the Hemlock family-"

"Don't you worry about that! Let's fight!"


Joey and Pepper could do nothing but watch. Joey felt his body tighten up. Suddenly, Striker and Pallah crashed through the preset and stopped the ritual from finishing.

"Hey,hey,hey…this is our kill!" Striker argued.

Zuri and Zane appeared also. It was a standoff…for who could kill Joey.

"Zuri! Zuri you have to get out of here! The jinns are-"

"Be quiet." She ordered Joey.

Joey mad a confused look on his face. "You ignore me the whole time….and the first thing you say is to shut up?" Joey whispered.

Pepper stared down Joey. "I was right about you,Joey. You really are…dangerous! The most kind hearted people have the most dangerous hearts!" Pepper whispered.

"Zuri, listen to me! These jinns don't care about you, they're just using you! Your brother is dead! And the clan took Sage away! You need to-"

"I don't need a poor boy to tell me how to run things. We all came here for a purpose…and that purpose it to kill you!" Zuri looked over at Kellan's body and scuffed. "Weakness isn't tolerated in our kingdom. For Kellan to be defeated in battle by a mere mortal…it's…it's disgusting." Zuri said. She walked over to Kellan's body and spat on his body.

Joey jumped up. "STOP THAT!" He yelled. Joey ran towards Zuri. Zane quickly used ice to push Joey back.

"Zuri please! Why are you working with jinns!? Astor wouldn't even work with Jinns!"

"Joey…your still a boy in a adult world. I came here…with every intention of killing you. But…I also want to be queen. So, a deal had to be made…with Bomber and Kebushie." Zuri revealed.

Asprit and Sprix were both surprised. "She set them up!?"

"I'll be queen and claim my throne! Zane and the other jinns didn't know I was already on there side. I'll kill you and my two brothers… all to become queen!"

"How could you?" Pepper asked as tears came into her eyes.

"Forgive me, Pepper. But now that you know, I have to kill you." Zuri said as he eyes flashed purple.

Zane,Sprix,Asprit, Pallah, Striker, and Zuri all looked at Joey. "You betrayed Astor. You betrayed everyone. Even the Tojo clan…you all betrayed the angels." Joey said as he looked up at the night sky.

"Hahaha! Let hurry up and kill him!" Striker yelled.

"You people….you people….are all…pure evil!" Joey yelled out. Astor came from the sky and fell towards everyone. "Joey, grab Pepper and move out of the way! Ritual: Meteor shower of destruction!" The sky lit up with flames. Astors body caught on fire and he was headed straight towards everyone. Joey grabbed Pepper and ran towards the buildings off the village.

Astor came down and punched the ground. The impact destroyed the whole area in an instant.


Astor waited for the smoke to clear and looked at everyone. "I heard everything, Zuri."

A explosion went off in the distance. "Here comes daddy!" Pallah laughed.

Bomber landed in the middle of everyone and pointed at the village. "You can't protect the boy forever! It's over, Astor! You have no Ahana or anyone!" Bomber laughed. "Asprit, use your ritual now!"

Joey tried to catch his breath. "Jinx and Duce need to hurry up! I'm struggling out here-"

"Joey whats wrong?"

A giant metal chamber surrounded Joey and closed him in. "What?" Pepper tried to force it opened but failed. "Joey are you okay!?"

Joey heard a tick out sound in the darkness that surrounded him. "Pepper get away from me right now! Before-"

The chamber released an unknown gas and the gas suddenly exploded. The whole village was destroyed on impact.

Joey tried to move his body but couldn't. He could only hear and watch everything happening in front of him.

"P-pepper…are you-"

Joey was relieved to see Pepper floating above him.

"Pepper…you of all people should know that I want you to run away! Go to the damn plane!" Joey yelled. It was like his body was surrounded by thick armor. Nothing but darkness was around him. No one could hear him.

Astor flew over to the village and landed in front of Joeys chamber and Pepper. "Are you alright? Joey? Fairy?" Astor yelled over.

"Don't move." Zuri demanded. Astor couldn't move his body. No matter how hard he tried. "Zuri…you damn traitor!" Astor called out.

"Don't tell me you actually care for that thing. It's dangerous, Astor." Asprit sighed. "My chamber…makes the person inside visit their darkest fears and drives them insane. The only way to break out of that is if your a insane-level. It's a calm way of leaving." Asprit explained.

Bomber walked towards Astor and slapped him across the face. "Do you even know what's going on in that little town? All of your little slayers are being killed! One-by-one, they all fall! Your so pathetic in this situation! What can you do? Stupid! Dumbass! Worthless man! Too weak to protect your own damn crew! I bet you wanna cut my damn head off don't you,huh? Come on! Come on!!" The Bomber yelled as he ran out of breath. "You see Pallah and Striker? Kebushie…came up with a way to fuse human bodies and jinns together. We had to use living humans…to make them. This is what he calls the next generation."

