The Legendary Ahana

Ahana looked down over the small town. She could see all, feel all, and most importantly…know all.

She smiled and slowly pressed her hands together. "Now, where should I start?" She asked herself.

"Kebushie has Lily and the mom. Which I don't mind. Kebushie needs Jackson's sword do some reason. They'll be safe as long as I kill whoever has the sword." Ahana spun around and noticed the giant devil marching towards the school.

"Mmm…Jackson. He managed to summon the forbidden one…excellent. Jodi and Sho are fighting, Amber is still alive somewhere, and Natalia. What happened to the others? They die?" Ahana immediately dashed towards Rock's energy. I'm the blink of an eye, she managed to find and located Rock. "Hey there little guy." She said with a smirk.

Rock couldn't believe it. "A…Ahana?! What…what took you so long?" Rock cried. Ahana helped Rock off of the ground and teleported in front of Amber, who was done healing Natalia.

"When did you-"

"Enough questions. Heal Rock and meet me on the battlefield after, that's on order!" Ahana yelled, as she pulled out her two swords.

"What are you gonna do!?" Ahana turned around and smiled. "Imma do what I do best. And that's killing the bad guys." Ahana clapped her swords together and floated above the city again.

Kebushie ran out of the building and took a deep breath. "AHANA IS HERE!" He yelled.

Ahana looked at Kebushie and then back at three people who were traveling right towards him.

"That man…is that Xenon? Oh, damn. Things really are gonna get interesting." Ahana laughed and prepared her body to fly towards him.

Suddenly, a strong figure jumped up and threw Ahana in the opposite direction.

Ahana did a quick back-flip and landed on her feet before noticing a girl with a thick sword approaching her.

"You finally came, Ahana." Elizabeth laughed. "I can't wait for this!"

"You must be…the one I saw in my vision." Ahana sighed. "Vision?" Elizabeth asked.

"Yes, my perfect dream. You…were dead at my feet of course."

Elizabeth jumped at Ahana. Ahana pointed at her and whispered the word, "twist." Causing Elizabeth's right arm to twist and break.

Elizabeth quickly jumped back, threw her sword in the air, and snapped her fingers. Ahana turned around to see flies covering her view. "Can't sense her energy with these in my way-"

Elizabeth laughed, as she swung her sword with her left arm, nearly cutting Ahana. Ahana jumped back and held her hand out. An invisible force pushed her back.

"I'm slowed down? No, that's not it. She's controlling the gravity around me somehow." Elizabeth said. She put her sword away and healed her right arm.

"Ahh, she can heal herself too?" Ahana laughed. Ahana landed swiftly on the ground and approached Elizabeth.

"I know…it's annoying. I am the best though."

"Screw you." Elizabeth spat. She tried to move but couldn't. Her body was moving too slow and it felt like she was trying to lift a elephant.

"Who are you?"

"I'm the daughter…of someone you killed! I'm here for revenge, Ahana." Elizabeth yelled.

"Revenge, huh? You aren't even important right now. You should-"

Xenon flew out of the air and landed a powerful kick, sending Ahana flying. "That one had my back in it." He scoffed. Xenon rolled his neck and threw the sword on the ground.

"Nice to finally meet you when you aren't with others, Ahana. How should I kill you?" Xenon laughed.

The dust cleared as Xenon couldn't see Ahana anywhere. Xenon lifted his head to see Ahana's eye glowing in the dark, as she hovered over him.

"That eye…shouldn't even be yours. Why would someone like you…be blessed to have that power!?" Xenon yelled.

Pieces of rubble from a destroyed building started to cover the sky. Ahana stared at Xenon and smiled. "I remember you said something about not losing to a woman, right? What if I told you…the one who'll end your life is gonna be a woman?"


Ahana pointed to Elizabeth. "Girl, I had a vision about you and Xenon. He was on the ground, running out of breath, dying at your feet. I don't know who or what you are…but, if we were to fight, id actually have to pull off some moves. What's your beef with the Tojo?" Ahana asked as he put her hands together.

"I'm the daughter…of the legendary assassin, Nebula."

Xenon's eyes grew wide. His heart began racing as he realized who she was. "I can't believe it. You and…the boy live?"

"Boy?" Elizabeth asked. "Wait, who are you? You with the Tojo clan or what?"

Xenon ignored Elizabeth's questions and was on high alert. If she's really her daughter then…this girl really is a problem! Xenon thought.

