The Boy With Nothing

"Ever since that day…I realized just how useless life is. Ever since that day…I realized just how useless happiness was and how easily it can be taken away. Ever since that day…I'm the man I am now. Ever since that day."


The little boy opened his eyes. He always amazed himself. Being he was very smart for his age and could read the clock well. It read 6:00am.

The boy wiped his eyes and headed to the bathroom. He began brushing his teeth and washing his face.

"Kebushie, comedown stairs and get your lunch box!" His mother called. Kebushie rolled his eyes. His short brown hair, green eyes, and smooth bright skin. Kebushie was a cunning kid with a bright smile.

He rushed down stairs and quickly snatched the lunch box off of the countertop. Kebushie ran towards the door.

A tall man quickly stepped in front of him. "Not so fast. You're always in a rush to catch the bus. Say goodbye to your mother and me first."

"Fine. Ahem….I hope you and mom have good days today and I love you guys!" Kebushie laughed.

His dad, in a swift motion, scoped Kebushie off of the ground and held him upside down while tickling him. "Say it like you mean it!"


Kebushie opened the door to his home and ran down the street. "It's been so long since I've seen you! I can't wait!" He yelled while waking up a few neighbors.

Kebushie turned the corner and noticed a tall kid standing still.

"It's been sixteen hours, Jacob!"

Jacob spun around. The two boys ran towards each other with their arms in the air. "Kebushie!"


The two jumped in the air. Both were met with a hand that pushed them back and made them fall to the ground.

"What the hell?! Why would you do that, Scarlet?!" Jacob cried. Jacob made sure his head wasn't bleeding from the fall. He brushed himself off and stood face to face with Scarlet.

"You gonna kiss me?"

"What? Of course not!"

Scarlet smirked at Jacob. "Then why so close?"

"You two are always flirting. Night has we'll hurry up and get together." Kebushie yawned. He pushed past the two and began to walk to the bus stop.

Jacob and Scarlet quickly caught up with him. While waiting at the stop, they noticed a small woman walking a dog.

"Hello mrs.Write! How are you?" Jacob yelled out.

Scarlet gave him a little nudge. "Why would you speak to her? Everyone knows she's crazy!"

The woman ignored Jacob and continued walking down the street. Kebushie noticed a small creature lingering around her shoulders.

I'm…known as the weird kid. When I first started seeing them…people thought I was crazy. Hell, even Jacob and Scarlet think I'm crazy when I bring it up. Mrs.Write lost her husband a few years back and hasn't been the same since. I always see a ghost flying over her. She even talks about frequent back pains and what not. I'm the only one…who knows why.


Kebushie,Scarlet, and Jacob all sat in a seat tougher on the bus. While half sleep, Jacob moved his hand past Scarlet and thumped Kebushie in the head before closing his eyes quickly to pretend sleep.

Kebushie rolled his eyes and let out a little laugh.


The bell had ringed and school was out. Kebushie hurried out of class and quickly made his way to the bus loop.

Kebushie bumped into a much bigger kid. "Watch where you're going, brat!" The boy yelled.

"Oh…middle schoolers!" Kebushie thought. "I-I'm sorry! Didn't mean to run into you!"

"Better be sorry. Get out of here!"


"Where the hell is he? We're about to miss the bus again!" Scarlet cried. "It's hot and muggy! My hair will get all messy!"

"Stop crying. We don't care about your dumb hair!" Jacob yawned. "Besides, the heat is good. Makes me sleepy."

Kebushie bursted through the doors. "Right on time! Let's ride the bus-"

"It's gone you little shit!" Scarlet screamed. She tried to jump at Kebushie, but Jacob managed to grab her by her backpack and hold her back.

"You little…you always do this!" She screamed.

"I was on time. I don't understand." Kebushie sighed.

"Remember this, Kebushie…on time is late." Jacob said with a smirk. "Well, time to go on that walk! If our parents ask…just say we had to help Scarlet with a little project."

The three walked through a small town. "Let's get some lunch…I hungry." Scarlet said.

Jacob looked at Kebushie and Kebushie looked at Jacob.

"Yeah, we think you need to lose the weight!"

"Yeah, we think you need to lose the weight!"

They both laughed. Scarlet gave them a disgusting look. "So rude. The both of you will never have girlfriends. Count on that!" Scarlet said.

Using Jacob's looks…he was able to get them into a restaurant for free.


"I don't know how you do it. Every time man!" Kebushie laughed.

"Yeah…I just have that dog in me I guess. Works every single time. Make a sad face and ask can me and my friends eat here one time."

"I'll keep that in mind." Kebushie said.

