Natalia’s carnage

Jackson ran with Natalia in his arms. The red mist was catching up to them. "Jackson, put me down and run!" Natalia screamed.

Jackson ignored her and jumped from the ground, to a nearby building. Jackson put Natalia down and looked around the small town.

"Jodi is over doing it! But, this evens the odds of our fight. Elizabeth can't control her jinns. It's a free for all." Jackson said as he caught his breath.

"Jackson, we need to gather-" Natalia jumped at Jackson and tackled him to the ground. A bullet, made of human teeth nearly missed Jackson.

"Shit!" Natalia said. Her and Jackson both jump off of the building and hid behind it. "We need to take out that sniper! He keeps on shooting-"

Another bullet nearly missed Natalia. Jackson managed to reflect it with his sword. They ran down the street. The mist was still flowing throughout the town.

"We need to find cover!" Jackson yelled.

Ahriman stood on the tallest building of the town. He lined up another shot.

Natalia fell back on the ground. She couldn't continue with just one leg. "Jackson…do you trust me?"

Jackson reflected another bullet. "I'm not leaving you!" Jackson yelled as he was about to pick Natalia up.

"No, I have to do this! This is my fight!"

"You only have one leg! You've lost lots of blood and can barley stand! We need to regroup with everyone and-"

"Jackson, it's okay. I'll be fine." Natalia said with a smile. Jackson stared at Natalia for a while before nodding his head and turning away.

"You better not die on me."

He said.

"Of course not. I have a plan…and it involves Jodi's mist."

Jackson ran down the street, leaving Natalia to defend herself against Ahriman.

Natalia caught eyes with Ahriman on top of the building. The pale jinn smiled and took aim.

Natalia rolled around and quickly took out her sniper. Both of them took aim and shot at the same time.

"I'll use his jinn energy when the bullets cross…and make it stronger!" Natalia said as the two bullets crossed, Natalia's bullet took all of the jinn energy out of Ahriman's bullet. Causing it to make the bullet shoot faster than normal.

"Woah!" Ahriman said. Ahriman easily caught the bullet. "Not a bad attempt-"

The bullet exploded in his face.

The smoke cleared and Natalia was off of the street. "Where did she go!?" Ahriman looked around, but couldn't find her.

Natalia used her zip-line to swing around and flank Ahriman. She slid across the roof, took aim and shot Ahriman in the leg.

Ahriman spun around and jumped in the air. "Ritual: Blades of Chaos!" Ahriman's arms glowed red. Natalia used her zip-line again to swing off of the building. The building came cashing down. Natalia swung around the town on her zip-line, with Ahriman right behind her.

Natalia pulled in her zip-line, which threw her high in the air. Ahriman looked up in amazement as she spun around and took aim while falling.

"You really are…a work of art!" Ahriman laughed as he twisted his pointer and middle finger. "Blades of Chaos…arial attack!"

A red wave of energy came flying towards Natalia. "I can't move in air!" She said as she spun her body and sacrificed her right arm. The attack sliced her arm off. Natalia managed to catch her sniper with her left hand.

I can't use the zip-line and sniper at the same time! I have to stop the bleeding before it's too late! She thought as she tossed her sniper to a nearby building.

She shot the line towards the building and swung to it. Ahriman ran on the ground and jumped on top of the building.

The red mist came in the area and surrounded everything around Ahriman.

"You can't stay in this mist. Where are you? I don't want you to turn into a jinn…you wouldn't help the cause."

Ahriman noticed Natalia's sniper laying on the roof of the building. Hi picked it up and studied it. "Why…would a sniper drop her gun and leave it? Unless-"

The building exploded. Ahriman was pushed off and was falling in a crowd of low-level jinns. All of the jinns attacked him. Ahriman landed and quickly made work of the jinns. More and more kept coming.

Ahriman noticed a large number of low-level jinns. "That girl…I see!" Ahriman laughed as he jumped in the air and looked around.

"She allowed me to cut off her right arm…but before I did that, she shot another zip-line shot! She had two zip-lines. Which means…she's on that building!" Ahriman spun his body. He noticed Natalia on a building wearing a gas mask while taking aim with her sniper.

"It was a trick! The sniper was a decoy! She led the low-levels here so I could get in the air!" Ahriman said as he clapped his hands. "You humans really are getting better and better!" Ahriman laughed as he took aim and fired.

