Lost Faith

Joey and Elizabeth stood in the middle of the street. Joey held out his arms and laughed.

"I've been trying to deny it for so long!" Joey laughed. He took a deep breath. "Who would've thought me and Lily…were so cursed to be born like this." Joey stopped laughing and put on a serious look.

Elizabeth ignored him and let her jinn beast to fly on the air and make a hand sign.

(I'll unleash my slashes! I'll go on the attack quikcly!)

Elizabeth unleashed her slashing ability. Without paying attention, she used her jinn energy and put it around her sword. She sliced Joey in half, that's what it felt like. She noticed Joey's large, muscular stomach in front of her. (What is this?!) Joey grabbed her hand and held her by one hand. Elizabeth quickly punched Joey.

The whole world around her turned black. She imagined a giant steel wall in front of her. (This isn't right. My energy…has no affect on him?)

Elizabeth spun and kicked Joey in his chin, making him drop her.

As she was falling, Joey delivered a powerful punch to the back on her head.

Joey was surprised to see a smile on Elizabeth's face. "That was weak!" She laughed.

She used her energy and pushed Joey away into a nearby building. Joey snapped his fingers. The pieces of building floated throughout the sky.

"This doesn't make any sense! It's not possible for the king of hell to reproduce with a human!" Elizabeth yelled.

Joey ignored her and let out a powerful yell. The buildings lifted and collapsed to the ground. Joey slowly emerged from the smoke and walked towards Elizabeth.

"I refuse…to lose!" Elizabeth looked at her creature and made multiple hand signs. "Hamun…COME!"

Joey stopped in place and looked at the creature standing upright beside Elizabeth.

(He's immune to jinn energy attacks! That means…I'll have to focus my soul on the attack! A attack that'll slash the Earth, souls, and jinn energy itself. I've only tried this once.)

Elizabeth made a hand sign. (Use it…Hamun!)

Hamun's energy flashed. Joey felt a pain in his right arm. His eyes grew in surprise, as his arm had been sliced off.

"I-I can't heal it?!"


Elizabeth and Hamun rushed Joey together.

Joey looked up to see Hamun and Elizabeth's fist coming at him. He jumped back and landed on the side of a nearby tower.

Hamun jumped up in a flying-kick stance. Joey did a flip to dodge the attack. Hamun flew through the building, making if begun to collapse.

Joey turned around to see Elizabeth's leg headed towards him. He raised his arm to block it. It pushed him back into Hamun's fist. Hamun punched Joey so hard, it felt like an earthquake was hitting the city.

"Is that all?" Joey laughed. He looked up at the creature and pointed at it. "Shock wave!"

The creature was blasted in the air. Joey turned his head to see Elizabeth running towards him. She spun her sword around and jabbed it at him.

He moved to the side and dodged it swiftly. Joey tapped her in the stomach. She was pushed back but, slammed her foot in the building to stop herself. (His durability had incr-)

Joey jumped from the building and fell towards her. "Demon punch!"

Red energy surrounded Joey's fist. Elizabeth quikcly jumped from the building and clapped her hands. "Jinn army…rise!"

Millions of jinns formed below. Hamun was falling towards Joey from behind. Joey pulled out his sword and closed his eyes. (This sword belonged to the very first jinn slayer. I have many questions…I'll find them after everything.) in a second, Joey had flew around the entire city and slashed all of the jinn into pieces.

Elizabeth softly landed on the ground. Joey followed. Hamun landed behind him. "It's over, Elizabeth. You can't do anything to hurt me." Joey said.

Elizabeth smacked her lips. "I…hate you." She whispered.

Joey closed his eyes and slowly looked away from Elizabeth. "This is all your fault…all of it, Joey."

"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have left you alone…I'm truly sorry, Elizabeth."

"You're sorry? Huh?" Elizabeth tilted her head to the side. "I've lost my faith in everything and everyone. Killing you is going to feel so…so good."

(She's too far gone. I couldn't save her.) Joey thought to himself. Both of them raised their swords and took fighting stances.

(My sword absorbs jinns energy from my opponent. I'm shocked she can still fight.)

Hamun ran towards Joey. Joey took a deep breath. "Slash." He whispered, as Hamun's head was sliced off while in the middle of running.

Joey and Elizabeth clashed their swords. Their energies flared throughout the sky. "You always come up with something! Never gonna die easily." Elizabeth said, as she pushed her sword hard against Joey's.

There was a spark between them. It grew bigger the more they pressed their swords.

"It's not too late, Elizabeth! You still have time to walk away."