"Oh, man! I can't wait till we all graduate and love our lives!" Scarlet said as she looked through the menu.

"Graduate? That's years till now. Why would you bring that up?" Kebushie asked.

"Because that's when I can finally chase my dreams and goals. Eveyone has dreams and goals. Like me…I wanna be a professional hairstylist!"

"Really? That's a interesting job to want. You can do my hair every weekend. Me and Kebusbie's."

Kebushie kept looking at the tv. He couldn't help but realize the news reporter talking about a war.

"Thousands to millions are dead. The war involving Japan and China have left both countries completely destroyed and in dust. Most of the citizens have fled their homes and have become refugees. This all started when Japan leader: Koizumi Junichiro, threatened China's leader. The two have had sparks ever since-"

The woman at the bar changed the channel. Kebushie felt sick. Jacob noticed the change in his poster. He wrapped his arms around Kebushie. "Hey, now…it'll be alright. War is a natural thing. Wars will happen and there's nothing we can do about it."

"Yeah, I know…it's just…those people didn't need to die. And for what? All because…two people threatened each other? Why don't the two guys just box it out or something?"

"That's a good point. Leaders are weak these days. A real leader would fight with his country if he was really down." Scarlet mentioned.

"Either way, it's out of our control. Don't go stressing over something that you can't control, Kebushie. Now let's-"

"Sorry to intrude. What can I get you three to drink?" A woman asked. She had king black hair,tall,perfect white teeth, brown eyes, and had clear glowing skin.

Scarlet raised her hand. "Chocolate milk for the three of us, please!"


The three were watching their food. The sun barley stayed over the small town. The sky was organs and the view couldn't be more beautiful.

"So, sleep over tonight? It's gonna be a full moon and I can't wait to see it." Scarlet said.

"Full moon, huh?" Kebushie sighed and sipped on his chocolate milk.

"I've always wanted to go…to the stars." Jacob whispered. Kebushie put down his drink and focused on Jacob.

"I believe in the both of you." He said.

Scarlet and Jacob put their attention on Kebushie now. "Both of you will go far in your futures. I guarantee that. I'm proud of the both of you and grateful I have you in my lives."

Scarlet turned red. So did Jacob. "This damn sun…it's…making me turn red?" Scarlet whispered, as she quickly turned her head.


The three walked down the silent street. A truck drove by. A man stuck his hand out of the window. "Crazy ghost kid!" The man threw trash at Kebushie and quickly drove off.

"Piece of shit!" Jacob yelled.

Kebushie ignored it and kept on walking. "Kebushie, it's okay to be upset-"

"I'm okay. I'm just gonna go on a little walk through the neighborhood. You two can go on home and let me know what time to do the sleepover." Kebushie said in a dry tone.


Kebushie walked towards his neighborhood. Mrs.Write walked out into the middle of the road and towards Kebushie.

Kebushie moved to the right to avoid her, but he quickly noticed her unusual movements to move to her left.

Kebushie stopped. "Are you okay…Mrs.Write?"

The woman's body twitched. "Y-yes, I'm okay sweetie. Just glad to see a familiar face…is all."

Kebushie noticed all of the houses light off. Kebushie eyes opened wide, as he realized what was in front of him. "Shit, a damn possessed woman!"

Kebushie turned around and ran. His body was stopped by an unown forcefield. "Huh?"

"Ritual: Dark Palace!" The woman lives in a deep tone. Kebushie closed his eyes. "Enough!" Kebushie yelled, as his energy surprised the jinn, causing it to burn and almost destroyed its ritual.

Kebushie held out his hand and watched as the jinn was starting to come out of her body. "W-what's happening?!" The creature screamed.

"I'm absorbing it?!"


Two days later.

"It's such a tragedy. That poor woman died alone in her home". Kebushie's mother cried.

"She's in a better place. There's nothing to worry about".

Kebushie ignored them and played with his pocket knife. He thought about what happened that night.

"Darkness will fall upon this little town! The twins are coming! You and your family and friends are finished!"

The jinn had told him. Kebushie had been warning his parent that they should move. Each time…they've threatened to put him in a nursing home.


Kebushie walked to school alone. He was nervous and didn't know what to say to anyone. People started to think he was insane.

Jacob and Scarlet ran into Kebushie in the hall. "Are you okay? You've been ignoring us-" Kebushie ignored Jacob and walked to class.


Kebushie put a hoodie over his head and started walking down the street towards his house.

Night came and Kebushie wandered around the town. "It's only a matter of time before the powerful jinn comes. No one has taken my warning. Not even my own two friends.

