Chapter 4

Already one month Carissa worked as a secretary for Bian. The relationship was only a subordinate and there was also no serious talk between the two.

Carissa tries to avoid Bian, if he is not in need. Likewise with Bian himself as well as to avoid the presence of Carissa.

This morning Bian and Della had a big fight, what triggered their quarrel if not the problem of the child, the family Bian always urged Bian to divorce Della or marry again with a woman the choice of the family.

But not Man'll never do it, until this morning Della gave a suggestion that managed to make Bian wrath.

"Mas I please," said Della with piteously. He wept in front of the husband, Bian never saw Della as fragile as this but saw his wife sitting on the floor with a cry that was heartbreaking.

"No, baby, I'll never do ridiculous like that."

"But the Family you're gonna need a successor to the Mas. I can't give you a successor for you, I'm a woman who's not useful."

"Don't be like this Della, forever I'm never going to do just that," snapped Bian then got out of the room while closing the door with a bang.

Della cried her heart would himself also no longer be able to, if it's like this disease in itself does not allow for the pregnancy, but the family of the husband is always urgent. Moreover, the mother-in-law, indeed since the beginning, doesn't like Della.


With speeds above the average Bian drives a car with full emotion Bian has repeatedly said that forever itself will only marry Della until whenever.

For children it does not matter as long as he is always with his wife, but this morning everything is turned upside down when his Mom accidentally called Della to approve Bian to be married to other people.

"Damn, why are they like this? Why do people always think that the boy is mandatory in a wedding."

Bian immediately towards the office, her at this time really could not understand with the mind of people about the child. Up in the lobby all the people rebuked Bian, as understood when viewing when the boss walked by a look which is very creepy.

"Morning, sir," said Carissa. But Bian walked away without turning his head or also replying to the greetings of his secretary's.

"Why is the face like that? This is definitely more there's a problem."

murmured Carissa in her heart.

Bian don't care about greetings that secretary of his, this time he was upset and also angry emotions can't in control. Entering into the room Bian again reminded him of the accusation by his wife.

"What is pervading Della until he can't think like that, what else I'm still not going to marry again."

Bian is really dizzy and upset with the thought of his wife, Kira, and household only child and the only son. Ringing phone Bian created a reverie male interrupted, and immediately took the phone.

- Details the name of the sister in there, please Bian picking up the phone.

"Hallo Assalamualaikum, what is it ?"

"Waalaikumsalam Mas where are you?"asked Siska, sister of the one and only Bian.

"The Mas in the office of the sisters, why?"

"Mas could go to the hospital now? Mama fainted Mas."




Feeling Bian is currently not known, plus hear his brother if his Mama fainted, how can. Mama Bian was very strong and wanted to get sick or anything so it will not be possible to faint.

"Mas there now," replied Bian.


Here is Bian with Carissa, in the hospital where Mom Bian was treated, why there is Carissa because it was Bian and conditions that do not allow to drive the car, and Carissa offers herself. Not without cause Carissa doing so, he wants to visit these places, to visit one of the orphans who are cared for.

"Mas Mama Mas," said Siska Sister Bian faithful tears the already unstoppable again.

"Sttt, you don't cry like that, Mama is definitely healthy and healed. You have to be sure of it," he answered, calming the Sister.

She could only hug Bian tightly, really, this time he does not want things that do not want to happen, Siska and Bian only had her Mother alone, Papa Bian had long died.

"Mas," someone made Bian, Siska, and Carissa turn towards them. It turns out that Della with tears in her eyes ran towards the direction of her husband.


Siska immediately slaps her sister-in-law, with the gaze of a very upset and angry.

"What did you come here?"snapped Siska.

"What is this," said Bian, who did not know the actual situation.

"You should since the beginning don't get married to him Mas. Mama's sick because of him, Mama asks only grandson Mas. But what is up to this time you don't give it to him, Mas age Mama's old, if She could have long Siska give Mom grandson," said the Sister with a sob that was already unstoppable again.

Della cried, before this morning he asked the husband to marry again. Della had first met with the mother-in-law. And it turns out to be a ridiculous idea, it came from the mother-in-law, that's why Della asks Bian to marry again.

Not without reason the in-law asked for it like that, it's been many years they were married but not being given the child. Mother wants to see her son like that.

"Excuse me Mother Sofia wants to meet," said the nurse.

Everything is entered into the room, without exception. Carissa who embraced his best friend who is currently collapsed and Bian calming the sister. The fourth entry in the infirmary is mother Sofia.

"Bi-bian," he called with a tone that very part.

"Bian here Mom, you need something?"asked Bian while holding tightly the hand of the mother.

"Mama wanted to ask something, may boy?"

"Mama what do you want for sure Nian turutin, Nian only got Mama. So Bian, please Mom needs to recover," said Bian.

"Marry with the woman's choice of Mom Son."




Bian was silent what that means, don't Bian will never betray his wife Bian will not marry again until whenever his wife Della a, eye gaze Bian glanced towards his wife who've embraced tightly Carissa with the tears that ain't stopping constantly flowing.

"No Ma, Bian can't do it."

Mom Sofia is back crying and Bian can only be silent, quarrel and debate last make it this time don't know what it's like.

"Mas," call Della.

Bian and all that was in there staring towards Della who was walking towards the bed of her mother-in-law.

"Mama forgives Della, in accordance with the promise Della. Della will allow the Mas Bian to marry again," he said with a tone not to cry.

"No, I would never do that to Della," snapped Bian a loud voice.

"Who is that woman?" Mom asked Sofia.

"She is Carissa's friend. I own Ma."




To Be Continue ...

I hope you guys like yeah, don't forget to leave a trace of you. Thank you.