Fairy island’s last stand

Joey pointed the gun at Zuri's other eye. "My curse…to you!" Joey said. Before he could pull the trigger, Zuri managed to speak. "You wouldn't…you wouldn't blind a poor lady would you?" Zuri scuffed.

Joey made a confused look. "You…and I…have been blind our whole lives, Zuri." Joey said.

Zuri slowly worked her way to standing on her feet and meeting eyes with Joey. "You…I would never…be drafted by a child with nothing! Your not even a royal! Your blind, blind of pure evil!" Zuri screamed.

"NO! Your the one…who's blind by evil and power! You betrayed us! You made a deal with Kebushie and doomed us all!" Joey yelled.

Delta and Echo both crashed down and protected Zuri. "We need her abilities to slow him down! Protect her!" Delta told Echo. Echo didn't waste anytime. He flew at Joey. Joey put away his gun and leaped away with great force.

He is going in the air? Why? Echo thought. "Ritual: Skyscraper!" Joey felt a hardline force behind him. Stopping him from going higher in the sky. "He can make the sky a solid. I don't know why but…I know everyone's abilities just by looking at them." Joey told himself. He floated down and stood a few feet away from Zuri,Delta,and Echo.

"This ritual…supposed to keep me on the ground?" Joey yelled over.

"Of course! Can't have someone as fast as you jumping around! But…your finished…time to die kid." Echo laughed.

It felt like a solid wall. Joey put his hand up and felt it. The air had become hard. Everyone else could move freely besides Joey. "Your ritual is amazing. I'm a science nerd, so I'm in love with it already. Your ritual made the atmosphere smaller around my body. Right now I can barley even get oxygen. You even managed to freeze it. Your ritual might have nitrogen and argon…both in the negatives of course. It sucks you'll die with that ability." Joey sighed.

Asprit,Alex,Zane,and Striker appeared behind Joey. "Don't worry I caught him-"

"You caught me?" Joey whispered into Echo's ear. Joey managed to break free and quickly move around without anyone noticing. Joey snapped Echo's neck. "NO!!" Delta cried as he swiped at Joey. Joey leaned back and pushed himself away. Joey started zooming around the forest with great speed.

"Can you follow him?" Alex asked Asprit. "Consider it done!" She yelled as she summoned her chains and swung them in all directions, destroying the trees and wildlife.

"Where is he-"

Joey stood on the opposite side of the field and ran towards everyone. "Summon the warriors, Alex! Order them to shoot Joey! Get the helicopters to shoot him as well!" Asprit ordered.

Thousands of soldiers appeared behind them. "Kill him!" Alex yelled.

The soldiers fired their weapons. The bullets lit up the whole area. Joey pulled out his sword and ran towards the rain of bullets. "I feel…uneasy." Joey told himself as he ran and reflect the thousands upon thousands of bullets.

"Jinn swipe!" Joey yelled. Energy flooded the sword as the slab traveled towards the group. Everyone jumped out of the way. "Slash." Joey said. All of the soldiers's heads came flying off.

Alex got up and leaped at Joey. Joey laughed and dodged all of Alex's punches. Joey seemed to of had walked through Alex. "You little-" both of Alex's arms were cut off within seconds.

Joey spun around and decapitated him to finish. Blood poured everywhere and Joey was covered in it. A crazy look was in Joey's eye as he slowly walked towards everyone.

Joeys hair covered one eye but revealed a crazy look in his other. "That all you people got?" Joey scuffed.

Zuri used her eye to slow down Joeys movements. Joey flexed his whole body and walked slowly through the force. "Joey, you don't understand! The longer you live the more people that will get hurt!" Asprit yelled over.

"Then speak up! The Tojo clan knows something! So speak!" Joey demanded as he forced himself to resist Zuri's eye. "Wait…this kid doesn't know what he is!?"

"You really don't know why your feared?" Zuri asked.