"This man is the leader of the Tojo clan, girl. The fact you are related to Nebula…means your family was working for the clan! Pisses you off, right?" Ahana said. Ahana pointed at Xenon while in the air. Xenon felt a force push him back and towards a building.

"I'll have to kill the both of them." Xenon said with a smirk. Elizabeth stared at the ground. She looked at Xenon and felt nothing but rage and hate.

"I guess…I'll have to kill the both of them. I need Ahana dead and this man dead. It's the only way!"

Ahana landed on the ground while still pointing at Xenon. "I feel like the both of you are going about this wrong. Girl, do not attack me. I'll have no choice but to kill you too."

"Kill me? No, I'm here to kill you, Ahana." Elizabeth pulled out her sword. Xenon laughed and snapped his fingers, releasing Ahana's powers.

"This is gonna be fun!" He laughed. "I get to kill two annoying brats! Nebula's daughter…and Ahana!"

No one moved. The wind blew as the three looked at each other. Elizabeth dashed towards Ahana. Ahana turned her head and stopped Elizabeth in her track.

Xenon took this opportunity and leaped towards Ahana. He pulled out a hand-sized blade and twirled it around.


Ahana leaned back, dodging Xenon's attack. She jumped back and clapped her hands. Elizabeth quickly leaped at Xenon. Xenon used a finger to stop her sword.

"Not as strong as your mom though." He scoffed. Xenon managed to cut Elizabeth in the face. Elizabeth laughed as she was flying through the air.

"If we fight here…the whole area will be destroyed. I'll just have to do this…" Ahana clapped her hands and made the part of the town float.

Suddenly, Ahana was shocked to feel a sharp pain in her stomach. She looked down and noticed the blade. "Oh?" Xenon grabbed her by the hair and threw her on the ground.

Ahana quickly jumped up and clapped her hands. "What!?"

"That blade…isn't my jinn weapon. It's a jinn tool…given to me from Jiniki! Once stabbed, the abilities of the person won't work! No more super strength, unlimited jinn-energy, and no more-"

Ahana punched Xenon, sending him into a nearby house. "I don't need that for you guys." Elizabeth was approaching. Ahana turned around and kicked her in the stomach, making blood come from her mouth.

In the blink of an eye, Elizabeth was behind Ahana and swung her sword. Ahana quickly pulled out both her sword and blocked her attack.

"Listen to me. If we keep fighting and let Xenon study us, we can't beat him. He has an ability non of us can stop-"

"Shut up! I haven't seen anything!"

"The fights just getting started little one." Ahana said as Xenon hovered in the sky. He put his hands together and focused on the two women fighting.

"Angelic…blast!" A flash of light came hurdling towards the two. Ahana grabbed Elizabeth and jumped away from the explosion.

Something's…off. The Xenon I heard about…would use his ability. I don't know the man, but from the stories K told us, this…this is no man. No,this is a jinn possessing his body! Ahana thought.

Elizabeth ran out, jumped over the beam, and clapped her hands.

Elizabeth managed to cut Xenon's face, causing blood to gush out. "She teleported? Or is that just speed?" Xenon asked himself. Xenon landed near Ahana and wiped the blood from his face.

"You dumb bitch. You…haven't done your research at all, have you!?" Xenon yelled as strange marking appeared around his face.

"Ritual: Angels curse womb! I was blessed…blessed to be given such a powerful ritual from the angels above!" Xenon laughed. Xenon grew in size and strength. "The hell?" Elizabeth said as she jumped back to study the man.

Ahana pulled out the blade and noticed her jinn energy running low. "I don't have time for this. I have to get down there with Jackson and fast. This girl…should be able to handle Xenon. I wanted him for myself, but the way this is looking…nah. It'll be fine…I am me…after all." Ahana got up and put on her blind fold.

"The angels will be here soon. Near Jackson. I need to get down there fast!" Ahana quickly flew up and was headed towards Jackson.

Jackson stood on top of Bakemono. The giant creature was getting closer and closer to the school. "Destroy the school, Bakemono!

Kebushie jumped on the roof of the building and could see Jackson. The two held eye contact. "You are really starting to be a pain in the ass, boy!" Kebushie yelled.

"You are all alone! No one else is fighting but you! We've already won! The rest of the jinns already retreated, we don't need them anymore! Ahana is here, yes. But…the plan is already done once we get your sword!" Kebushie laughed.

