
Jinx walked around the island covered in the jinn's blood. She limped and took her time. Pain was felt all throughout her body.

"Is everyone…alive?" She asked herself. Jinx had heard all the explosions in the distance, but everything seemed to have calmed down on her side.

"The jinns will keep coming back…unless e all die. There's no way to redo a curse. We're all screwed now." Jinx scuffed as she collapsed against a tree.

"We…lost this fight. I'll accept that." Jinx said as she looked up at the stars. "I'll join you soon, Duce."

"He wouldn't want you to give up." Pepper said as she flew towards Jinx. "Y-your alive!? What about the others?"

"Hard to explain. Joey and Astor are okay though." Pepper placed both her hands on Jinx's wounds and began to heal her. "After I heal you, we need to help Joey! Asprit,Zuri, and two jinns are attacking him as I speak! He's on his own."

"Joey fighting four high-level people? Hehe…hahaha! Don't play around! This isn't….the…time…your serious!?"


Joey couldn't se a thing. Joeys anger kept on rising the more he fought. "You people aren't listing!" Joey yelled as he punched the ground and split it.

Asprit managed to get her chains and wrap them around Joeys body. "Now!" She screamed. Striker bursted out from the dust and began beating Joey with a barrage of attacks.


I can't change them. No matter what I do or say…they'll keep looking at me like I'm some monster. I did not start this war! It…was her! Joey thought as he began to lose consciousness. There's no end to any of this. We're all just fools fighting among each other. Im sorry. Joey grabbed Strikers hand and stopped his attacks. Joey crushed Strikers hand and threw him to the side.

Zuri prepared her eye once again. "Blast away." Joey whispered. Zuri was pushed back with great force as she was thrown onto a tree.

Joey grabbed the chains and tried to pull them apart. Asprit used the rest of her jinn energy and covered it around her arms to boost her strength.

"It's now or never, Zane." Zuri whispered as Zane jumped out. Joey looked up and noticed him running towards him. "Shit!" Joey yelled as he flexed his body and tried to loosen the chains.

Zuri managed to catch Joey in her spell and slow his movements. Joey opened his mouth and sucked in a tone of air.

Asprit noticed a small amount of Jinn energy that went into Joeys mouth. "COVER YOUR EARS!!" She screamed as she let of the chains and dropped to the ground.

Joey let out a horrific scream that blew trees away and created powerful winds. The screaming stopped and everyone jumped up to see where he was.

Zuri stood next to Zane. Joey ran behind the two of them and took aim with his pistols. Joey let off two shots. Both headed right for Zuri's eye. Zane jumped in front and created a thick wall of ice. "This kid-"

"It was a afterimage!" Zuri said. She spun around and looked Joey directly in the eyes as he was low to the ground.

He already shot two bullets! Just because it was a afterimage doesn't mean they weren't real bullets! They pierced Zane's ice!

"You fool!" Zuri laughed as her energy built in the palm of her hand. A purple ball of jinn energy formed and she was about to throw it.

"Your the fool, ms. Royal." Joey said. His voice was smuggled. "What? There's something in his mouth?" Zuri asked herself.

Joey spat out a sharp piece of a tree and shot it directly into Zuri's last eye. Zuri fell back onto the ground, screaming in pain and agony. "He sucked in all that air to get a sharp object! It was a bait the whole time!?" Zone said as he clapped his hands. "Ritual: Ice kingdom!" A huge fortress of ice blocked Joeys view.

"Zuri's useless now. She can't use her eyes to protect you people anymore." Joey laughed.

"This…is for Pallah!" Striker yelled as his skeleton sword pierced through Joeys heart. Joey looked down and coughed up blood. He could see the sword through his body.

"We got you! Your as good as dead!" Striker laughed. "You're-"

Joey started laughing at his own blood. "Hahahaha! This…is funny, really, it is. I also just found out…I don't even have a regular heart." Joey laughed as pulled the sword out and grabbed Striker by the neck. "What…what are you?"

"I don't know." Joey quickly snapped Strikers neck. Joey threw his body off into the forest and slowly walked towards the ice fortress.

Joey raised the sword over his head and closed his eyes. "I'll kill him with a single strike. Jinn delayed sword, first attack: Fall Of Heaven!" Jinn energy covered the sword. Joey was ready to unleash a powerful attack.

"JOEY!!" Asprit screamed as had been charging up her energy the whole time. Joey turned around and froze. It was like the world had gone in slow motion. Asprit, with her aura, had formed a giant bow and arrow. "My last attempt to kill you!" Faster than the speed of light, the arrow traveled quickly towards Joey.


"Something's off about you. Your energy if cut in half. What…what did you do?" Astor asked Bomber. Bomber laughed and banged his head against a nearby tree.

"Your going to experience everything me and my people went through!" Bomber yelled.

"Your people? What are you saying?"

"We all have lives before entering the spirit world, Astor."


I was born and raised in Vietnam. At the wrong time of course.

