
Hercules stood over Rock and took a fighting stance.

"I have wonderful names for us, sis!" The blond woman screamed. "I will go by Ellowyn and you can go by Ellowys!"

"I…love it!" Ellowys screamed.

Hercules was bleeding everywhere. He tried to control his breathing, but couldn't. It felt as though his lungs were about to jump out of his chest. "I have to hurry up and end this…and fast!" Hercules yelled as he raised his jinn-energy.

"Oh, sis, he's trying to attack again!" Ellowyn laughed.

Hercules pulled out a long spear and raised it above his head. "Take this-"

A small house was shredded to tiny pieces of needle like weapons. Each needle flew into Hercules's skin.

"I got him!" Ellowys screamed.

Ellowyn was surprised to see his body completely disappear. "An afterimage!?" Ellowys and Ellowyn both spun around and could see Hercules taking a stance and ready to throw the spear.

"Take…this," Hercules yelled. "Ritual: Battlefield!" The whole area had stopped, as her threw the spear with all his might.

The energy from the spear started to destroy everything in its path. Ellowys screamed as the spear was getting closer. "Not yet, sister." Ellowyn laughed, as she clapped her hands and covered the area with her jinn-energy. "Ritual: Reversal technique!" Hercules watched. His spear had spun around and was headed towards him with even more power than before.

"Shit!" Hercules took another stance and brassed himself. Ellowys dove towards Rock. "Oh, no!" Hercules said as he quickly had to make a decision.

"I can catch the spear and kill them both by throwing it back! It's a gamble though. I don't know if she can do the ritual again or not. The second option: save Rock. Use the rest of my strength to clap my hands and push him far away and die in the process!" Hercules was stuck in thought as the spear was now within a few meters away.

"A real man protects! To the very end! You better…be better than me, Rock! Kill these bastards!" Hercules clapped his hands and sent Rock flying away in the small town.

The spear hit Hercules and carried him u til he hit a nearby building. Blood spilled from his mouth. Ellowyn and Ellowys flew towards him and began to taunt Hercules. "You saved…him!? He's weaker than you! Why do you humans-"

"It's…more than being human. It's a man's job to protect his young."

Ellowyn and Ellowys looked at each other and back at Hercules. "Our father can't even do that. But, look at you. Dying like a insect." Ellowys laughed.

"Go…to hell." He gasped. Ellowyn raised her hands in the air and punched through Hercules's chest, grabbing and ripping out his heart.

"A man's heart…it's so powerful and sensitive."


Jodi stood and watched as Sho created dog-like creatures out of his shadows. "Let's see you get past this, Jodi! The white lighting!" Sho laughed as he clapped his hands. The dogs ran towards Jodi. Jodi pulled back and took another deep breath. He sliced one dog, just to see it split in half and grow bigger in size.

"Anything from the Chimera can't be destroyed. You'll have to dig deep, Jodi!" Sho laughed, as he jumped towards Jodi.

Jodi jumped on top of a nearby building and closed his eyes to prepare for another attack.

Sho managed to use the shadows and teleport behind Jodi. He used a unique dagger and stabbed Jodi in the back. The dagger had a smooth black handle, with blue German steel. Jodi leaned back and kicked Sho away.

Sho jumped back into the shadows and reappeared behind Jodi once again. This time, Jodi was prepared. He raised his sword and began to swing his sword.

"Shadow shield!" Jodi's sword made contact with the shield. The black shied blocked Jodi's attack and stole his weapon.

"What now, Jodi? You don't have your sword!" Sho laughed as he leaped towards Jodi, engaging in close-combat with him.

Sho threw a right hook with some jinn-energy behind it. Jodi blocked it and threw a jab with his lighting.

Sho made an unusual hand movement. He dodged Jodi's jab and spun around him, pulled the dagger out of Jodi's back, and tried to stab him in the eye.

Sho dropped the dagger into his other hand and stabbed Jodi in the stomach. "That all?" Sho laughed.