Suddenly, Bakemono stopped and Jackson looked down on Kebushie. "I can sense her. Let her out of the building, Kebushie. Jackson said.

"You can't destroy the building. You'll kill the girl and mother. I don't think you understand what you are doing-"

"LET THEM OUT!" Jackson yelled as powerful winds blew Kebushie on the top of his feet.

"These…these things…aren't who and what you think. I'm trying to save the world here and make a new one! This world is finished, done! If I can give everyone a fighting chance I'll-"

"New world!? How the hell do you plan on saving the world if you want a war in this one!? That's not how this works!" Jackson argued. "You can't decide who's evil and not! You aren't god!"

"We have someone here who almost is! Don't you get it? Ahana has the power to eliminate them all! If she won't…then I have someone who will! How many people do you think are homeless,starve,depressed, miserable, and mistreated in their lives!? If I can give people a jinn to inhabit their bodies, I will give them a fighting chance! They can start their own ward for freedom! We don't need a government, rules, or borders! Everything and everyone will come together, Jackson! In my new world, Jinns and humans will exist in the physical world together!" Kebushie explained.

Jackson couldn't believe the words that were coming from Kebushie's mouth. "Just…what are you saying?" Jackson's mind started to wander as he thought about everything jinns had taken from him. "Jinns…aren't good. You want…you want me to trust these things!? What's wrong with you!? Are you insane!? Jinns kill and hurt people, Kebushie!"

"Jinns were humans once too, boy. You…are just like them in this physical world we call Earth. Didn't you hurt people? Hell, don't let me get started on your father! YOU gutted people! Your whole life, you stepped over people as if they were trash! Jinns kill! Humans kill! Jinns were humans! Humans become jinns! Jinns manipulate and lie! Humans manipulate and die! Jinns are evil! And humans…are evil! There is no difference! Wake up, boy! You are the exact evil that needs to go! People like you think you are so much better than others. For what? Green paper? In my world, there will be no money,racism,sexist, and much more! Why do we have people rich like you, Jackson? And others on the street with their kids?! Make that make sense!"

Jackson fell into a silence. Jackson's jinn energy disappeared as everything went quiet. "I'm evil, huh? Theres a difference in doing sins…than to being evil. You killed your own comrades…they were your friends and family. A lot of people…would have given everything to have what you lost. Everything…" Jackson clinched his fist. "Humans and Jinns aren't the same."


Four bright lights appeared through the clouds. Four lights slowly made their way towards the school.

The lights formed into beautiful beings. A huge earthquake started to shake the Earth.

Jackson held on to Bakemono. Kebushie quickly jumped off of the roof and headed inside.


Amber tried to drag Rock and Natalia. The building collapsed on the three.


Elizabeth and Xenon turned around to see a light that shi fed brighter than the sun itself. "You sent warriors from the sky, Allah?"


Ellowyn and Ellowys looked up and were burnt by the light. "We have to get the sword from Xenon and bring it to father!" Ellowyn hissed.


Ahana bursted through the clouds and looked down on the four angles. Giant pairs of wings formed, as their bodies started to form. "It is time."

Ahana swooped down and floated in front of the four beings. Their wings were huge. The wings of the angels were so white that it glowed in the dark, giant muscular arms, and all of them had a black mark on their right eyes.

"Azazel, Azza, Uzza, and Dumah….should have seen that coming." Ahana said.

Azazel was a tall man. Stood around seven feet in height, huge arms, had long black hair that dropped to his lower back, perfect white teeth, green eyes, and had a long golden spear.

Azza was a short athletic woman. Her wings were shorter than everyone else's. She had bright blue eyes, sharp teeth, and a white horn on the left side of her forehead.

Uzza was a tall and built man. Was around seven feet tall, wore a hoodie over his head that covered his face. Two white horns stuck out, his wings were the biggest, and his muscles poked out from underneath his robe.

Duhman was a tiny man. He told around four feet I. Height. He had three horns, perfect white wings, skinny, and had spikes on the edge of his wings.

"Be honest with me…is this…a planned attack?" Ahana asked.

"No. The other angels have nothing to do with what comes next." Azazel said in a calm voice.

"Been sealed down there for years…you four know I can't let you have your way, right?"

The four angels looked at each other with huge smirks across their faces. "I'm glad…we get to kill the legendary Ahana."


Next chapter: The Devil has arrived