Chapter 4

Sunday night the cops showed up at my door asking my mom if I was home. I quickly went up to my room for some reason but she let them in and called me downstairs. I went downstairs very slowly trying not to look suspicious of anything. They greeted me with "Hey, Robbie, how's it going bud?" Then they asked me a few questions about my relationship with Evan. I just answered in a serenely manner trying not to appear suspicious of anything. I was trying to avoid any questions about drugs if I could but they didn't mention anything about it, luckily.

Once they finished interrogating me they said, "We couldn't identify who the men that took your friend Evan were. We are truly sorry. We will continue this investigation without any setbacks and bring justice to these sinister people." I didn't anticipate that they would identify the men but I still couldn't get the thoughts out of my mind that just kept repeating, "What would they do to Evan? Are they going to murder him? Or are they wanting something from him?" This is what I would think every second of the day, with every drop of tears, for the entire week thinking how I could solve this horrid mystery.