Elizabeth’s Trump Card

Elizabeth's body has gained more muscle. Xenon noticed this and studied from a distance.

"I see. This is interesting. The girl's jinn energy had risen…along with her speed, strength, agility, sense, and more. What…is this ability? Is this a power passed down through genetics?"

Elizabeth smiled and put her sword across her well-sized shoulder blades. "Ready?"

"Show me what you've got, kid".

Elizabeth took a step forward. She had traveled through space itself. She managed to get behind Xenon and push her sword through him with her back turned.

"I missed a vital spot".

Xenon used his arm and swung at her. He quickly pulled out her sword and ducked. Elizabeth jabbed Xenon in the stomach, sending him flying down the street.

Xenon slammed his hand into the ground to stop himself. "Amazing strength, speed, and more. This…isn't normal". Xenon jumped back and pulled his sword.

Elizabeth could see his jinn energy going into the weapon. She held out her hand. "Hallow slash!"

Elizabeth's hand was sliced off. "Oh?" She laughed, as she kicked Xenon into a nearby building.

Xenon quickly flew from the building and landed a powerful punch. Elizabeth did a couple of back flips while in the air. She swung her sword in barrages.

"Air type!"

Xenon stood still. (What is air type?) a giant cut appeared across Xenon's face and stomach.

"I can't see them? No…these attacks…are-"

Xenon clapped his hands, as wings formed on his back. He jumped and flew towards the nearby buildings. "This platform is getting annoying! Let's take it to the town!" Xenon flew in the air and pointed at Elizabeth.

"Hallow attack: Evaperation!"

Elizabeth jumped in the air. She looked down to see the platform being destroyed. She landed on a piece of debri. Xenon punched through it and grabbed her by the head.

Elizabeth twisted her legs around Xenon's neck. (He's getting thicker and stronger. That means…I won!) Elizabeth broke free and jumped onto another piece of falling debri.

"You copied my ability, huh?"

Elizabeth and Xenon stared at each other, as the debri fell towards the town.

"You may be able to copy abilities…but it doesn't mean you know how to use them". Elizabeth said.

Xenon felt a tightness in his stomach. Elizabeth layed Naomi on the debri. "I'm sorry". She whispered to the girl.

Elizabeth's body grew bigger in size. "You don't have long…until your dead".

"You think…I'm gonna die?! I'm Xenon Tojo! I'll learn your ability you little-" blood poured from Xenon's mouth.

Elizabeth glared at him. "I planned this out. I know I can't defeat you in a simple fight. So, I let you see my trumpcard. I knew if you had seen it, you'd use your copycat ability. However, I know you can't copy and learn a technique so quikcly".

Xenon was shocked. "No…how did you know so much about-"

"You're the head of a powerful clan that I hate. I've done my research. And…a friend of mine told me all I need to know about you…Xenon".

Xenon jumped towards Elizabeth. Elizabeth pointed at him. "You'll die in five minutes". Elizabeth grabbed Naomi and put her across her wide shoulders. She jumped off of the piece of rock.

(I have one attack…one attack that'll end it. I just…I just-)

Xenon threw a ball of jinn energy. Elizabeth sliced through it. The impact blasted her through the town's sky.

She adjusted her body and landed on a nearby building. Xenon was flying towards her. Elizabeth looked at her sword. (Heh…damn) Elizabeth laughed and threw the sword to the side.

"Screw it! I can't use all of my energy on him. I still have to worry about the "soul snatcher" but, I can do what I can. I probably won't last five minutes. I have to kill him now!"

Elizabeth took a fighting stance. Xenon punched her in the stomach, sending her crashing through multiple houses and buildings.

"You've brought this on yourself!" Xenon yelled, as he jumped from the building and started looking for Elizabeth through rubble.

(Elizabeth! The Tojo clan took everything from you. Your family…were nothing but slaves! Let me break that cycle)

Elizabeth opened her eyes. She stood up.

Xenon turned around and noticed the powerful energy around her.

Elizabeth held her hands together. She lifted her pointer fingers and thumbs together. Looked like a gun sign.

(It's not complete, but it's something!)

Xenon pointed at Elizabeth. "SOUL SNATCHER!!"

(If I'm going to die…I'll take you with me, brat!)

Elizabeth took a deep breath. "Ritual: Jinn's playground…rank-up!"

Thousands of jinns bursted through the ground.

Xenon stood still and beholded the sight. "She's done this before…but, these jinns are different".

Elizabeth's body was shaking. The soul snatcher ability had hit a jinn in front of her. (These aren't low-levels. With Rank-up. All of my jinns…become insane-level. It'll only lay a minute. I'll take him down! I have to do it now!)

Elizabeth pulled out her sword and charged towards Xenon. Xenon was being ripped apart by jinns. Since he copied Elizabeth's ability, he couldn't move normally. His muscles grew uncontrollably, making him slower and more tired than usual.

Xenon jumped away from the crowd of jinns. "I'll just retreat and-"

A forcefield blocked him from running. "D-damn it! Her ability…is going to-"

Elizabeth flew through the crowd of jinns and sliced Xenon's throat. (This isn't happening! This isn't happening!) Xenon flew towards a nearby building. The area seemed smaller than before. (She's able to control how far and short her ritual is?!)

Xenon clapped his hands together. "This is not the end! The Tojo clan will live on!" Xenon clapped his hands together. The crowd of jinns jumped in the air and surrounded him, with Elizabeth leading the charge.

It was like the world was in slow motion. (I've…done too much to lose)


Xenon sat at a long table. "Xenon, it's been a while". A muscular man in the shadows laughed.

"Do you have what I'm looking for, Zarbonious?"

Zarbonious laughed. Each step and the ground felt like it was shaking. "I've heard you're working with the wonder boy".

"Yes, I am. Won't be long until the Tojo clan-"

"Don't let the feeling consume you". Zarbonious enterupted.

"The feeling?"

"I know what happened to you as a kid. A strong, powerful jinn attacked your clan and almost wiped it out. You were the only survivor. You blamed it on K for not killing the damn thing".

"Yeah, well…he's raising the damn thing". Xenon sighed. "I have no choice. If I want the future of the clan…I'll have to play the bad guy role. I'll gather all up all of my clan members souls and combined them to create a powerful creature that can wipe out K and the twins". Xenon said, as he clutched his fists.

"What if you'll die before then?"

"Whoever kills me will have access to the creature. I've done all of the thinking….someone in my clan should do it. As long as it's not any of the twins".

"I see".

Xenon stood up and walked away from the table. "You know it just as much as I. That jinn that attcked the Tojo clan…what-"

"We cannot speak on it. We shall let the others find out for themselves. You're the third strongest in the Mighty Clan. Let your leader know. Whoever kills me…will help in the cause of killing the damn thing".


Xenon smiled. Elizabeth noticed his faint smile and stopped her attack. All of the jinns stopped.

Xenon gave Elizabeth a confused look and fell to his knees. "Xenon, tell me…are you…possessed?"

Xenon slowly shook his head. "I…am sorry…f-for all of it". Xenon said, as he gasped for air.

Elizabeth looked over at Naomi. "I'll do what I must". Elizabeth raised her sword in the air.

(A slicing sound echoed throughout the town)


Jodi was dragged through the thick and black goo. Sho threw him into a puddle of it. Jodi looked around and realized he was inside of Sho's ritual.

"Thought you could just walk away? Our fight…is just getting started".

Next Chapter: Jodi Vs Sho