Becoming friends

Daniel's POV

I wonder how I'm going to face the students in school tomorrow after what happened.

I turned on my data connection and logged in to our class group chat but I was surprised when I didn't see my nude picture again.

It's like everything just disappeared completely without a trace. I'm sure this is the work of Liam and Jayden.

I guess I will show my gratitude to them in school tomorrow.

*Next day*

I got to school feeling a bit confident than yesterday probably because the video has been completely deleted on net.

The students stared at me murmuring words I can't seem to comprehend but that seem to be the least of my problems now.

"Good morning guys" I greeted immediately I sighted Liam and Jayden

"Morning Daniel. Errm... I" Liam was saying but I cut him off

"Thanks guys. Honestly I don't know how to thank you enough for what you did last night. The stares of the students has reduced and I will forever be grateful"