Saving her

Min Seok's POV

After the students left the school, I decided to stay behind in order to go through my books for some time before heading hope but I suddenly started having a headache.

I tried forcing myself to read but the headache became severe so I had no choice but to close my books.

When I got outside the school gate, I noticed there were no moving cars. I think I have to walk a little distance before I can take a cab.

I hadn't gone far when I started hearing screams. At first, I ignored it but when I noticed the voice was becoming louder, I traced it and discovered it was coming from the bush opposite where I was.

I walked into the bush, careful not to alert anyone of my coming and I saw they were trying to rape a girl.

I looked closely and discovered it was the girl that caught my attention in school during lunch. She looks kind of ugly so I don't know why I was drawn to her.

I quickly hid somewhere and changed my clothes before using a mask.