Natalia was shot in the chest, but her body failed away. "What!?" Ahriman landed on another building and pulled his gun out again.

"Where are you!?"

"Ritual: Battle Clone!"

Natalia's body was covered in low-level jinn blood. She jumped through the crowd of jinns as he looked up and noticed Ahriman looking around.

Natalia jumped on the ground and used the low-levels as cover. She took aim with her hand. "It's so heavy! I can't take a shot! I need…to get on a building while using the jinns as cover!" She said as she rolled over and jumped in a building.

Ahriman looked down at the jinns. "She can make clones…this girl isn't even a high or insane-level slayer! Her fighting IQ…is otherworldly!"

Natalia had a clear shot on Ahriman. She was losing a lot of blood from her lost arm and leg. "I…have to do this!" She said as she took aim. "Right in the head…I have to-"

Ahriman quickly turned around and shot a bullet at Natalia as she took her shot. The bullets collided. Natalia rolled down the hallway and took a breath. "I'll just destroy the entire building! You've lost, jinn slayer!" Ahriman laughed as he clapped his hands. "Ritual: Blades Of Chaos!"

"My last…bullet." Natalia said as she put it in the chamber. She could hear the attack coming. "I have a crazy Idea…but if I miss…this will be my last breath on Earth. I'll finally…be with you…dad."


"Take your time…and breath." The man said as the deer stood in the open. "Remember what I taught you? Breath. Focus on the target, Natalia."

Natalia shot the deer.

"I got it!" She screamed.


"Dad, why can't I see mom anymore?"

"Your mom…isn't with us anymore, Natalia. The man said. He and Natalia sat at the table in their cold and empty house. "So…where is she?"

"Natalia, whenever you have kids…you'll know what it is like. Me and your mother…have a disease we both won't survive much longer off of. It's what killed her." The man said as he sat closer to Natalia.

"Every moment I spend with you…I cherish it. Whenever you have kids…make sure you don't have to hurry them. That's a parent's worst nightmare."

"Yes, sir." A younger Natalia said.

"Don't die…Natalia. Make it to at least 25 before you go. Promise me."


"I promised…I promised you!" Natalia yelled as he built the strength to get on her remaining leg and jump over the ritual attack. The attack sliced the building in half.

While in the air, Natalia was upside down, dizzy and tied from all of the blood she was losing.

She quickly flipped the zip-line gun upside down and held it tight under her sniper. She managed to hold her sniper and zip-line gun in the same hand.

"This is it, slayer! Die!" Ahriman laughed as he took another shot at Natalia.

"Not yet." She whispered. Natalia was shot in the stomach. She coughed up blood, but kept on looking forward. She used the same hand, but her middle finger to shoot the zip-line at Ahriman.

She flew towards him. Ahriman quickly clapped his hands. "Ritual: Blades of Chaos…close combat slash!" Ahriman summoned two blades. He jumped at Natalia and cut her on the right side of her face. Natalia's left eye was gone.

She launched herself in the air and threw herself at an angle to where she could do a complete rotation around the building.

Natalia was upside down, bleeding out, missing an arm, a leg, and a eye. She threw her zip-line gun to the ground. "I have to hit this shot…or it's over!" She yelled.

"Ritual:Blades of-"

"I just have to do it! A no-scope!" Natalia said as she took a deep breath and pulled the trigger.

It was as if the world around her had stopped. Natalia watched as the bullet traveled and traveled. Ahriman was in the middle of doing his ritual…until the bullet penetrated through his head.

Ahriman collapsed on the roof of his building. Natalia fell on the street. She survived the fall, but was bleeding all over the concrete street.

"Did…I do it? Did I really beat a high-level?" Natalia asked. She rolled over and tried to move…but to no prevail.

"This mask…I can barley breath. Is anyone there?" Natalia said as she slowly started to lose consciousness. She could hear footsteps approaching her. Jodi came in view. "Natalia!"

A swarm of Low-level jinns came into view. Jodi quickly grabbed Natalia and surrounded his body with electricity.

What…when could he do that? A new power? Natalia thought as she passed out in Jodi's arms.

"I will not let another friend die on me!"

Next chapter: Tojo Clan's massacre