Rock and Joey team-up

Rock stood in the middle of the rubble. His blood dropped all around him. His vision was blurry and he could barley breath.

"Damn. I can't even…hurt these jinns. They're too strong." Rock admitted.

Elloywn and Ellowys circled Rock. "It's time to finish this. We've wasted enough time, sister." Ellowyn said.

"I agree. Let's kill him!"

The two jinns laughed and pointed at Rock. Rick held his head down in defeat. (I sense…someone right behind me-)

Joey appeared behind Rock. "I could hear the fight from where I was. Sorry it took me so long, Rock."

Rock's eyes widened in surprise. He was shocked by Joey's transformation in power and physicality.

"You're Joey? You…got bigger!"

Joey looked at the two jinns. They immediately flew back and across the street.

"What's happening with everyone else? Is-"

"Rock, Ahana lied." Joey whispered.


"I said. Ahana…is a damn liar. And we're gonna kill her."

"Wait, what did she do? Lie about what-"

Ellowyn snapped her fingers. A large building flew towards Rock and Joey. Joey pulled out his sword and sliced the building in half. "After we kill them!" Joey yelled, as he charged the two jinns.

Joey could sense the demon sword energy on Ellowyn. (She has it! I have to get these two out of the way quikcly! Then, it's Ahana next!)

Rock jumped past Joey and kicked Ellowyn in the face. Ellowys grabbed Rock's leg and threw him at Joey.

Joey moved out of the way and focused on Ellowyn. "Slash!" Joey whispered. A deep cut appeared on Ellowys's neck.

"You really think that's enough, prince?" Ellowys wiped her cut away. It healed in a second.

(She had incredible healing speed. I see. She has a good amount of spells. The other one can only…)

Ellowyn flew towards Joey. She came at him with a flying leg kick. Joey dodge it easily. Joey spun around and tires to punch the jinn. Ellowyn laughed and jumped above him. She clapped her hands to summon a long spear with a sharp claw on the end of it.

Ellowys appeared behind Joey and managed to hit him with a spell. Joey couldn't move his body.

Ellowyn jabbed Joey through his stomach with the powerful spear. (He's already injured! No arm,bruised, and to make it better…his jinn energy is running low!) Ellowyn thought.

In the corner, Rock was laying on the ground and passed out. (Why do I even exist? I can't move. My body…it won't.) Rock thought about Hercules.

"It's all my fault. If only I had been stronger…you'd still be with us. I'm sorry, everyone." Rock sobbed in the corner. He managed to lift his head to see Joey still fighting.

(He's still fighting!even with a missing arm!) "damn it!!!!" Rock tried to stand up but, his body didn't move."

Joey grabbed Ellowys by the neck and threw her behind him and towards Rock. Ellowys spun around and ignored Rock to continue fighting Joey.

(Get it! Don't let another partner die! Move! Move!)

Joey threw a right hook. Ellowyn dodged it by falling to the ground. She then tripped Joey with her leg, making him fall towards the ground.

Ellowys flew in and landed a powerful knee to Joey's rib cage.

"I can't move! You useless body! Get up! Get up!"

Suddenly, Rock could hear a voice in his ear. "I'm proud of you…my precious, James." The voice said.

Rock looked in shock. "Mother?"


Joey grabbed Ellowys and threw her at Ellowyn. He shot a powerful beam of energy at the two jinns.

The flew apart. Joey sprinted and ran between them. "Damn". Joey grunted. He jumped above them and snapped his fingers. "Infinity-"

Ellowyn shot a blast of energy. Joey was hit in his shoulder. He fell from above them and towards Ellowys. She surrounded her fist with energy and laughed. "Soul punishing…PUNCH!"

Joey felt a sharpness through his body. "This thing…touched my soul?"

Ellowyn ran behind him and summoned a pair of nunchucks. She hit Joey in the head with them twice. Ellowyn then kicked him across the ground.

Ellowys jumped above Joey to deal the finishing blow. "That's it! We got him!" Ellowyn laughed.

Rock appeared in front of Ellowys and kicked her across the street. Ellowys landed softly on her feet. "I have to give you credit. For a high-level slayer, you sure know how to survive against us!" Ellowys said.

Rock was breathing hard and clearly tired. Joey and him stood back-to-back. "Glad to see you moving." Joey said.

"Yeah? Glad to see you still alive." Rock chuckled.

"You take on the one with soul fist. I'll get the one who holds the sword." Joey said.

Rock bursted towards Ellowys and unleashed multiple combos with his fist. "Soul snatching punch!" He landed a hit on her shoulder. The jinn's eyes flared and she quikcly jumped back.

(This man knows soul minipulation?!) Ellowys clapped her hands and casted a spell.

Rock didn't let up. He continued to punch Ellowys, affecting her soul. (The soul is a precious thing. All beings in this universe have one. Harming one's soul…will cause their energy flow to get messed up. Not allowing the person to unleash the full throttle of their abilities. This…is bad!)

Ellowys had a red circle form around her. Rick tried to punch her, but it felt like a giant wall. "A shield?!"

Rock jumped back as Ellowys now was the aggressor. Her strength and speed increased. Rock felt pressured and went on the defensive.


Joey ran towards Ellowyn. Ellowyn coughed up a small finger. "What?!" Joey yelled as the finger formed into a large chunk of meat. Elloywn crushed the meat and it shot spikes from it.

Joey dodged each spike and managed to reach her at close-range. Joey threw a right hook. Ellowyn used her arm to block it and summoned a sword from her skin.

"Die!" She laughed.

Joey grabbed her wrist and twisted, making her drop it.

Joey dropped down and grabbed the sword while it was falling. He sliced Ellowyn in her stomach.

