Chapter 9

We successfully grabbed the ladder and made it to the window within the little time we had to make our move. "Hurry up and climb through the window!" Chris said. As we entered the building, we were in a small room on the second floor. Quite chilly. I'd estimate probably around forty-five degrees. "This room is very cold. Almost feels like there is a ghost in here for how chilly it is." I said. "The sun must not hit this part of the building very frequently." Chris said. "Search the room. See if you can find anything before we go looking through the entire building." I said. About five minutes later we couldn't find anything so we decided to move on from the room we entered into. There were at least ten rooms just on the second floor. "You check the rooms on the right side for any evidence I will check the ones on the left." Chris said. I just nodded and moved on to the next room.

As we went from room to room towards the end of the hallway, it started to warm up a little so I was happy about that. We both came out at the same time after Chris checked his last room and I still had yet to check mine. "Chris, let's check this room together before we move on to the third floor." I said. He nodded and followed my lead. As soon as we entered the room, we immediately noticed it was not like the others. "There is something off with this room man. It is definitely below freezing temperature in here and that painting right there is off the usual pattern of the paintings like in the other rooms. Plus there is no bed." I said. "Wait…if that painting is off the usual pattern…then…" I turned and walked quickly and firmly to the painting and reached my hands out gracefully and turned it to the right and a hidden door started to open.