Zuri gave Asprit a look on concern and gave Asprit a nod. Asprit cleared her throat. "Joey…you…you aren't fit to live in humanity! Your power…it's…it's to start apocalypse! That's your ritual! Right now, you did what they wanted! When you let your emotions go, you activated your ritual. It started an apocalypse! If I'm right, the first one is the four fallen angles. Then your abilities! Not your fighting abilities but natural abilities. You…you have a curse. The curse your infected with…everyone you know and live in your life will die! You and you sister both carry those curses! Everything from the jump started when Ahana chose to keep you alive! It's all your fault! Now…the world will be ruined! The four angels are stronger than you can ever hope! They betrayed our god! You unleashed them!" Asprit said.

Joey stared at the sky in disbelief. He fell to his knees. "Everything…since the beginning…was my fault." Joey said as he dropped his weapons.

"He let his guard down. We can strike!" Zuri whispered over to Asprit. Asprit slowly pulled out a dagger and walked towards Joey.

"No….no…wait, you said…Ahana kept me alive? I remember…she…was sent to eat my soul. Ahana can see into the future, right? If she knew this was my power…why did she let me live?" Joey asked as tears poured from his eyes.

Asprit froze. She couldn't believe the question. "That's…a good question actually. She can see the future…which means…she knew all of the things you'd cause us. Why…why go through-oh…that's it, huh?" Asprit laughed uncontrollably.

"The hell are you laughing at?" Joey asked as he picked up his sword. "I can't help what I am. I recently found out my own father wasn't even a human! I don't know where this sword came from, I don't know what I am, and I don't know why you all are so damn blind!" Joey said as he stood to his feet and raised his sword. "This is my fault! I'll own up to that! Even if I were to sit here and ask you all for help, you'd just say no." Joey said as he concentrated all of his energy. "I am not your enemy! But if you come for my family and friends I have no choice but to pull the trigger!" Joey yelled.

"Joey, don't you get it? I'm tired…I'm tired of all the pain in the world. I need you to die so I can end it. You being alive is killing everyone! Your curse kills anyone you make a bond with or have feelings for!" Asprit yelled.

Zuri used this time to go behind Joey and try to attack him. "I'm giving…you all a chance to live!" Joey yelled as he turned around and slapped Zuri away like a bug. "We have to work together to know what's going on! Don't you get it!?"

"Enough of your nonsense! You are the problem, child! You must die!"

Joeys rage built up as he grinned his teeth. "Kebushie was right! You people really are nothing but…damn tools."

Striker clapped his hands. "Hand grenade!" Striker ripped off his hand. He threw it at Joey, causing it to explode. Joey jumped back and covered his face from the dirt.

I have to kill them. I don't know why but…I enjoy this!


Astor stopped and placed Pepper underneath a tree. "If danger comes you need to fly in the tree and-"

"Danger is already here!" Bomber laughed.

"Joey didn't kill you!?"

"Haha! Of course not! You scared that I came!? I can't wait to hear you scream just like your mother!" Bomber laughed. "But, hey, you jinn slayers took away my mother…you know?"

"What are you talking about?" Astor demanded as he pulled out a sword.

Bomber grabbed his head and fell to the ground. "The bombs won't stop! THE BOMBS WONT STOP! They keep on going,going,going, and going!"

"What's wrong with him?"Pepper asked.

"Jinns are creatures that can hold memories. I'm guessing he was alive when some war broke out?"

"Creatures? Why do you call him that? He had a mother and father. like you and me. Jinns…aren't things. They are broken people, some evil, some with regret, we all are the same." Pepper explained. She felt sympathy for Bomber. "This is your fight. I'm going to go look for Joey and Jinx. Can you handle him?"

"Of course."

Pepper nodded her head and flew off in the distance.


Ahana sat down at the table and thought about the whole situation. "Fantastic." She mumbled. Ahana was in a dark and cold place. The only light was her Allah eye.

"Jackson,Joey, and Jodi…you three will finally help me with my dream! All I need to do know is wait for Jodi to awaken. This is gonna be fun!"

Next chapter: Death