True Colors

Jodi and the jinn ran at Sho. Both having insane amounts of energy. "Sho dodged both of their attacks swiftly. "Jinn item: Nunchucks!" The jinnn threw a punch. Sho smacked the punch away using the nunchucks and hit Jodi on the arm to deflect his sword attack.

Sho tossed the nunchucks to his other hand and proceeded to swing them at Jodi. The jinn blocked the attack and let out a loud roar that forced Sho back.

"Still protecting him, huh? You want to know something interesting, Jodi!?" Sho yelled out with a smirk.

"Beam of destruction!" Jodi yelled, as the jinn opened it's mouth and built up enormous amounts of jinn energy.

Sho took a stance and pointed at Jodi. "Jiniki!"

Jiniki opened his mouth and did the same thing. "Beam of Death!"



The two beams clashed with each other. "You're nothing! I'd be damned if I lost to a kid!" Sho laughed as his beam started to overpower Jodi's.

"And I'll be damned if I let a selfish killer,rapist,liar, and weakling take me out!" Jodi yelled back as his beam started to show resistance.

"That's life! I didn't ask to be born, Jodi! I know about that jinn! Hell, I know all about you too! That jinn isn't your mother," Sho laughed.

Jodi felt sick. He didn't know if he should believe Sho or just ignore him. "Your mother…was sick and so were you! She gave you those jinn body part by making a deal with another jinn! You won't believe-"

Suddenly, Jodi appeared behind Sho and managed to cut his back. Sho did a backflip and tossed himself in the air.

The beams caused a huge explosion, destroying nearby buildings. "Jinn item: Chains!" Two king chains formed around Sho's arms. Sho couldn't help but laugh as he threw the chains towards Jodi.

Jodi jumped up and noticed the chains following him. "He's controlling them?" Jodi readjusted his body in the air and avoided the chain with the blade at the end.

Jodi flew higher and higher. His lighting bolts kept on hitting the ground around Sho as he dodged each strike.

"Do not…look down on me!" Sho yelled, as he pulled the chains back and threw them with all his strength at Jodi. Jodi's jinn surrounded his body and blocked the chains.

Jodi took a deep breath and closed his eyes. "Lighting strike, sixfold attack: Godspeed dragon strike…equinox!" Jodi's jinn let him rest on its shoulders and waited, as Jodi's energy started to glow a light blue in the sky.

Jodi opened his eyes, showing nothing but white in his eyes. "Strike!" In less than a second, Jodi had reached Sho and had sliced his head off.

Jodi's attack caused another explosion to go off. Jodi fell to the ground, he could barley stand. "Did…I do-"

"Not even close." Sho laughed as he emerged from the shadows. "My ritual: Shadow Warrior: let's me manipulate the shadows and even become them. You are the second fighter to push me to this point! The real fight…starts now, Jodi! This…this is what being alive in this world is all about! Let's kill and fight!" Sho laughed as he made a hand sign, making shadow-like dogs spawn from the ground.

Jodi looked around. "I've given it all I've got. This man…has been holding back until now." Jodi told himself. He pushed himself off the ground and raised his sword.

"That's it? You just gonna give up? I wish I had the opportunity you had! You have no idea who I've lost, all because I couldn't protect them!" Sho yelled out.

Jodi looked at his jinn and slowly walked over to it. "One last attempt. Fuse with me, jinn."


"Please,please, leave my baby out of this!" The woman cried.

The outline of a woman was standing in the dark hall. A pale hand reached out from the darkness and pointed at the woman.

"I won't tell anyone about your secret! I promise! I did everything you said! So, please, let us go! You killed everyone in the hospital!" The woman cried.

A dark and sinister voice laughed. A shadow figure emerged from the darkness and looked the woman in her eyes.

"You love your child?"


"You have two options. Child dies, you live, or child lives…you die."

The woman started to breath heavily.


Jodi opened his eyes and looked at the jinn. The storm was getting more aggressive, as Jodi walked towards his jinn and put his hand on its horns.

"I'm sorry…you aren't my mother. After this, I'll have to free myself of my curse. We both will die…that's fine." Jodi sighed. Jodi clapped his hands and stared to fuse with his jinn.


Elizabeth walked down the street and tied Naomi up. "Must be the "white lighting"


Hercules and Rock stood their ground against the powerful two jinns. "These guys are…too strong!" Rock admitted as he collapsed to the ground.

Hercules stood over Rock. "Damn it!"


Jackson was headed for Amber. Jodi had told him where to go after Elizabeth ran off to kill the Tojo clan's members.

"Natalia survived!? She really pulled it off!" Jackson said with a huge smile on his face. "After I talk with Amber, I'll help Rock and Hercules." Jackson could see the building Amber was in. He ran faster and eventually reached it.

Natalia was laying on the floor,passed out from her blood lost. "She gonna make it?" Jackson asked.

"Of course." Amber said. "She's…a tuff one."

"You know about the others? Jodi? Rock? Hercules? Ximena!? Lily?"

"Rock and Hercules went off, so did Ximena. I don't know where Jodi or Lily are." Amber admitted. She sighed and got to her feet. "I can't sit on the side lines. Not anymore." Amber gathered her things and was getting ready to leave.

"We need you alive, Amber. Stay here and protect-"

"I've done nothing! Nothing at all, Jackson! And to make things worse, I can't feel Astor with us! I think…I think something went wrong on the mission. I need to fight…I must. Things are going to get a lot worse soon."

"Worse how?" Jackson asked.

Amber took a deep breath.


Xenon sat in his dark temple and laughed. "I told you they'd forget all about you!" Xenon laughed. Flip walked out of the darkness. Flip wore a suit and tie, black shoes, and had short black hair that covered his earrings. "Why the sad look? I told you…they do not care. This isn't your story, boy." Xenon laughed.

"Didn't actually think you'd be right. So, what did you have in mind? Now that you've absorbed everyone's souls…you can use their powers and summon them?"

"Something like that, yes." Xenon said as he got off of his throne. Xenon towered over Flip and stared him directly in the eyes.

"It's time I let loose." Xenon walked out of the temple and looked down the huge mountain. "Joey should be dead. The only one who can stop our plan is Ahana herself. "It's time…I pay that town a little visit. Wouldn't you say…Flip?"



Ahana slowly walked through the portal and floated above the destroyed island. "I didn't know it would be this bad."

She floated until she noticed Astor's body startling to fade away. "Oh, Astor…may your soul rest easy…old friend." Ahana began to walk on the water and studied the area.

"All these bodies…they didn't manage to save a single person. Joey and Jinx aren't here. Did they escape? My vision was pretty accurate. I'm still getting used to this." Ahana sighed as she noticed a crack at the bottom of the ocean.

"So it was the fallen angels, huh? This…is gonna be fun."

Ahana noticed Bomber also fading away. "All these sacrifices…for a better opportunity. Everything will make sense. I promise." Ahana said as he put her hands together and closed her eye. "The angels will go to the town to try and kill Joey next. I'll head to the town. I'm curious to see how my pups leveled up."

Next chapter: Hell