Tojo clan’s massacre part ll

"I can't believe they actually told me where he was. That's…odd." Jodi said. He moved around the city with the speed of sound. "Just ahead…" Jodi was approaching the high school.

Jodi stopped in his tracks as he looked up and noticed a figure standing on the roof. "Long time…lighting boy." The person laughed.

Jodi relaxed his body. "Who are you? You another high-level?"

"No…I'm not one of those things. I'm a hybrid." The man laughed.

Jodi quickly knew who it was. "You finally come out." Jodi said.

Sho stepped from the darkness of the chill roof and looked down. "You…still haven't changed." Sho yawned as he sat down. "You're too weak to save her." Sho laughed.

Sho coauthor a glimpse of something moving behind Jodi. "He's mine, Astaroth."

Astaroth showed himself. "No, he's mine."

"Astaroth, you don't see it yet…but you're already dead." Sho said.

Astaroth noticed a red blinking light coming from his hips. "Isn't that a shame? A high-level…defeated by someone like him." Sho said with a smirk.

Astaroth reached for Jodi. Jodi kept his eyes on Sho and snapped his fingers, triggering the explosion to go off and kill Astaroth.

"I believe…that's 15 more high-levels left." Jodi said.

"You…are correct. Actually, it's 14. That wild girl killed one not long ago. The one with the big ass sword." Sho said.

"Must be talking about Elizabeth."

"Enough of that, though. I'm here to watch." Sho laughed.


"Yes. I…want to see you break your limit! I want to see the legendary slayer that wields the lighting blade! Come out you two!" Sho laughed as two tall jinns appeared behind him.

"Allow me to introduce them! These two guys are high-levels. This is gonna be something. Kill him! Garch and Freces!"

Before Jodi could defend himself, the two jinns landed powerful blows to his stomach.


Naomi floated in the air as she was on her phone. "So lame." Naomi yawned. She was about to cut the wire that connected her from her parachute until she noticed all of the destruction.

"Someone beat us to it." Naomi said in the earpiece.

"Continue with the plan. They threatened our leader…so they die!"

Naomi threw her earpiece to the side and landed softly on the ground. She skipped down the streets of the deserted town. "Where is everyone? Are you guys seeing anyone or anything?" Naomi asked her solders who followed her.

"No, Ma'am."

Naomi sucked in her lollipop and continued to walk down the streets. "They aren't here. We will just go home and-"

"You people are in the right place." Elizabeth said.

She jumped down from the building and had her giant sword resting in her hands. "Everyone…you know is currently caught in my ritual." Elizabeth said.

"Oh, I can see that. But, where's Joey, Ahana, and the slayers? I've come to kill them. I could care less about-"

In a split second, Elizabeth had jumped across the street and slaughtered all of Naomi's soldiers. Naomi slowly turned her head to see Elizabeth covered in blood with a crazy look in her eyes. "Finally, I have blood from the Tojo!" She laughed.

"Who…are you?" She asked.

"The young woman who's gonna kill every last one of you Tojo freaks." Elizabeth said with a smile.

Naomi caught a glimpse of Elizabeth. "Oh, I see now! You…you are from that old family! Amazing! I thought you all died out!" Naomi laughed.

Elizabeth took a step towards Naomi. Naomi stared at Elizabeth and watched as she fell to her knees with blood coming from her nose.

"Intense isn't it? My power allows me to strangle the organs from the inside." Naomi explained.

"It's a shame…I thought you'd at least die proud." Naomi yawned. Naomi signaled for the rest of the Tojo clan to appear. Amora and Kroll fell from the sky and entered with their army.

"We've been caught in a ritual. I'm guessing…the only way to leave is to kill this girl." Naomi suggested.

Amora walked towards Elizabeth and stood over her. "Those eyes….you…are from the Sicarios family. Oh, don't tell me…Nebula's daughter?"

"You…knew my mom?" Elizabeth asked.

"Knew her? She was a friend. Weak…but a friend. I was the one…who tosses you out." Amora said as she took a knee.

"Thought you'd be dead. I know she had a son…do you know him?"

"A son?" Elizabeth asked.

"Oh, I'm just telling everything aren't I? You have a brother. Might be dead…who knows. But, that's enough of all that. Release us from your ritual." Amora demanded. "Do it…and you can do your role in life and serve us."

The wind blew as Elizabeth's hair covered her eyes. The blood from her dropped to the ground. She couldn't hold in her laughter any longer.

Kroll took a step forward. "We should bail, trust me." Kroll whispered. "This girl is dangerous."

