The attempted rape

Khloe's POV

I wonder why Aubrey is so softhearted. Sometimes, I'm forced to think she's not human.

After we left Min Jin, we headed to the cafeteria.

"Waiter!!" I called after we took our seats and immediately, a waiter came to attend to us.

"Get me a pie and a lemon juice. Natalie and Aubrey, what would you like to eat? Remember the bills are on me"

"I will just go with pie and lemon also" Natalie said quietly

"What about you Aubrey?"

"Errm..... I think I will take water"

"Not water Aubrey, choose something else"

"I'm not really hungry"

"Just get the same thing for three of us" I said and dismissed the waiter"

"Aubrey stop being shy whenever were together. We're friends now and we should behave like one"