Kebushie heard footsteps approaching him from behind. Scarlet was out.

"Scarlet?! What are you doing here? You should be at home sleep-"

"I saw you sneaking out of your house. I followed you". She said with a smile.

Kebushie rolled his eyes and turned around. "You need to go home. Something is coming here at night one day. You never know". He sighed.

Scarlet hugged Kebushie from behind. "I…followed you because…I just want to see you smile". She said, as tears fell from her eyes.

Kebushie swallowed. His lips quivered and he held back his tears. "Kebushie, no matter what you think. Me and Jacob love you for you. We're you best friends. We care about you so much". She said as she tightened her hug.

"You don't believe me though. I…I can't look you in the eyes if I know I can't protect you. No one is listening!" Kebushie held out his hand. "Look at my hand. Can you see this?"

Kebushie summoned the jinn that was possessing Write. Scarlet squinted her eyes. "OH MY GOD!" She screamed.

"You see it?!"

"I see it…I see the skin on your hand!"

Scarlet slapped his hand away. "Listen…if something really was coming it'll be fine. Evryone in the town can't be killed by something. There's a lot of people".

"I guess…you have a point.

Scarlet grabbed Kebushie by the hair. "I've always wanted to do hair…someone with beautiful long hair. I think that color would look great on you". Scarlet winked at Kebushie. "Let's go home…Kebushie. Relax and take it easy".

Kebushie reached out and held Scarlet's hand.

Suddenly, Scarlet's eyes rolled back. "S-something's wrong!" She screamed. Scarlet bent backwards and let out a loud screech.

The jinn entered her body?! When? I didn't even see it! Kebushie thought, as he jumped back and pulled out a kitchen knife.

"Scarlet! Listen to my voice! You have to fight back!" Kebushie yelled.

"This doesn't make any sense! This is bad! It has a host. It can easily cause damage to-"

Scarlet leaped on the side of a building and three bricks from it at Kebushie. Kebushie did a backflip to dodge. When he looked up. Scarlet laughed while holding her hands out. "I'm finally free! Free from the spirit world! I haven't felt the moon in years!" She screamed, as she lunged towards the neighborhoods.

Kebushie quickly ran home and told the people in his neighborhood to leave quickly.

"This kid is crazy! Call the police!" The man said. Kebushie kicked open his door and ran upstairs. "Mom! Dad! We have to go! It's here! The monster is here!" Kebushie cried.

His dad rolled out of bed and patted Kebushie on the head. I'll check under your bed kid. I told you…there are no monsters".


"Kebushie…you're scaring me. What's the matter?"

"Mrs.Write…that Nig Jr…the night she died. There was a creature in her. I have the ability to absorb these creatures and use them. When I absorbed it..she died. The creature told me another one was coming and it's here! We need to move away! Please listen to me!"

Kebushie's dad gave his mother a cold look. His mom reached inside of the dresser next to their bed. Kebushie's das hugged him tight and kissed him on the head.

"I'm sorry, son". Kebushie felt something sharp enter through his back. He turned around and noticed a sharp needle. "Why…how could you?" Kebushie was getting tired.

"We will take him to the hospital first thing in the morning".

Suddenly, there was a knock on the door. "I'll go get it". His mother said.

"Don't open…that door". Kebushie whispered. Tears ran down his face. "Mom…if you open that door…it'll be the last time I get to talk and see you. Please think about it. Who would knock at this time?" Kebushie cried.

"It's probably the neighbors or something. I'll check the peep hole".

His mother slowly walked down the stairs. Kebushie felt hopeless, as the head of his mother disappeared from his view.

"Dad, please…stop her".

"Calm down Kebushie. Everything is okay".

Kebushie punched the floor in frustration. "I love you…mom".

His mom looked through the peep hole and noticed Scarlet standing outside.

She opened the door slowly. "Are you okay? It's a little late-" Kebushie's mom was disturbed by the wide smile across Scarlet's face.

She noticed blood on the street and a body on the roof of the house across the street. "This…must be his home".


The jinn sliced Kebushie's mom in half.

His dad heard screaming from down stairs. He ran down and was through up stairs. "DAD!" Kebushie yelled, as he could see Scarlet walking upstairs.

His dad got up and went for his gun. "Don't shoot her! I can still save her!"

Scarlet jumped and wrapped her legs around his neck. She snapped his neck. Kebushie stared at his dead father.

Rage consumed Kebushie. "ENOUGH!!"

Scarlet was sent flying out of Kebushie's house from the roof. She slid across the street, with Kebushie and a tall black jinn pursuing her.

The ran around the town fighting at a fast speed.