*gun shots in the distance*

"Tien, wake up! We have to go!" My mother yelled in my ear. I was sleeping peacefully. She quickly packed my things and hers.

"What's wrong?" I asked. I was so lost and so confused. "The American troops are near! We have to leave, Tien!" My mother screamed.

My mother grabbed me and pulled me outside. American soldiers where all over the place. My mother and I managed to sneak past most of the chaos, but before we could reach the end we were caught. A huge American grabbed my mother. I tried to fight back but I could only do so much.

The man carried me and my mother back to the village and put us in a line with others. "Round em' up! There can't be any witnesses!" A man yelled.

"Mom, what's going on?"

"DO NOT TALK!" The soldier yelled at me. There had to be around fifty men. All holding guns and forcing people on to the ground.

"General Hemlock, sir!" All the men stopped and watched as a man walked down and scolded everyone. "Make different lines. We're here to do our job. Children will go over here, women over there, and the men stay right here." The man ordered.

A soldier grabbed my mom. I held her hand tight as a soldier came behind me and ripped me away from my mother. "It's okay, Tien. I'll come find you!"

They put me with a group of kids and we all could do nothing but watch and listen. The man they called "Hemlock" walked towards the men of our village and spoke.

"Communism is the enemy! You all…have fallen to it, right? We're going to burn your village down! We can't have VC forces hiding here."

"Where will we go?" A man asked.

Me and a couple of others all listened closely. "Kill them." The man ordered. I remembered those words flooding through my head like a wildfire speeding through a forest. "Kill them? All of us?"

I watched as the soldiers lined up the men of our village and shot them down. My heart raced and I didn't know what to do. "A-are we next?" A girl whispered next to me.

The soldiers threw the men in a ditch and burnt their bodies.

The American soldiers raped, mutilated, tortured our parents right in front of us. Before the Americans could reach us, I ran. Others tried to rub, but they were quickly shot down.

I ran and ran until I had to take a break and catch my breath. Month we was used and killed. I was alone. Explosions went off in the distance. I covered my ears and tried to convince myself it was all a dream.

"What did we do to deserve this? I didn't start this war! Please, someone…help me." I cried.

I lifted my head to a man pointing his rifle at my head. "You must've been the one that escaped." I recognized the man right away. It was the hemlock guy. He lowered his rifle and took a seat on the muddy ground.

"Mister…why did you kill them? My mother, friends, you even destroyed my village, why?" I asked as I couldn't stop the tears from pouring.

The man looked up at the sky. "America isn't always the hero. Sometimes we have to be the villain. No matter what happens, this is a war we didn't can never win. I am sorry."

"P-please let me go! I-I won't tell anyone-"

"I can't do that. Your not ready for what's coming. You might report back to the enemy or just get bombed. I'm sorry kid."

I grabbed the man by his foot and begged for my life. He picked up his rifle and took aim.


Years and years went by…I was a powerful jinn that could do whatever I wanted! The year was now 2000. I enjoyed getting back at everyone and being free! I didn't have to worry about hunger,death, judgment, racism, anything! I was free!

I later found out my mom was killed by a hemlock. My mother ended up being a jinn. We both loved it! But…the daughter of that man…took her!


*the day Kebushie attacked the slayers*

I killed that woman. Now…I hear her son wants revenge? Bring him!


Bomber leaned against a tree and laughed uncontrollably. "Don't you see!? I want my revenge! Your family took everything from me!" Bomber laughed as he jumped high in the sky.

Astor was in too much shock to love his body. "My great grandfather…he fought in the Vietnam war. Those men where hero's, not-not-not killers! But how else would he know my name? My mother? It's all my family's fault!? He's talking like he has emotions!?" Astor flooded his mind with questions but still couldn't move.

Bomber opened his body and fell towards Astor. "I'll kill you, Astor Hemlock! First ritual: Nuclear…Explosive punch!" Bomber held his right arm back as his energy surrounded his hand. "ASTORRRR!!!"

Astor was still in shock. He watched as Bomber fell towards him and thought about everything he had said. "He killed you? My grandfather killed a child?" Bomber was now at close range. Jinx came through and managed to push Astor out of the way. The explosion blew everything away and caused great destruction.

Bomber looked around and tried to locate Astor. "Who was that woman? She's with him? I was close to killing him, damn it!"

"You need to snap out of it! Wake the hell up, Astor!" Jinx screamed in his face. Astor layed on the ground. "I…am ashamed of my family name." Astor whispered.

Jinx turned around to see Bomber slowly walking towards them. "Astor you and me need to team up and fight! He's too strong just for-"


Jinx stopped and looked at Astor with an worried expression. "Your fight?"

"Yes…my fight." Astor gathered his strength and managed to stand. "Listen…I don't know what Pepper told you, but I need you to help Joey. He…and Bomber both…have changed my view of it all." Astor sighed.

"Astor!" Bomber yelled.