Amora rolled her eyes and looked over. "No, we're dangerous. We will take her back to the clan-"

"I serve nobody. I'm not a slave, I'm not even the same as my mother! I'm here to kill you! Every…last one of you! The Tojo clan is no more. You all are already dead." Elizabeth said with determination in her eyes.

"Kroll, kill her." Amora said as she walked away.

Kroll walked towards Elizabeth and pulled out his giant hammer. "I'm sorry." He said. He raised the hammer over his head.

"Sorry? For me? No. No. No. you people…should be the sorry ones. I made a deal." Elizabeth said with a crazy look in her eyes.

Kroll ignored her and swung his hammer.

"I made a deal…to kill you all! Get Jackson and the boy…and for me to do it…you must die! If I kill you all right here, your leader will come out, right!? He will fear me more!" Elizabeth laughed as Kroll smashed her head in with the giant hammer.

Elizabeth's body was sent into a nearby building. Kroll walked towards the building and began to charge his energy. "Level ten…cluster-"

Suddenly, a flash of light went past Kroll. He turned around as the aggressive wind made him drop his hammer. Elizabeth put away her sword and turned around to look Kroll in his eyes.

Kroll noticed blood dripping from the sides of his face. "Oh, you did it now. Look what you did." Kroll laughed as his face split in half.

Amora was surprised to see Elizabeth's quickness. "Impressive. You certainly move like your mother." Amora laughed as Kroll emerged from the ground.

"Nice kill." Kroll said.

Elizabeth stared at Naomi. "I see. That girl can bring the dead back to life. That…can be useful." Elizabeth said as she put her sword away and walked towards Naomi.

Amora was a energy manipulator. She could form her jinn energy into anything she wanted and steal others energy. She quickly wrapped her energy around Elizabeth. "Oh, a manipulator? I see." Elizabeth laughed as the energy squeezed.

"Free us. We won't ask again. You can bring meaning to your life is you serve us!" Amora said.

Elizabeth ignored her. She thought about the situation.

A manipulator,a girl who can bring her dead back to life…I'm guessing if they're around her? And Kroll…killing him would possibly bring Ahana. Either way, this is perfect. Elizabeth thought as she managed to break free from the energy and jump back.

"I'll keep my distance…for now." Elizabeth said as she clapped her hands, causing the army to get pushed back with great force.

I only wish I had more. Elizabeth thought as she pulled out her sword. "Angle slayer: killer strike!" Kroll quickly jumped in front of Amora and Naomi. The whole army of fighters was killed within a second.

Elizabeth jumped towards the three fighters. Kroll leaned back and was getting ready to swing his hammer once again.

"Angelic flare!"

A bright flash of light blinded Kroll. Elizabeth took this opportunity to knock Naomi out cold. She then turned around and swung her sword. Amora leaned back to dodge.

Amora and Elizabeth engaged in close range combat. Elizabeth landed a kick, breaking Amora's.

Kroll managed to grab Elizabeth's hair and swung her around. While being tossed in the air, Elizabeth managed to slice Kroll's hand off.

"I still haven't shown you two this attack have I?" Elizabeth laughed as she jumped away and closed her eyes.

"Slashes of death"

Kroll's body was cut to pieces. Amora fell back in fear as she clapped her hands. "Not this time." Elizabeth laughed as she jumped across the street and crushed Amora's hand.

Amora screamed in pain as she rolled over on the ground. "This…this is how it should be. Go on, beg for your life!" Elizabeth laughed as she slammed Amora's head on the ground.

"Beg! Who's at the top now!? Beg!" Elizabeth slammed Amora's head once again. Amora gasped for air as she reached for Elizabeth's arms.

Elizabeth smacked her arm away and started slamming her head repeatedly against the concrete road.

"BEG! BEG! BEG! YOU TOO WEAK TO FIGHT BACK, AMORA!?" Elizabeth laughed as Amora's head was nothing but a mushed head. "Die!!" Elizabeth screamed as she dealt the finishing blow, punching through her stomach.

Amora's vision started going away as Amora used her remaining strength to reach for Naomi. "Na…omi…." Elizabeth removed her hand and wiped the blood on the ground.

"All of you are weak." Elizabeth yawned. She walked over to Naomi and sat next to her. "Now…we all are even. I need Jackson,Lily, Joey, and Ahana. I still have a mission. Now you know what it's like to lose a parent. It's about time you Tojo freaks got a taste of your own medicine." Elizabeth said.

Next Chapter: Jodi snaps