"What do you know of walking away, huh?" Elizabeth released her power. The ground split in half and the city was falling apart.

"When have you ever ran away?! You've always stayed around the bad things. Never able to think for yourself. Just…a weak boy." Elizabeth pressed harder.

"I'm not a coward!" Joey yelled. He grabbed Elizabeth by her hair and threw her back. Elizabeth flipped upward and focused her energy.

(He only has one arm! If I can just cut the next one off…I win!)

Elizabeth unleashed the attack from before. Joey couldn't sense it. He was hit on the side of his stomach.

"I won't miss next time, Joey Castle!" Elizabeth laughed, as she pointed at Joey and unleashed a barrage of slashes.

Joey ran and flew around, dodging the invisible strikes. (Why can't I see anything?! I don't have enough energy to heal! These slashes…they aren't from jinn energy…no, this is…a demon?)

Joey jumped high in the air and held his sword up high. "Beam!"

A red beam shot from his sword and towards Elizabeth.

(Not yet!)

Elizabeth jumped out of the way and used the buildings that stood as cover.

(He's trying to close the distance?! He knows I can't use the other slashing while moving? That's fine…I'll get close and use the creature!)

Elizabeth moved building from building. She managed to reach the top and jump towards Joey. Joey swung his sword but, Elizabeth had thrown a blade, knocking it out of Joey's hand.

She grabbed Joey and pushed him towards the ground. A giant crater was made from the impact. Elizabeth stood over Joey while the two gasped for air.

"I…win." She chuckled.

"I'm…forgive me." Joey said, as his body disappeared.

Elizabeth's heart started racing. (A clone?!) she could hear a power being built up. Elizabeth's pupils grew. She turned her head to see Joey charging up a giant energy ball in his hand. "Kim….kee…rezz…delta….micro-"

Elizabeth quikcly flew towards Joey. She held her hand out. (I can't let him do it! I'll cut his arm off…now!)


Before Joey could throw the ball…his arm was sliced off. A smile went across her face. "Now for the finishing blow-"

(Infinity counter. It hits my opponent with all the damage I've taken from this fight but, doubled.)

Joey opened his mouth wide. "UNLEASH!! INFINITY COUNTER: DEMON MODE!!"

The ball went into his mouth. A powerful beam shot towards Elizabeth.

"Oh." She said in disbelief.

The beam erased everything around it. It was approaching Elizabeth…she wasn't fast enough.


I've lost faith. Good people don't exist anymore…not in this day and age. If you're a good person, it's only an act. If it's not an act, it's only a matter of time before a bad person comes and ruin you.

I wasn't so bad. Not…unlike I met her…not until you left me….not…not until…my own mother abandoned me.

I've lost faith In this entire world a while ago.


Elizabeth opened her eyes. She was stabbed with her sword. It was through her stomach and holding her against a wall of a house.

Joey had a stressed look on his face. "I didn't use full-power on the counter. I couldn't kill you." Joey explained.

"That…was your mistake. This fight is-"

Elizabeth noticed her arms were tied up. He tried to break free but couldn't.

"What is this?! Tell me, Joey."

Joey ignored her and picked up his sword. "It's best…to just walk away." Joey turned his back to Elizabeth and began walking away. "They'll keep you in better condition than we will." Joey said.

"Y-you're leaving me?! You're leaving me with the normals! You can't. They'll do experiments on me, torture me…Joey, please!" Elizabeth begged.

Joey continued to limp away from her. Ignoring her.

"You said…you were sorry…and that you shouldn't have left me…that's what you said! You're gonna leave me with them?! Joey!"

Joey held his left shoulder. (My arm can't be healed…not now, at least. I think it's a permanent injury. It's fine. I deserve this.)

Joey could hear the sound of helicopters approaching in the distance. "Joey….JOEY!!! WHERE ARE YOU GOING?!?" Elizabeth screamed.

(Once again…in a tuff spot. Curse, it hurts. I wish…I was never born. It hurts like hell to leave the ones you live behind). Joey walked and walked.

"If I free her…she might kill me and others. The jinn she's with shouldn't be here…forgive me."

"JOOOOEEEEEYY!!!!" Elizabeth cried. She tried to remove the sword but, it was too deep.

Joey had disappeared from her View.

"He…really left me…Joey…you…heh…AHAHAHA….HEHEHE….HAHAHAHA!!"

The helicopter lights shined on Elizabeth. "This is just the beginning. I've completed step one, master. It's up to you…only you can do it."

(Having faith…is just a sign of weakness)

Next Chapter: Rock and Joey team-up