Jodi kicked Sho away once again and laughed hysterically. "Fuse!" Jodi yelled. The entire time, Jodi and his jinn had fused. Jodi finally decided to activate the fusion.

The dust and smoke cleared. Jodi's form was completely shown to Sho. "That's it. That's what makes us…special." Sho whispered as he pulled out a pair of nunchucks from Jiniki's mouth.

Jodi had two red horns, a long red tail, his hair was longer, and his body grew bigger in size. "Hey, not bad. You've gotten stronger. But…like I said earlier…the fight…is just beginning!" Sho laughed.


After talking with Amber and getting more information, Jackson was headed towards the school. "That's where most of the jinn-energy is coming from. What the hell is going on over there?" Jackson asked himself as he began to think horribly. "Damn, what if everyone is dead and I don't know it-"

"Jackson!" A woman screamed as she jumped from the shadows and hugged him tight in her arms. It was Ximena.

"Jackson you need to hurry up and-"

"Wait…you don't hear that?" Jackson asked while wandering around like a loose dog. "Sounds like…the hospital machines…the ones that check your heart pulse or whatever."

Ximena rolled her eyes and tried to pull Jackson away. "Jackson…please listen to me! Hercules and Rock are fighting! I don't think they'll last much longer, please!" Ximena cried.

"But…I can almost hear Charlie's voice and Elena's." Jackson's eyes seemed to be zoned out as he walked towards a building.

Ximena clapped her hands and began to cast a spell. "Snap out of it! Hear my voice, Jackson! It's just a trick! There is no Charlie or Elena…it's just me and you here. It's just another jinn trying to turn you against us. Don't let it take control!"

Jackson stopped and slowly turned his head. "Ximena….behind you." Ximena quickly turned around to see a jinn hunched over.

Jackson could still hear the voices of the people he loved. He turned around to face the building. At the same time, Jackson and Ximena both knew what was going on.

"There are two jinns here."

"There are two jinns here."

They both said. Ximena took a step forward and so did the jinn.

"Jackson, don't move another muscle! We've been caught in tow rituals!" Ximena yelled over.

"What are you saying? I can't move anymore? This jinn in the building is…feels like it's trying to take over." Jackson yelled back.

"Jackson, listen to me carefully. This ritual is a rare one. There are ten shadows…each shadow will copy our movements and steal all of our jinn energy. Jinn energy stolen means our power and strength will decrease significantly!"

"I see…so in other words, were screwed. Unless…"

"What are you thinking?" Ximena asked.

Jackson thought about a secret conversation he had with Ahana before Joey left to go to the island.


Jackson was thrown to the ground with tremendous force. He rubbed his head and looked up as Ahana stood over him.

"I thought you said you'd go easy."

"And I thought you'd be stronger." Ahana said with a smirk.

Ahana held out her hand to help Jackson up. Jackson swiped away her hand and got up on his own.

"I don't need your help. Now or never. Remember that, Ahana."

"Oh, trust me…I will."

Jackson couldn't help but remember his butler's warning to stay away from Ahana. "What's your deal? Like…why are you the way you are?"

Ahana smiled and looked out the window of the tall building. "Humans have their own traits. Not everyone is the same. But…similar." Ahana sighed. "Whenever someone or a group of people come into this world…the are considered "different,weird, and special," but I don't see that. I…have a dream Jackson." Ahana turned around and walked so close to Jackson that he early fell back on the ground.

"You have the ability of "demon army" a very powerful technique that takes some time to fully master. Out of Jodi and Joey…you hav the most potential. You can easily summon…"the forbidden one". You've come close…and close again. But, you're letting your emotions get the best of you. I know you've lost people and I'm sorry. We will find out who did it I promise. But I need you to focus on that power. You are one of the people on this planet that's special and unique."

"I…I don't understand-"

"You don't have to understand. Just do it, okay?" Ahana placed her hand on the left side of Jackson's chest to feel his heartbeat. "Your heart…was beating much faster the first time I met you. Now…it's almost nonexistent. That's perfect. Let the darkness corrupt you. Use it, love it, and honor it. What's life…without a little bit of pain?"