"Your insane." Astor said.

Bomber pushed Astor to the side and walked towards the chamber. "JOEY!! IF YOUR NOT STRONG…YOU HAVE NO HOPE IN WINNING! ASTOR WILL DIE….and so will you!" Bomber quickly reached behind the chamber and grabbed Pepper.

"Let go of me!" Pepper screamed. "This little thing…I'm surprised you even stayed! Being you know how many of your people I've killed!" Bomber laughed. Pepper wiggles around but couldn't break free from his grasp.

"Don't hurt her." Astor said.

"I won't. It's all…up to Joey." Bomber replied. "Joey Castle! It's up to you! Astor can't do a damn thing! Your little friend is gonna be crushed if you don't do something!" Bomber laughed.


Joey listened to everything in the chamber. He felt guilty of everything.

Memories flashed through Joeys head as he remembered his life before all of this.

"I would've…been just a kid on the streets. What…what did I do wrong to make you all hate me so much?"

"You still don't know what you are?" A light asked.

"Your…the light from earlier? Who are you?" Joey asked.

"That's not important at right now. The important thing to you right now is to know who you are…and to stop acting."

This was all mental. Joey stood in front of a hospital with the glowing light beside him.

"This…is where you were born, Joey. I want you to pay attention."

The light carried Joey into the hospital. "You see that woman? That's your mom, Joey. A beautiful woman…who wasn't poor."

"How do you know this!? She was never a nurse!"

"Pay attention!"

Martha walked down the hall and locked herself in the bathroom. Joey and the light walked through the walls and watched.

"I did everything you wanted! Please, please…you don't have to do this!" Martha begged as she fell to the ground and sobbed.

"Martha…you are my favorite servant." A deep voice laughed. "But…I have one more deal for you."

"What is it!? I did everything! Krill doesn't know, I even agreed to let you curse me!" Martha cried.

The voice laughed and taunted her.

"you and another woman have my seeds. I'll curse them so I can live longer. It's only a matter of time."

The light ended the memory and continued. "Why did you stop!?"

"Joey…your father isn't human." The light said.


"Come! I have more to show you."

Joey followed the light across memories. "Joey…I know your little secret."

Joey stopped following the light and quivered with fear. "M-my secret?"

"Yes…I think that's enough of the memories." The light said as it whispered into Joeys ear. "Aren't you tired of pretending?" The light whispered.

Joe covered his ears and put himself on the floor. "What are you talking about?" Joey cried.

"Oh, don't give me that crap, Joey! Look at your crew!" The light yelled.

Joey looked ahead and noticed Pepper in the hands of the bomber, Astor surrounded, and no

Hope left in anybody.

"This is all…your fault. You should have never come to the island! Now Duce is dead! The people! Your crew! Kellan! Everyone you know is gonna die,all because you live! You have the power to change that and stop this! Your just…too weak in the heart."

"JOEY!! HURRY UP! IM GONNA KILL HER!" Bomber yelled out.

"What are you going to do Joey? He's gonna kill Pepper if you don't do something!"

Joey tired to break the chamber but it wouldn't budge. "STOP IT!!!" Joey cried out. "MOVE JOEY!"

Bomber grabbed Pepper and held her against the chamber. "Joey…if you can hear me…please help." Pepper whispered.

Joey jumped up and tried to push his memories to the side in his vision. "Your still not strong enough,Joey! You have too much regret!"


"YOUR TOO WEAK!! After what life's put you through, you still want to live it with a fake smile!?"


"What about the kids at school!? You never thought once about hurting them!?!"


(A wall of memories fell down)

"You hated being thrown around like trash! Sometimes…you have to be selfish in this world to get what you want."

Joey pushed harder and harder. "Admit it, Joey! You want to kill them all! You don't even know what you are!"

Bomber slowly raised his hand in the air over Pepper.

Pepper looked Joey in the eyes and placed both of her hands on the chamber. "Stop holding it back. Your whole've been kind to people but know one has been kind to you. Let it out Joey."


Joey pushed and pushed down the wall of memories that clouded him. He ran into the darkness.

Joey let out a loud yell of anger and pain. Before Bomber could kill Pepper, the chamber door flew open. Everyone stopped and stared at the chamber. Dust clouded the area. Bomber looked and noticed the chamber was empty.

"Asprit, didn't you say he had to be a insane-level to break free!?"

Astor stared in amazement.

"You guys are fucked now." Pepper laughed.

Everyone slowly turned their head to see Joey standing behind them. "When did he-"

Before Pallah could finish, her throat had been slashed open.

Did he move!? I didn't see him! Zuri thought as she prepared her eyes.

