Jodi snaps

Jodi was surprised by the amount of strength the two jinns had in their punches.

Jodi was pushed away from the school. He used his sword to stop himself. "Damn."

Jodi ripped off his mask and cape to reveal his jinn-like body. "It's disgusting…but, I have no choice! I'll have to unleash the full extent of my power! Right here! Right now!" Jodi yelled as electricity surrounded his body.

"Oh?" Sho said with delight.

"Lighting jinn energy?" Freces asked.

"Seems that way. This kid is definitely the white lighting." Garch said.

Jodi took a deep breath. His white hair covered his eyes as he bent down. "Lightning strike: Clap and flash!" In the blink of an eye. Jodi was sliced the head off of Freces.

"W-woah!" Garch laughed as he jumped back.

"White lighting is so annoying." Jodi said as he gave Garch a death stare. "Don't think it's over yet!" Garch laughed as Freces rose from the ground.

"He's not dead!?" Jodi jumped back and prepared for another attack. "Lighting strike!"

Garch slapped his hands against his body. "Ritual: Gradian!"

The ground beneath Jodi's feet began to form into a giant statue-like creature. The creature surrounded Garch as Freces jumped on top and clapped his hands.

"Ritual: Battle armor!"

Jodi ran at the creature with great speed. The creature slapped Jodi away. Jodi used his lighting to run around and try to find an opening.

"It can track my movements still? How? I should be faster-"

The creature clapped its hands, causing Joid to fall back. "Looks like Buddha." Jodi said as he jumped up and disappeared in thin air.

Jodi managed to get behind the two Jinns. "Not good enough!" Garch laughed as the creature landed a powerful punch.

Jodi was sent flying into the gates that surrounded the school. "Pathetic. I thought you'd be stronger by now." Sho yawned.

"I'll just kill the girl and her mother." Sho said as he stood up.

"You…won't lay a finger on them." Jodi's sword was broken. He had no weapon. "Is that so? Who's gonna stop me? I have to admit, you slayers really are good. This is probably the best unit of slayers since the first period. Oh, well. Time flies by." Sho waved Jodi goodbye as he started to walk away.

"YOU STAY!" Jodi yelled as a lighting strike struck in front of Sho. Sho stopped in his tracks and turned around as the sky was darker than usual.

"A storm? No, this is something worse." Sho spun around. "Garch and Freces get out of there!" Sho yelled.

"For what?" Freces asked as lighting surrounded the entire area.

"I'm so tired…of people taking away my happiness. You want to know why I'm so popular, Sho? It's not because of the jinn, my mother, or my past! It's because….when the time is right, I'm insane!" Jodi laughed as aggressive winds almost knocked Sho off of the roof.

"I know…that I'm different. But, when I met Joey, Jackson and Lily…I…felt loved. If you harm her or them in any way…I'm going to kill you!" Jodi yelled as his jinn energy flooded the area.

"What is this? Sho's eyes grew in surprise as he dropped low to the roof on all fours like a cat trying not to be seen.


"Don't hurt him, please! I'll do anything! Just let me have my baby!"

A small hand came out of the darkness. The pale being pointed at the pregnant woman and laughed in a dark, cold, and sinister voice.


Jodi put a hand on his head. "What was that? A memory? That hand…I've seen that hand before." Jodi said, as Freces charged him.

Sho noticed the change in energy. "FRECES, WAI-", before Sho could blurt it out, Freces's body was sliced to pieces.

Garch laughed as he waited for Freces to come back. Time passed as Freces's body stayed sliced.

"What?" Garch said in shock. "My ability should be working! I don't understand how-"

"Lighting slash: Speed of Sound!" Jodi was behind Sho. Garch spun around and felt his body leave. His head was chopped off.

Sho was ready to make his move, but noticed blood from his side. Jodi had already sliced Sho's left arm off.

Jodi's hair stood up and was glowing white. "Heh, nice moves." Sho smirked. Sho sat down on the roof and looked up at the stars. "Where is she?" Jodi asked.

"You…really love her that much? From what I know, you barley know her. You can't-"

"It's not about that. I need to protect her and Jackson…for Joey!"

"I see. It's a good thing you have something going in your life and have people to protect." Sho said with a straight face.

"It's over."

"Oh? No, Jodi. The fight…is just getting started. I find is strange how you people are defeating the high-levels. The high-levels haven't been killed in a very long time. Someone here…is a caster." Sho said as he stood up.

"The fight starts now!" Sho laughed as he arm grew back and punched Jodi, causing him to fall off of the school roof.

Jodi clapped his hands together and quickly ran up the side of the school. Sho jumped down and pulled out a blade from the jinns mouth.

The clash of black and blue aura covered the whole area. "This is gonna be fun!" Sho laughed.

"Sho, be careful. This one is dangerous." Jiniki said.

"Didn't you say that last time? I still…want to know what makes him a legend!" Sho laughed as he fell towards Jodi.

The two boys began to engage in close combat on the side of the building. Sho managed to land two blows.

"Lighting speed: Speed of Light!" A lighting strike came down and Jodi was gone.

Sho began to look around. "Where did you-"

Jodi appeared from what seems thin air and tried to strike Jiniki.

Sho immediately jumped off of the building. While in mid-air, Sho couldn't help but notice the improvement of Jodi's fighting skills.

"It's as if he's fought his whole life. This kid…how did he get so strong? He's not built,went through hell, and can't even show his face! Why…why do you fight? Who do you want to protect them so much!?" Sho asked as he disappeared. Sho reappeared and was in a kicking stance.

Jodi quickly moved out of the way. Sho kicked a whole in the school building and Jodi quickly followed.

"I'm the one…who'll become a legend among jinns and jinn slayers!" Sho laughed in the darkness. Jodi ignored him and ran through the dark school.

"You think I wanted this? I didn't ask for any of it!" Jodi yelled as he swung his sword a Sho. In that moment, Jodi's sword would light up the room, revealing what seemed to be hundreds of jinns around him.

"Shit!" Jodi yelled as he started to swing his sword around, killing multiple jinns at once.

Jodi quickly looked around and noticed Sho in the corner, holding his hand out In front of Jiniki's mouth.

"Jinn item: Nunchucks." Jiniki spawned a pair of huge nunchucks. Sho swung them around in a flashy way before running towards Jodi.

Jodi took a deep breath and clapped his hands. "Lighting strike: Sixfold!"

It was like Sho had slowed down in mid-air. He could feel the air vibrating and see the entire room glow from Jodi's energy. "This guy really is something else." Sho thought as he was pushed out with a great force and now on the street.

"Lighting speed: Lighting Travel!" A flash of light passed as Sho was cut on the face. "I can't track his movements." Sho said as he jumped away from the area. "Damn it. I need a weapon that'll give me range, Jiniki!"

"Range, huh? Fine…I have something for that."

Sho held his hand out. A very long sword was spit out. "This is what I'm talking about!" Sho laughed as a lightning strike was getting closer and closer. It was Jodi traveling at incredible speed.

"Jinn item: Spear of the dead!"

Sho prepared himself. He swung the sword. The sword's attack at traveled and sliced through three buildings.

Sho barley escaped the attack and stopped his travel. "You thought this shit was gonna be easy!?" Sho laughed as he jumped from the ground and was headed towards Jodi.

"I need your help…mother. So, please, come out!" Jodi yelled as he slammed his hands on the ground and pulled out the powerful jinn. "Oh, there it is! The bitch that makes u a legend!" Sho laughed.

The jinn let out a loud screech. Jodi took a fighting stance next to the jinn. "I don't know what happened but…help me one last time, jinn."

Next chapter: True Colors