"I can't leave you. He's too strong!" Jinx explained. "We don't have time for this! We need to kill a jinn every couple of minutes to slow the time of the other jinns from reviving!"

"I know." Astro said. "Where's Duce?"

"Duce is…he's-"

"Say no more. I know it's hard to lose a pup. I hope mine are doing okay." Astor dusted himself off and concentrated on Bomber.

"Jinx…no matter what happens, don't interfere."


"He's a demon MY family created! I have to do this…this one time. I have to…I have to do this. I have to make things right." Astor explained.

Jinx stared at Astor with admiration. "Is that…really you?" Jinx whispered.

"Protect the boy! We're leaving this island! Get him to the plane! I'll meet you there, Jinx!" Astor ordered. Jinx nodded her head and ran away.

Astor pulled out his sword and took a fighting stance. "Jinns…really are broken people. No different from us…in a way. My grandfather killed a innocent child! I'm ashamed to call myself a warrior." Astor said to himself.

Bomber pointed at Astor. "Explosion." The front of Astor's body exploded. He went flying in the air but quickly gathered himself and flew towards Bomber.

"Excellent air control! I bet your ancestors flew planes during wars!" Bomber laughed.

Astor twirled around in the air and set his whole leg on fire. "Flaming kick!"

Bomber put his arms together and covered his face. "Explosive defense!" The impact caused another explosion.

Astor back off and threw his sword at Bomber. Bomber leaned back to dodge and caught the sword. "Gotcha!" Astor laughed. "Flame sword…activate!"

The sword caught a blaze, causing Bombers body to set on fire. The flames didn't bother Bomber as he slowly walked towards Astor. Astor quickly grabbed dirt and threw it in Bombers eyes. In one quick motion, he managed to grab his sword and slash Bomber across the face.

Bomber jumped back and wiped the blood away with his thumb. "Excellent!" He scuffed. Bomber punched the ground with his fist. "Anything I touch…explodes!" The ground beneath Astor began to shake. Astor flew in the air once again. Bomber used the explosion from the ground to push himself into the air as well.

"I'll keep going higher…he can't go for long!" Astor told himself as he used his flames to go even higher in the sky.

Jinx looked up and noticed it. " a shooting star from Earth?"

"You won't escape me that easily!" Bomber yelled as he pushed himself with explosions.

Bomber pointed his finger at Astor again. "Explode!"

"Not this time!" Astor yelled as he changed direction. The explosion barley missed Astor. Bomber and Astor flew around he sky. Explosions went off everywhere.

"Flame creature: Flame Dragon!" Astor shot a blast of heat towards Bomber in the shape of a dragons head. Bomber clapped his hands together and caused another huge explosion.

"I can't get close! His range of attacks are out of this world." Astor complimented. "In that case I'll…"

Astor flew higher and higher with Bomber right behind him.

Astor clapped his hands and teleported behind Bomber. "He went behind me!?" Bomber yelled as he spun around.

"This settles it! Ritual…expansion!"

What!? Ritual expansion!? No…don't tell me that-your not that crazy, Astor! Bomber thought. Bomber turned around to see a huge amount of jinn energy piling up in the sky.

Ritual expansions. Allows the user to spread their energy further than usual. The user can then activate their ritual from any area of the expansion.

"Ritual expansion: Meteor Shower Strike!"

"I won't die! Not here!" Bomber yelled as he quickly pointed at Astor. "Shit! I can't move when activating my ritual!"

Suddenly fairy dust surrounded Astor. Astor turned around and noticed Pepper flying towards him. "What the hell are you doing, child!?" Astor yelled.

"I knew you wouldn't let Jinx help you! Now shit up and finish this!" Pepper screamed back. The explosion had no affect on Astor. The meteors where getting closer and closer to the three.

"D-damn it!" Bomber turned around and faced the meteors. "Ritual: Nuclear explosive punch!" It was no use. The meteors came crashing down on top of Bomber,Astor, and Pepper.

Astor managed to grab Bomber and hold him still. "I'm sorry, Tien. Let me put you to rest. Now…BURNNN!!" The meteors crashed upon the island and destroyed most of it with a huge shock wave and a barrage of explosions.


The smoke cleared. Astor opened his eyes.he couldn't believe he was alive. Pepper managed to cover herself and him with fairy dust to protect them both.

Bomber had half his body left. He crawled towards the two and smiled. "Y-you all think you've won? You think your people are safe? There's a war! I eat you won't be able to help win, Astor! This…this is my finale explosion!" Bomber laughed as he snapped his fingers.

Deep within Fairy island was Bomber's heart. Before he went to go look for Astor, he berried his heart deep in the middle of fairy island. It was a bomb. His finale attack.

"You have five minutes, Astor! This is it!" Bomber laughed. "The island is gonna explode in five minutes! This is my art! My explosion!"

Astor slowly turned his head to Pepper. "Run to the chopper!"

Next chapter: Sacrifice and goodbyes