His nude pictures

Min Ju's POV

I and Dad arrived at the Parker's house. The first person my eyes met with when I got in was Liam. It's obvious he's really shocked.

"Welcome Mr. Kim" Liam's Dad greeted my Dad warmly

"Good afternoon sir" I greeted bowing a little and Liam also greeted my Dad

"So let's get down to business" my Dad said taking a seat and I also did same

"Liam and Min Ju, I'm sure you guys know the purpose of this meeting right?"

"Yes sir" I and Liam chorused but I didn't fail to notice the anger in Liam's voice

He should be glad he will be getting married to a Korean girl and not some ugly American girl.

"Good. Immediately you finish high school, both of you are going to get engaged after which you will get married three years later. Is that understood?"

"Yes sir" we both replied

"That's great! Sign this papers" Liam's Dad said handling some documents to us

I went through some of the rules and they're insane though I like one of them.