Chapter 5

"Mama forgives Della, in accordance with the promise Della. Della will allow the Mas Bian to marry again," he said with a tone not to cry.

"No, I would never do that to Della," snapped Bian a loud voice.

"Who is that woman?" Mom asked Ratih.

"She is Carissa 's friend . I own Ma."




Carissa was silent this time he did not know what was in the talk by them. Della said that he will get married with Fabian, but may not think of Carissa.

"What are you talking about Della," said Bian with a flat tone, Della looked in the direction of the husband, never Bian be set flat against him.

"Didn't I already ask her, Mas, you have to get married again. And at this time I already have a candidate. So we've been able to implement what Mama wants," said Della.

Carissa, who is in there , really does not understand what is and what the situation is like this that is going on right now. Carissa still silent himself too confused to say something but what.

"It must have been your plan," pointed-Bian to Carissa who was still silent.

Forehead Carissa crimped what was said by the boss of his, what's the point of who and what her plan.

"You accidentally got into my company, constantly try to ask my wife to do this ridiculous thing. What do you want huh?" he snapped. Carissa looked sharply towards Bian, he did not like to be treated like this as her guilty but Carissa just didn't know what happened.

"You are my fire," said Bian with the emotions that can not be controlled, Carissa can only be annoyed towards Bian. A pain in his heart, not only because of the yelling Bian but because there is something that makes Carissa disappointed.

"Thanks, but just so You know. I don't like what you're talking about." Carissa goes from there, Della calls on the name of her friend.


Today Carissa was clearing the goods, for the words Bian make Carissa such a slut.

"I regret ever getting a taste of you, Mas," she muttered in her heart.

After completion of the clear stuff Carissa soon went from there. Everyone looked at Carissa, shocked by the things done by Carissa.

"You want to go to Ca," said Andrian. The boys immediately block Carissa.

"I want to go sir," he replied. It makes the forehead of Andrian wrinkled.

"What are you doing Ca?" asks Andrian again, but Carissa soon leaves Andrian without speaking in the slightest.

Andrian confused and then try to contact Bian but that man could not be contacted, making Andrian upset he had made.


It's been two days since the incident, Bian and Della also the cold war. Della always asks for the husband to accept everything, but Bian still resists men that don't want to.

"Mas please this time," coaxed Della.

"Not once not I will not."

"But Mas ...."

"No, baby, please understand me. I can't," he said with a sad tone. Not why Bian likes this it's all because of something that will make his family fall apart if Bian received Carissa.

"Divorce me if Mas does not want to get married with Carissa," said Della.

It made Bian who already wanted to get out of the room still, he looked at his wife who looked at him sharply. Bian can only exhale his breath.

"Okay, I accept. But you have to remember if anything when there are things that don't want to happen. Never one right decision I," said Bian then went from there.

A sly smile rising on Della's lips , finally it was so easy to persuade the husband she thought. Della began to set up a strategy to persuade Carissa. Women that know the weakness of the companions so that it is easy to harass the peace of Carissa.


Della immediately came to the house of a Carissa woman that wanted to meet his best friend. Della had also set up everything so that Carissa could no longer resist his desire for her.

The woman really wanted Carissa to be the honey for him, only a woman like Carissa can do all the planning.




Della stood in front of the door kostan belonging to Carissa. That woman put on a face full of drama to keep things running smoothly.

"Good Morning."


The house door was open, and show the existence of Carissa who was getting out to go.

"Good morning, loh Del in.please."

Della was entered into the house, there is a sense of reluctance in his heart is not without cause that woman's act like it. The attitude of Della, which by now is very different.

"Please sit down, Del, sorry if it doesn't correspond with your wishes," said Carissa. Della only smiled wryly, the woman was trying to hold back all that was in his mind.

"Thank you, I'm just here to ask, oh not rather want you to be a replacement for me," said Della to the point.

"What do you mean what is Del? You don't go crazy there's no way I can do things that make no sense of it. You still remember how your husband was, call me yesterday. I don't know what is what but be swept up to it all."

"I know, Mas Bian also agrees with what I say kok Ca so." Greeting Della immediately in pieces by Carissa, the woman was still in shock of what had just heard.

"WHAT!!!"the bellowing of Carissa.

"You just relax first, I have a solution for your problem. I know the orphanage we were currently in was a problem, I could help them all. But you have to want to do what I want. Only gave birth to son Mas Bian. After that you are free to do anything. I just want Mas Bian to have a child of his own flesh and blood instead of lift unclear origins."

Carissa was silent, and Della knew about what's happening.

"You have to think of everything good, don't be selfish. When you help the orphanage if it wasn't this time. After you approve it, while it is also an orphanage it would be safe."

Della moved from that place, but a moment in front of the door Della immediately turned around and saw Carissa with a look of ridicule.

"I'll wait for your answer tomorrow, because if you don't want to I can make sure that you probably will not ever see the laughter orphans again," she said with full emphasis.

Tears Carissa down unstoppable again, her confused should behave like what is a very difficult choice for him, there's no way he will willingly give the child that her bladder for 9 months and then left but he also could not forget how the struggle of the mother of the orphanage for the time.

"What should I do."


Hallo chapter 5 slide about their stories?? I hope you all like it. Don't forget to leave any trace of you. love love