Tojo Clan’s massacre

Jodi ran out of the mist and found Amber. "Amber, I need you to heal her!" Jodi yelled as Natalia was losing lots of blood.

Amber was in a small house that seemed to be ready to fall apart. Jodi ran through the door and put Natalia on the floor.

"You over did it, Jodi. You can't use your ability like that! You killed so many innocent people." Amber said as she put her hands over Natalia.


"Yes, innocent!"

"Miss. Amber….I…okay." Jodi said as he jumped around. "Where are you going!?" Amber asked.

"I have to find Lily. Weren't you with Ahana!? Where is she? If she were here then-"

"Ahana isn't acting right! It's better she doesn't come."

"What happened?" Jodi asked.

"She…just trust me. The Tojo clan is coming for her. It would be best she doesn't come." Amber said.

Jodi gave Amber a sinister glare. "Alright. I'll be back in about five minutes. I barley escaped Astaroth. I'll go look for Lily and Jackson." Jodi said as a bolt of lighting came from the sky. He was gone.

"So fast!" Amber said.


Jodi ran around the town searching.

I don't understand. Why…why not bring the world's strongest to fight? Where is she? I know Ahana can see the future…so why didn't she try to stop this!? And most of all…why have things gone silent. Where are the others? Kebushie? His pup? Why don't the high-level jinns just kill us all? We aren't gonna survive. Jodi thought as he came to a halt.

There, on the edge of the barrier was Lily holding her mother. "Lily." Jodi whispered.

"Huh? Joey? Is that you!?" Lily put her mother down and ran towards Jodi.

Jodi quickly pulled out his sword. "What…the hell are you?" Jodi yelled.

Lily took a few steps back. Joey…it's…it's me! What are you doing?"

"Lily would never put her mother down in that manner! She puts family first before anyone! Show yourself, Jinn!" Jodi yelled as he took a fighting stance.

"Sister, I found one." Lily's voice changed into a deep-toned voice. Lily's body went from a woman with Crystal-blue eyes. Her mother also changed.

"Who…are you people?" Jodi asked as he looked around.

Wait, where's Lily!?


Lily held her mother as Kebushie sat on his flesh-like throne. "It's nice to meet you, Lily Castle." Kebushie said.

Lily said nothing. She looked around and really where she was. "This is the school? What…what have you done to it?" Lily asked.

"I've made it paradise. But, that is why you are here." Kebushie said. "My daughters bought you to me…under my command of course. But, Lily I need you. You…are the key. Your blood is more valuable than Ahana's eye." Kebushie explained.

"Ahana's eyes? My blood? What are you-"

"Is that…your mother? It's an honor to meet you, Martha."

"How do you know our names?" Lily asked.

Kebushie slowly walked towards Lily and towered over her. "The whole jinn world knows about your family…and it's glorious blood."


"You were told that your father just left, right? What if I told you…you and your brother aren't what you think you are? What if I told you, that many years ago, your mom…made a deal with the devil himself!" Kebushie said as he leaned in towards Lily's face.

Lily looked at her mom then back at Kebushie. "Why…why do you think we are here? Don't get me wrong, Joey has the powers but you…you are an absolute monster! You and your brother have been blessed!" Kebushie continued.


Elizabeth waited and waited. She was sitting on a nearby building on the edge of the barrier.

"I know one of them will come first." Joey or the clan? Either way, I need to kill Ahana and get Jackson. Jackson is the key to this jinn's plan." Elizabeth stood up and looked over the destroyed small town.

"You've lost everything…yet, you still fight?" Elizabeth asked as Jackson stood behind her.

"What made you turn out like this?" Jackson asked.

"You already know. My actual family served the Tojo clan for years. I was taught by a powerful jinn. I want to slaughter the Tojo clan and kiln Ahana. Ahana won't let us continue."

"You aren't working with Kebushie. So…who?"

"You wouldn't believe me if I told you, Jackson. Sorry about your little friend. I'm only doing what I must. After I kill them…I'll kill you and your friends. I'll let you run away." Elizabeth said with a smirk.

"I'm done running." Jackson said as he pulled out his sword.

"You are beaten and bruised. No point of us fighting…you'll only die."

"You think…after everything you've done…I'm gonna just put my sword down and stop fighting? No. That's not how this life works! No matter what…I'll keep fighting. Elena,Charlie,mom, dad, and my master…I'm fighting for everyone! My entire family…is gone! I've given everything I've got! I know I did you and others wrong but I've changed. YOU are the one who's in the wrong! No matter what that jinn told you, it has yet to show itself! How can you trust it!? What deal did you make!? You have to learn to let go of the past, Elizabeth! Fight for the right side!"

"Elena,Charlie, your mother, father, siblings, and your master….I can see how you feel. You've lost everyone you've cared about. But that's just not true. You don't even know what you are dealing with." Elizabeth said as she disappeared in thin air.

"Shit." Jackson said as he noticed Jodi running towards him. "Jackson, I've got bad news!"


Rock and Hercules managed to kill a total of 300 jinns. "You tired?" Hercules laughed.

"Of course not." Rock said with a smile. The two of them were tired and beaten. "Be honest, Rock. You think we gonna die?"

"Hell yeah." Rock laughed.

"As long as it's just low-levels…we can kill-"

"Two fine men in front of us." A woman laughed from behind.

Rock and Hercules turned around to face two woman. "What?" Rock said as he was stunned by their overwhelming jinn energy.

Ximena came into view and immediately stopped. "What is that!? Are they human!?" She asked herself. She began to sweat uncontrollably as Hercules gave her a glare to move.

Ximena was approaching from behind. She slowly stepped away and gave Hercules a nod. "Who are you people?" Rock asked.

"He never gave us a name…did he?" The blond headed woman asked.

"No…he didn't." The dark-haired woman yawned. "Hmm…what should we call ourselves?" The blond asked.


"Don't…raise your voice at me!" The blond screamed as Hercules was pushed away with a tremendous amount of force. The push broke Hercules's ribs in the process.

Rock's jinn energy surrounded his fist as he leaped at the blond. The dark-haired woman jumped in front of the blond and kicked Rock in his stomach. Rock coughed up blood as he was sent flying into a nearby building.

"Sucks how we're dead but, our bodies work the same as normal humans." Rock said as he dusted himself off. He wiped the blood from his mouth and took a fighting stance. "Get up…you damn hippo."

Hercules slowly made way to his feet and took deep breaths. "I don't know how…but, Kebushie did it. He managed to create these two." Rock explained.

"I see. What's the plan?"

"You seriously asking me? Hell if I know, I was gonna ask you the same thing."

"They are both high-levels. Probably can't beat them unless we outsmart them. This…this is gonna be interesting." Hercules yawned.

The two women stared at the two. They couldn't believe how much power they held in them. "Father, really did bless us!" The blond laughed.


Above the barrier was a giant airplane. Everyone around the town didn't notice it.

"Let's make this quick…I'm starving." Naomi yawned.

Next chapter: Tojo Clan's massacre part ll