Chapter 10

"Bro I don't feel good about this at all man. Who has a hidden door in a building that no one knows about?" Chris said. "I don't know man. I don't feel any better about this than you but we got to do this for our girls and Michael and Evan." I said. "Alright man. Let's solve this fucking mystery!" Chris said.

We entered the hidden door and there were little flickering lights above. We could see a small distance ahead of us but not much since the lights were extremely dim. We walked along the passage but there was not any rooms that we could enter. It was just one passage that stretched for an unknown distance. We walked ahead for about fifteen minutes before finally reaching a room. This room was not as dim but still dim enough to avoid illuminating the entire room. We looked around and nothing was there until we went into the dark and were able to see a cracked door. Only slightly cracked. We approached it and peeked through the small crack and, "*gags* Sorry." I said in a whisper. We peeked back through the door and he was staring at us from the table. "Well hello there! *Walks up to the door* Please…" As he tries to greet us into the room we look at each other; petrified and confused. We turn around and run but a few seconds later we run into the guards we saw outside. Much bigger than we initially thought. "Your coming with us." Said the guard as they knocked us out cold.