Jackson closed his eyes and clapped his hands together. "I'll give it all I've got! Ritual: Call of a thousand Demons!" Ximena was shocked to see thousands of demons tearing open the ground. "Kill…them!" Jackson yelled as the demands charged the building and the jinn in front of Ximena.

"Halt!" A man yelled.

Everything around Jackson and Ximena stopped moving. "Why…why would he be here!? Of all people…he comes?" Ximena recognized the man's voice.

She turned around to see a tall man wearing a white robe. "It really is you…Xenon." Xenon floated over Jackson,Ximena,and the devil army. He smirked at Ximena as he pointed at her. Ximena was lifted in the air. "Put her down!" Jackson yelled as the demon's turned their attention to Xenon.

Xenon held Ximena by the throat and was lighting choking her. "What is your name, boy? I'm rather interested in your ritual." Xenon yelled down.

"Jackson Price! Put her down! I don't know what or who you are but you can't just-"

"I'm the one…who's gonna put a end to this shit show! I am Xenon Tojo, leader of the Tojo clan."

Jackson immediately thought about Kilo. Were on the same team. You came to get revenge for Kilo?"

"Oh, not at all. I'm here…for other reasons. You see, my partner needs my help. I need to reach that school to summon something amazing." Xenon laughed.

Two high-level jinns appeared from the shadows as Ellowyn and Ellowys appeared. Ellowyn looked down and laughed. "Look sis,it's Shadow and Akuma!" Ellowys looked up and noticed Xenon. "Dad's partner is here!"

Jackson looked around and noticed just how outnumbered and matched he was. "I can't let Ximena die! If she dies…her spell won't give us an upper hand! She used her ritual to give us a chance at killing these damn high-levels. If she dies we lose! But, thousand demons isn't enough for four high-levels. My power is drained….right now I'm a high-level jinn slayer, my jinn-energy is running low, and Xenon might even be a insane-level fighter. Damn it…damn it!" Jackson told himself as he looked defeated.

"Drop your sword. I need to take that with me too." Xenon ordered. A soft breeze blew as everyone fell into silence. "Let Ximena go…and I'll give you the sword." Jackson said.

If I give him my sword…he will take control of the demon army and my power will be decreased…probably make me a medium-level slayer, Jackson thought.

"Let her go? Xenon looked at Shadow,Akuma,Ellowyn, and Ellowys. The five of them bursted out into a laughter.

"You don't have much of a choice! This isn't a negotiation! I'm letting you keep your life, boy! Give me the sword and you live and she dies…or don't give me the sword and I kill you both." Xenon said as his nails formed into sharp claws.

"Please…let her go-"

"I'm going to count to three."

"This isn't fair! Kill me! Let her go! It's the sword you want!"


"Just listen to me!"


Jackson dropped the sword and put his hands up. "Drop her, Xenon!"

Xenon looked at Ximena and back at Jackson. "You know too much, girl. You know that." Xenon said while looking her in the eyes.

Xenon turned to Jackson. "Since you asked so nicely," he began.

Jackson held out his arms, ready to catch Ximena. "I'll kill her quickly." Xenon pulled his fist back and punched through Ximena's stomach.

Ximena coughed up blood. "As long…as there's a future, everything will be okay." She managed to grab Xenon and cast one last spell. "Flic tok mon sup."

Xenon quickly threw her to the ground. Her body landed in front of Jackson, who was frozen in place while looking at Ximena's bloody body.

She turned her head and smiled at Jackson. "Protect the rest of them, Jackson. The…the rest is up…to you." Jackson reached out to Ximena. All to watch Xenon land on top of her and crush her body. Ximena's blood shot on Jackson's face as he fell to his knees.

"We have the sword. Thank you for your weakness, boy. Shadow…kill this clown. You two, take me you Kebushie." Xenon waved the sword around and made the demon army follow him as he walked away.