"I'm…going to kill every last one of you!" Joey yelled as purple energy shot in the air. The entire planet shook as he raged.


"The apocalypse…starts now." Ahana laughed.


The island was ripping apart,lava shot everywhere, Joey grew bigger in size. His energy Oozed off of him so much, that heat was felt.

"This power…Ahana?" Bomber asked.

Joey lifted his hands in the air. "Come…Jinn slayer!" The clouds opened up and a thin sword dropped into Joey's hand. The water around the island made violent waves, the moon turned red, and the sky glowed an unusual color.

Everyone stared in shock as Joey studies the sword with a smirk on his face. "Why no talking? Don't tell me you people…are scared." Joey said in a soft voice.

Sprix and Asprit nodded to each other. "Kill him."

Asprit jumped at Joey, while Sprix ran around the tree and clapped his hands together.

"Enough games! We fight for real now!" Asprit yelled.

Sprix jumped up. "Planetary Devastation!"

The ground broke apart and Joey felt the ground beneath him lifting in the air.

Right now…I feel strong. Just like you, Ahana. Joey thought as he looked at his body. Asprit jumped on his piece of land and jumped at him. Joey looked at Asprit and pushed her away with an unknown force.

"Kebushie was right!" Joey scuffed as he jumped off and was headed straight towards Bomber. Zuri moved Bomber out of the way and used her eyes. "DON'T MOVE!!" Zuri screamed. Joeys body froze in air. He couldn't do anything but watch as Striker and Sprix launched towards him. "Blow away." Joey whispered. Both of them were sent flying.

Astor took this opportunity to grab Pepper and use his flames to blast away. "Joey…this presence…feels like Ahana!" Astor said.


Joey was stuck. He looked at Zuri and calmed his body. "You have everything I've ever wanted. A damn Kingdom! A castle, healthy family, people adore you, people protect you, and your rich. For you to throw all that away…your not even fit to live in your household!" Joey said in a calm voice.

He's different! Is this the same kid!? Zuri thought. Joey looked her in the eyes. Zuri felt a sharp pain in her stomach. She began to vomit blood.

If I take my eyes off of him…the ability won't work until I look at him again! I'll close my eyes for a second! Zuri said as she quickly put her head down and let the blood run out of her mouth. She looked up. Joey was gone. "Behind you." He whispered.

Zuri quickly turned around and swung her sword. Joey blocked it with his new jinn weapon. "Your so proud of those eyes…mind if I take them?" Joey laughed as he pulled out his pistol and pointed it at Zuri. "STOP!" Zuri commanded with her eyes. Zane grabbed the pistol and forced Joeys arm in the air.

With the other arm, Joey managed to swing his sword. Zuri managed to stop his other arm before impact. "Your eyes aren't working!?" Zane was shocked by Joeys amazing strength.

"Sprix, use your ritual on Joey! Do it now!" Zuri screamed across the forest. Sprix tightened his body and let his energy run free. "I won't let you!" Joey said as he managed to overcome Zuri's ability and jump across the forest and towards Sprix's location.

Sprix jumped back and dodged Joey. Asprit jumped out and pulled out a pair of thick chains. "Jinn weapon: Chains Of Judgement!"

Sprix pulled out a black sword and swung it at Joey. Joey leaned back and dodged with a smooth motion. Asprit threw her chains at Joey. Joey turned around and jumped, letting the chains wrap around Sprix's body instead.

Joey cocked his hand back and punched his head clean off. "SPRIX!!!!" Asprit cried. Zane jumped in with Zuir. The four people enhanced in close combat. Joey managed to break Zane's jaw with one punch. Joey pushed himself away from the three fighters and took a moment to feel blessed. "I feel nothing but honored! I finally…can be like you, Ahana!" Joey laughed as he pushed himself in the sky with strength. "Don't use any attacks!" Zuri yelled.

Joey felt his body responding, but he ignored the resistance. Joey was upside down and floated in the sky. "Infinity counter!"

A huge beam of energy shot from Joeys finger. Zuri and Asprit watched as the beam was getting closer and closer.

A giant explosion was triggered and the only person standing was Zuri. Joey landed on a nearby tree and heard the wind breaking behind him.

"A bird?" Joey spun around. Delta, Echo, and Alex where flying towards him. Joey felt his body tense again.

"I got you now!" Zuri laughed. Zuri's heart skipped a beat when seeing Joey gone. "A clone!? Wait no-"

Zuri turned around. Joey had moved so fast, that he had made a afterimage of himself with pure speed. Joey shot Zuri's eye out. The left eye was all that remained. Zuri let out a scream of pain and agony. "I'll let you live blind. All I need now is the other eye!" Joey laughed. He pointed his gun and aimed at Zuri. "This is my curse…to you!"

Next chapter: Fairy Island's last stand