He threw the sword away and landed a powerful kick on her. Ellowyn looked back to see Ellowys doing well against Rock.

"Damn it!"

Joey pulled out his sword and pressure the jinn. Before he could reach her, she closed her eyes and took a deep breath.

"Ritual: Body Of Perfection!"

The area was dark and cold. Joey, Rock, and Ellowys were all standing inside of Ellowyns' ritual.

"Hehe…AHAHA!!! You did well, Joey! But, I win!" Ellowyn laughed.

It was a black void. Suddenly, a giant object flew at Joey. Joey moved his head and dodged. (I have a vow ritual. Which means, if I reveal my technique to my opponent, it'll become stronger than before!)

"Anything that touches you…will make you become a weapon of my choice!"

Joey and Rock were on their toes. If anything touched them, Ellowyn could make them her weapons, killing them in the process.

Rock jumped back from Ellowys. Ellowys held out her hand and punched Rock with her jinn energy.

Ellowyn let her imagination run wild. Hands appeared from beneath Joey and Rock, trying to touch them.

"Rock, don't touch the ground!" Joey jumped and managed to control his energy to fly.

Rock didn't make it in time. Rock was grabbed on his left arm. He could see his arm getting abnormally large.

Ellowyn was shocked to see Rock had quikcly chopped his own arm before his body were to become a weapon.

Joey flew towards Ellowyn. Ellowys appeared and blocked him off.

(I'll decrease the size of my ritual. Both of them won't be able to survive! We..won-)

While Ellowys went towards Joey. Rock has leaped in the air and kicked Ellowyn from her spot.

Ellowyn was a stationary ritual user. Meaning she's not allowed to move or she can't use any spells in her ritual.

"Nice!" Rock laughed. Rock ran towards Ellowyn. Joey clapped his hands. "Slash!"

A cut sliced off Ellowys's leg. "Now I'll go for her!" Joey flew towards Ellowyn. Rock and Joey were going in for the finishing blow.

However, Ellowys had a ritual of her own. "Ritual!" The two heard behind them. Joey and Rock stopped to face her.

"Decaying deal!"

Ellowys and Ellowyn shot their energies at each other. Joey and Rock felt a sharp pain on their right sides.

(They only have 20 seconds before they die from decay!)

Rick knew exactly what she did. Ellowyn and Ellowys eneries rised. Increasing their power. Ellowyn used this opportunity to decrease the size of her ritual even more.

Now, Joey and Rock were a few in head away from death. (We won!) Ellowyn thought.

The in out way for Joey and Rock to make it out alive, was if they layed out their own Ritual. Joey posses a ritual however, his was way too destructive and would kill millions most likely.

Rock posses a ritual. He has never been able to fully awaken it to its true potential.

(There's only one way out of this! I'll have to use it. I haven't tried in years. Damn it! Why now?!)

It was like the world had gone in slow-motion. Joey and Rock were surrounded by the hands.

Rock took a deep breath. (You're the one who helped me master it…Hercules.)

"Ritual: Infinity Soul Hit!"

The area lit up with blue lights. Rock was standing on top of a mountain covered in skeletons.

Joey,Ellowyn, and Ellowys couldn't move inside of Rock's ritual. Rick's fist glowed blue as he walked towards the three.

Rick sprinted towards Ellowyn and combed her with malicious punches. He threw a leg kick and kicked Ellowys in the head to send her flying.

(Each punch is decreasing my life span! I have to kill them quikcly before the time runs out!)

Rock threw punch after punch. Each punch he threw…was one year of his life gone.

Rock managed to punch Ellowyn lots of times. Before his ritual ended, he landed one more powerful punch to Ellowys.

Joey took this opportunity and ran towards Ellowyn, who was still recovering from Rock's attack. (Great job, Rock. We…are the victors!)

Joey swung his sword at her neck. Ellowys moved Ellowyn out of the way and had her head sliced off. "Ellowys!" Ellowyn screamed. Joey wasted no time. He ran towards Ellowyn, who was running away.

"Don't run away, coward!" Joey yelled. He jumped in the air and held his sword to the side.

Ellowyn soul has been damaged so much, she couldn't even cast a single spell or create any weapons. "Jinn slayer attack: minipulating-"

Joey stopped his attack. He could see Ellowyn throw Jack's demon sword on the ground before continuing to run off.

Rock caught up with him. "Where did she go?!"

"She ran off but, dropped the sword. Forget about her. We have to head to the-"

"She killed Hercules! I won't let her go! Joey, tell me where she went!" Rock grabbed Joey by his shoulder and scolded him.

"Get your hand off of me."


Rock tightened his grasp around his shoulder. "Where is your humanity? Jinns don't care about anything, hell…you'll only see a few that show emotion and sympathy! Wake up! I need to fight this battle…just like you fought for all the people you lost."

Joey used his arm and choke-slammed Rock into the ground. "Don't…don't you dare use that as an excuse! YOU ALL CAME AFTER ME!! EVERYONE HATED ME! NOT TELLING ME WHAT I AM!!" Joey yelled.


Joey slammed Rock into the ground and threw him a few feet back. "YOUR ABSOLUTELY RIGHT!" Joey yelled out.

Rock stared at Joey with tears in his eyes. "LOOK AT ME!!" Joey allowed part of his demon side to show. A horn stuck out of his head. Rock's face dropped. "Joey…"

"I can't help this." Joey looked at his hands and started shaking. "I'm not…I'm not…curse it all." Joey turned his back and put Jack's sword away. "She ran down the street. Either you can get your revenge…or save everyone else. What would Hercules want?"

Rick wiped the tears from his eyes and nodded.


Next Chapter: Jackson Price