Elizabeth Vs Xenon

Elizabeth and Xenon stood across the street staring at each other. The wind blew, as the piece of rock was still floating in the sky.

"You…look a lot like your mother". Xenon said with a smile. "She was a great servant to the clan. You'll be no different".

Elizabeth took a deep breath. "Let's continue our fight". Elizabeth teleported behind Xenon. Xenon spun around.

Elizabeth swung her sword. Xenon disappeared into thin air and pointed at Elizabeth.

"Soul snatch-"

Elizabeth managed to jump and land a powerful blow to Xenon before he could unleash his attack.

The two clapped theirs hands. A snake appeared around Xenon's neck. "Huh?"

"You have three chances to tell the truth. Lie and you die". Elizabeth said, as a light circle appeared around her body.

"What if I don't wanna answer?"

"Then it'll kill you…slowly with it's poison".

Xenon glared at the creature. This was no normal snake. Even if he wanted to destroy it…he couldn't.

"This thing…is a spell. Only a high-level fighter could cast such a thing". Xenon said, as he landed on the ground and slowly pulled out two swords.

"It's almost funny. You fight just like your mother!"

"You gonna keep talking about her or what? That was the past. Nothing can change that".

"Who's talking about change? You'll be back to serving the clan in no time-"

"The clan is dead! You don't have fighters anymore. This is the end!" Elizabeth said, as she ran towards Xenon.

"You don't know anything. Allow me to show you something amazing!"

Xenon snapped his fingers together. Azura had appeared in front of him.

"The hell?!" Elizabeth stopped in her tracks and jumped back.

"I can use the dead to my advantage!" Xenon laughed, as Azura sprinted towards Elizabeth.

Elizabeth slammed her sword into the ground and created a crater. She moved through the pieces of rubble.

Elizabeth managed to get behind Azura. She swung her sword only for it to get blocked by Astral's sword.

Astral kicked Elizabeth into a nearby building. The building collapsed on top of her.

Xenon,Astral, and Azura slowly walked towards the building. "Don't you get it? I have all the power I could possibly want! Everyone I've ever absorbed and killed…I can use them like the little puppets they are". Xenon laughed.

Elizabeth yelled, as she used her jinn energy to push the building off of her. Blood poured from her head. She was beaten and bruised.

"You're a damn coward". Elizabeth said. She gasped and noticed herself losing her vision.

"You kill your own people and use their souls to control their bodies. You aren't the worlds strongest man. You're the world's greatest coward".

Xenon's eyes grew in rage. "A coward?!" Xenon flew towards Elizabeth and grabbed her by the head. He slammed her into the ground and started flying while dragging her.

"You didn't make the hard decisions! I tried to protect my clan, return them to their former glory!"

Xenon began to bash Elizabeth by her head. "The other clans aren't ready for what is coming! The strong will survive and the weak will die! That's how life has always been on this planet!"

Elizabeth reached out and kicked Xenon off of her. "Come!"

Her sword flew into her hand. Astral and Azura continued their assault on her. Elizabeth ran towards a building with the two nearby.

(I'm backed into a corner. Two high-level fighters who are being controlled and a insane-level fighter who might even be possessed. I'll use every jinn I have left!)

Elizabeth spun around and clapped her hands. In the middle of the battlefield, thousands of jinns appeared out of nowhere.

Elizabeth hid in the crowd of jinns and watched, as Xenon and the two fighters were attacked.

"You can't hide forever, girl! Nebula would be so disappointed".

(Wait, the girl isn't here! She's going for the-)

Xenon turned around to see Elizabeth crouched down with a knife held next to her face.

(It was a trick! She wanted me to think she'd go for the sword! I have to hurry and use-)

Elizabeth smiled wide. She leaned forward and jabbed the blade into Xenon's neck. She stabbed him repeatedly. Seven times in the neck and seventeen times in the leg.

She twisted the blade around with her fingers and went for the head. Xenon clapped his hands. He switched places with Astral's body. Astral was killed on impact of her strike.

Elizabeth turned around and used the jinns to move towards Xenon. (Don't make me do this)

Elizabeth pursued Xenon without any halt.

Xenon thought about the situation and looked around. (If I really do this…it'll probably destroy the entire platform. So be it)

Xenon clappped his hands. Elizabeth froze in place. Her eyes widened in surprise, she could feel her skin beginning to crawl, and she felt fear flowing through her body.

"This feeling…a ritual is coming!" Elizabeth jumped back and ran towards the tall buildings. "Return!"

All of the jinns disappeared.

"I can't have him destroy my jinns. I have a backup plan for this".

Xenon locked on to Elizabeth. "This is the end, brat! Ritual-"

Elizabeth had ran into a building and came out with Naomi. "You wouldn't kill your precious Naomi…would you?" Elizabeth chuckled. "You need her revival ability, right?"

Xenon squinted his eyes. "Why a pickle". He mumbled. "I didn't think the daughter of Nebula would fight so cowardly. I think we both know how this night ends".

"Oh? Then you know about your death?"

"Not what I was looking for-"

A giant cut appeared across Xenon's face. "Heh, it really does track a lie. Amazing".

"End your attack or I'll kill Naomi!" Elizabeth threatened.

"You won't kill a damn thing. Hell, you don't even plan on killing me, do you?" Xenon laughed.

"I plan to make you suffer then kill you".

Suddenly, Elizabeth had a giant cut on the right side of her face. "Reversed technique?!"

"Bingo! I had to make a deal". Xenon laughed. Elizabeth put Naomi on the ground and slowly pulled out her sword.

"With one of the princes of hell that is".

Xenon punched himself in the heart. Elizabeth was stunned. Xenon's energy changed to a dark and malice red. A pair of red wings grew from his back. Xenon lifted his head to reveal the change in his body.

Xenon ripped of his shirt. He had more muscles, grew taller, and had sharp teeth.

"What…did you do?" Elizabeth said with disbelief. "I did what had to me done!" Xenon flew over and grabbed her by the neck.

Elizabeth used her sword to slice his arm off. She landed on the ground and looked around. Xenon flew through the night sky so fast, so smooth. He almost looked like a bat.

"You're nothing without the clan!" Xenon threw a powerful ball of energy at Elizabeth. She ran towards Naomi and scooped her off of the ground.

A barrage of blast were shot at her. She ran and dodged each attack smoothly. (Damn it! This bastard made a deal with one of them?! His power is through the roof. I need to find the sword! Where is the demon sword?)

Naomi opened her eyes. "What's going-"

"NOT NOW!!" Elizabeth turned around and clapped her hands. (If I use a technique…he can just reverse it and have me hit with it)

Elizabeth used her strength and threw Naomi in a nearby building. "If you leave this building…you'll die. Stay here until I finish this bastard off".

Elizabeth turned around to see Xenon standing on the opposite side of the street. "Getting serious now?" Xenon taunted.

"Of course. I've been holding back the entire time. It's about time I show you…the true colors of my family".

"True colors? What don't I know?"

"You're about to find out". Elizabeth said with a smile on her face.

Next chapter: Elizabeth's Trumpcard