Kebushie managed to catch her and hold her down with his jinn. "How…how did this happen? Why did the jinn come here?"

"I HATE YOU!!" Scarlet screamed. Kebushie raised his hand over her body and began to suck the jinn out.

Scarlet broke free from the jinn's grasp and ran towards another neighborhood. Kebushie quickly jumped in front of her and hugged her tight. Scarlet stabbed him in the stomach.

"STOP IT!!" Kebushie yelled, as the jinn was beginning to move him out of the way.

More people will die. Everyone is sleep and won't see it coming. Don't make me do this, please god! Kebushie thought, as he tried to get through to his friend.

"Scarlet…listen to me. You're strong! Don't let this thing take control! It's Kebushie…your best friend!"

Scarlet's body froze. She grabbed her hair and began to pull herself around. "Kebushie…make it stop…make it-NO!!"

"Remember your dream! You want to do hair. Me and Jason's! I'll do it. I'll grow my hair out n have it grey just like you said!"

Scarlet began to cry as she collapsed to the ground. "You…have to kill me".

"K-kill you? Scarlet…just fight-"

"Hurry up before it takes control! Do it for me! For evryone here!"

Scarlet's eyes turned black and she began to change up a powerful attack with jinn energy.

The power-up was growing bigger and bigger. "This…this is enough to drain Alf the town…Scarlet please! Don't make me do this!"

"KILL HER!!!" The jinn laughed, as the ball grew bigger in size. Kebushie but his lips and ran towards Scarlet.

"SCARLET PLEASE!!!" The jinn forced Scarelt to fold back and prepare to throw the ball.

Kebushie leaped across the street and jabbed the knife into Scarlet's heart.

The attack disappeared and the jinn began to slither off. Kebushie caught Scarlet in his arms and managed to capture the jinn.

He went into the grass and held Scarlet while crying. "You're gonna be okay. Just keep those eyes open. We're gonna get you some help". Kebushie cried. He looked and around and yelled for help.

"I-I'm so sorry, Kebushie. You were right. We all…we all should or listened to you. Please, forgive me". Scarlet said, as blood came from her mouth and leaked on the grass.

"Don't apologize! I'm the one…I'm the one who-"

"Shut…up. If I was a good friend I would've believed you. Kebushie…are you there?"

"I'm right here".

"My vision…I can't see or feel anything. I…I don't wanna die and become one of those things. I don't wanna die. I…I couldn't even have that salon I've always wanted".

Kebushie gritted his teeth.

"Kebushie…I…I'm so…tired…"

Scarlet closed her eyes and took her last breath in Kebushie's arms.

"NO! NO! NO! NO!!"

In the distance…Jason had watched everything. Being that he couldn't see jinn energy or jinns…it looked as though Kebushie had murdered Scarlet.

Kebushie heard footsteps approaching behind him. He spun around to see Jason holding a pistol.

"You…killed her". Jason had anger and sadness in his eyes.

"Jason…it's not what it looks like. There was-"

"There was what? A monster? I trusted you! We were your friends and this is how you do her?! You're staying here! The cops are gonna get called and-"

Suddenly, blood splattered across Kebushie's face. Jason looked down to see a giant hole in his chest.

Kebushie could see a girl around his age on the other end with a black eye-patch. Jason looked at Kebushie and fell to his knees. "Oh". He said before falling on the ground.

Kebushie froze and looked at both of his friend's bodies. "You must be the guy who killed the jinn. That's impressive. Sorry for being late. It's our fault the jinn got away and came here. That was a high-level. Not a crazy one, of course. I couldn't let this guy kill another strong fighter". The girl said.

Kebushie jumped up and swung his knife at the girl. "I'll KILL YOU!!" Kebushie yelled.

The girl grabbed Kebushie by the arm and put him to the ground with ease.

"Calm down. I just saved your ass and this is the thanks I-"


"We're all human. That's the point of being human. We aren't all perfect. I know people died. It happens. Humans are…unemotional and unpredictable".


The girl rolled her eyes. My master and brother are gonna be here soon. They'll explain everything. You'll most likely come with us. And I'm sorry…for everything". The girl said.

Kebushie could see the guilt in her eye.


Ahana,Adrienne,K, and Kebushie.


I lost everything that night. I tried to tell evryone but no one would listen. I was forced to live a life I didn't want. I slept and ate with the people who were responsible for killing and taking the people I loved. Maybe I should've been stronger, smarter, better, and more. It was my fault and theirs too. I have to live with that. I have to fridge ahead and make the future!

That is my story. The story of Kebushie.

Next Chapter: Elizabeth Vs Xenon

Coming in 5 days