
Lina watched Pearl storm back to her sit, her eyes were dark red as she looked bloodthirsty that moment, she gave Lina a hard stare and hissed.

Lina wasn't intimidated, in fact she found everything amusing and prayed that it continued like this {in her heart}.

Pearl was having a hard time controlling her emotions, she really wanted to slap Lina on the face when she smirked at her. Pearl stood up and walked away from the vicinity before she does something stupid.

She walked around the palace, from garden to garden until she arrived at a very big garden lovely decorated with different species of flowers. It was the biggest of all the garden she had seen so far. The fragrance of the flowers and grass filled the air and Pearl inhaled it deeply, somehow the scent of this was calming her angered nerves.

Suddenly she heard a feminine voice echo, she tried to figure out who the person is but her eyes were becoming heavy for her, her lips trembled as she tried to speak, as much as she wanted to attack her body wouldn't let her.

"Let her be, the drugs are still affecting her" Pearl heard the feminine voice speak.

Wait! She was been drugged, she couldn't believe it, she wanted to scream but the world seemed to be revolving around her, she staggered, her legs became weak and as a result she fell to floor though still conscious

"Take her" that was the last thing Pearl heard from the woman before darkness consumed her. Black out.

The boring ball dance continued and Lina was already getting tired. "Let's go home" Lyle broke the pin drop silence.

"Finally!" Peres blurted out. Despite the fact that him {Peres} is an immortal, he respected Lyle every possible way. He always counted on Lyle and always waited for his opinion before carrying out an action.

Lyle was more than just a mere royal demon, there was more to him than you can't imagine, not even in your wildest dreams. He {Lyle} never loses his cool despite the situation. Quite amusing right? Well that would be a discussion for another day.

Peres didn't waste much time carrying his wife; Gina, in his arms, princess style and leapt away leaving just Lyle and Lina.

"Where is Pearl?" Lyle asked Lina directly, Lina ran her hand through her silver hair and said "I don't know where she is, but she left after our ball dance". Lyle's eyes traveled round the whole place but he couldn't spot her he then sent for Lucian to come.

"Your majesty, you sent for me" Lucian bowed "where is Pearl?" Lyle said not acknowledging his presence very well "I haven't seen her your majesty" Lucian replied "stay here with Lina, make sure that she doesn't leave your sight" Lyle ordered and leapt away.

Lina stood waiting for Lyle, the worse thing for her was to stay here with Lucian, she prayed silently that Lyle would return with Pearl.

Time was ticking and no sign of Lyle, she decided to go search for him, she tiptoed so that Lucian or whatever he was called won't see her. But she was unfortunate and Lucian spotted her and then she picked up a race running towards the direction where Lyle had followed while Lucian was chasing her with great speed.

Lina turned back hoping he wasn't still chasing her but she was wrong, Lucian was almost catching up to her and she knew she would be doomed if he eventually caught her but something happened.

Lina bumped into a hard thing and both her and the hard stuff fell. Lina's hair covered her face and that of the hard stuff so when she raised her head to see whatever that was she was momentarily shocked.

It was Lyle staring at her, he then got up and adjusted his dress and Lina did same.

"I'm sorry" Lina voice became a whisper but Lyle chose to ignore her. "Pearl is missing" Lyle finally announced, he was actually talking to Lucian but Lina blurted out "what?!"

"I wasn't talking to you" Lyle said as he flew dagger eyes towards her. "How is that possible your majesty?" "Search everyone and everything thing in the palace and make sure no one is exempted. I'm counting on you" Lyle told him and then his gaze fell on Lina "you are helping him out, he is in charge, so whatever he tells you to do, obey it" Lyle added

Lina gulped, the last thing she wanted was to obey this general's command "I…I don't want to go with him" Lina stammered and making her face look like that of a baby.

Lyle hissed, closed his eyes then shut it open again and said "alright, you are coming with me but only on one condition; you will obey me"

"yes I will" Lina replied happily. Lucian also breathed a sign of relief, handling this witch was a tedious work and very annoying. Lyle knew that the two would definitely not agree so what is the need of causing more problems when there is a big one.

Lyle reached out and grabbed Lina at her waist and leapt away. The search was not giving any results and Lina noticed the sign of anger in Lyle, despite the fact that his face was void of any emotion, her instincts just told her.

Suddenly Lyle landed on the roof top. Lucian, Adam and Peres were there already "I heard she is missing" Adam said the moment Lina and Lyle landed "any clue of her?" Asked prince Lyle but no response.

'Adam and Peres must have joined the search' Lina thought "nope" Peres responded. "What if she went back to the fairy land?" Lucian asked "no way! I set up a system that there is a force controlling the land, no witch or fairy can come in or go out" Lyle responded 'what a smart prince' Lina said in her head and silence reigned.

Just as they were having an eye to eye conversation Adam took three steps backwards

"no! No! No!" He yelled, he looked at Lyle and then Peres "it can't be right?" Adam asked while Lina looked at Lyle and saw his eyes gradually turning red. "I will do it" Adam said trying to stop his brother but it was too late. He had already grabbed Lina and leapt away.

Lina's waist was getting hurt by the way Lyle was holding her "I'm hurt" Lina voice was merely a whisper and just as she said it he realized that he was transferring his aggression on her innocent body, he then loosened his grip still holding her firm.

Lyle barged into a room and Lina saw lord Philip sitting on the bed while a woman who seemed to be his queen was staring at the window.

"Alicia!" Lyle roared "Lyle!" She roared back, now Lina knew where Lyle got his aggressive attitude from, his mother.

"Where is she?" Lyle asked "who?" Alicia pretended to be oblivious of who he was talking about "Alicia!" Lyle roared again but this time a slap landed on his face.

"How dare you? Don't you have respect again" Alicia challenged. What the hell is wrong with lord Philip, he is watching his wife and son fight and can't do anything about it

"I ask you again queen, where is Pearl?" "Oh! That fairy I'm with her and believe me she is fine" Alicia said sarcastically

"hurt a single strand of her hair and you wouldn't like what I would do to you" "I'm sorry son but…" she paused and laughed "at least you still have the witch, I also had my eyes on her"

"Alicia! Father! Warn your wife, she is pushing me to the wall" Lyle continued "if anything happens to her, anything happens to her, I reserve my comments" Lyle finally added and stormed out with Lina.

Once he was outside he found Peres holding a young girl in his hard lackadaisically, "she won't resist this one" Peres said with a smirk

"let me go! I'm not my mom, why punish me for what she did?" The girl asked "shut up Sarah" Adam fired.

'Why would they want to hurt their sister?' Lina asked 'my mom, if she was her daughter that means she was definitely a princess and she is Adam's and Lyle's sister' Lina couldn't understand anymore. What was even going on?

A/N: cast your golden tickets to this book, thank you