"I failed…again at saving them-I-I-someone…help…help." Jackson whimpered, as tears fell from his eyes. He punched the ground and wailed.

"Damn it! Damn it!" Jackson immediately thought about his father, mother,Elena, Charlie, Wraith, and Ximena. "I failed to do it! I failed to protect them all! Damn it! Damn it! For once, do something good! Jaden is nowhere to be found! Neither is Jodi, Lily, and you don't even know if Rock and Hercules is alive! You're such a damn fool, I swear to god!" Jackson grabbed his hair and began to pull at it.

Shadow slowly approached Jackson and pulled out a long sword. Jackson looked up and looked at the night sky.

Shadow was stunned when seeing a pair of eyes over Jackson. "What!?" He said while taking a couple steps back.

"Ritual: call of a thousand demons…summoning!"

Jackson's energy shot everywhere, sending chills down Ellowyn and Ellowys's spines. Xenon turned around and was surprised. "What…is this?" Ellowyn asked while almost falling from the aggressive winds.

"Deep from the pits of hell…where the worst of the worst to come. With this ritual I summon one of the worst. The forbidden one: Bakemono!" Jackson slammed his hands into the ground. Shadow watched in horror as a head appeared below Jackson's feet.

"Arise. It's time to kill!" Jackson yelled while holding his arms out. Bakemono lifted up its arms and pushed itself from the ground. Bakemono stood around seventeen meters, had two giant horns, carried a giant battle axe, and had a long red tail that dragged across the ground. Jackson made another hand sign and took a deep breath.

Summoning him took more out of time then I thought it would. Bakemono is a high-level jinn. He has the ability to convert everyone's energy into his own, allowing him to steal their abilities and he can spawn other weapons, Jackson thought.

"Bakemono…ritual: Hell's playground!"

Ellowyn,Ellowys,Xenon,Shadow, and Akuma we're all surrounded by giant green flames.

"Amazing!" Ellowyn laughed.

Xenon looked up and looked up at the mighty creature. Jackson looked down ant pointed at. Xenon.

"It's not that easy, boy! You need to have full control over it!" Xenon laughed as the army of demons defeated underground.

"Each time I summon a forbidden warrior, I lose my life energy. Hell, if I summon him and lose…I die. I have to…end these guys now!" Jackson yelled as he clapped his hands.

Bakemono leaped in the air and raised his axe over his head. He let out a load roar that shake the ground.

"Akuma, use it!" Ellowys screamed.

Akuma quickly clapped her hands and teleported Ellowyn,Ellowys, and Xenon away. Shadow and Akuma were stuck. "The flames won't let us leave! And it's draining our energy!" Akuma cried as Bakemono slammed his hammer down, killing the two high-levels.

"I won't let them get away." Jackson yelled. "Demon dogs!"

Ten dog-like creatures were spawned and began to run through the town and towards the school.

Jackson pointed at the high school. "March."

Bakemono slowly walked towards the high school.


Jaden sat against the wall of the house and looked up. "I…you were the last person…I would have expected to betray us." He admitted.

The person walked towards him and stood over him. "Do what you have to. This shit…really hit the ceiling." Jaden sighed as the person blew a hole in his chest.


Kebushie had Lily and Martha tied up on the wall. He could feel the ground shaking each time Bakemono took a step.

"We can't leave this high school. The ritual must start here." Kebushie said as he jumped up and walked towards Martha. "I need your blood…to activate this orb. Once I do that, I'll put it in the "chosen one". Kebushie walked back and forth, feeling eager about the whole situation. "What an amazing reunion this'll be…right…Ahana?" Kebushie turned around to see a woman sitting on the throne.

"I couldn't even sense you. You…have gotten stronger." Kebushie said as he slowly reached for a blade behind his back.

"Kebushie….I'm going to kill all of you." Ahana rolled her eyes and quickly clapped her hands, allowing her to teleport out of the school and float above the entire town.

"Now then…where should I start?"

Next Chapter: The Legendary Ahana