Wait for my signals

Lyle had gone upstairs to the third flat to take his rest, he had been busy all day long especially during the flight that he was awake all night long.

Not sooner than he layed on his bed, someone interrupted his peace, it was no other than the prophetess through the mind link

“Lyle, there is no more time, the enemies are working very fast to achieve their goals, you have to start the preparation for the battle upcoming” she said

Lyle grumbled internally, he had lot of work to do and little time to rest, it was annoying him to the core, he decided to ignore the prophetess and continued resting

“Lyle, I know what you are thinking, I know you are planning on ignoring me but I wouldn’t let you be if you don’t get up and get to work” she stressed and Lyle lackadaisically stood up from the bed.

He walked through the passage before coming in contact with Lucian “greetings your highness” he bowed and Lyle only nodded

“Lucian, I need you to gather everyone for a meeting right now, I mean now!” Lyle layed more emphasis on the ‘I mean now’ “yes your highness” Lucian bowed again before going off to call everyone.

The last person he called was Lina, he hated that witch so it was difficult for him to approach her.

Lina was stunned because she never expected a meeting, at least not this early, it was barely six hours they arrived but she knew better so she attended the meeting.

Everyone was seated in a very large hall room, Lina wondered where this place was because she never saw this place in this building.

“We don’t have much time left, we need to get to work” Lyle said “what work? Are the drones attacking now?” Peres asked

“We need to train” Lyle replied and then led them to the forest. They walked a far distance from the building, they went into the deep forest, abruptly Lyle stopped and faced them since he was the one who was leading them

“Peres take care of them, train them and make sure to wait for my signals, do not ever disobey them” Lyle stated and one could note the deep meaning of those words.

‘What signals is he talking about?’ Lina asked internally “and Lina, use your power to restrict every other witch from viewing this place” Lyle added and Lina nodded in agreement.

Lyle turned back and walked away “where are you going? Aren’t you going to need protection and if they notice your presence they would smell trouble” stated Lina

Lyle turned back, his face as usual was calm and void of emotions, his steel cold eyes made Lina to gulp and then a smirk was on his handsome face

“I will be fine” he reassured Lina before he smiled for a second and then returned to his usual expression.

Immediately Lyle left the forest, Peres got to work with the warriors, he trained them thoroughly and made the left watch him

‘Wow! These warriors are trying, look at the kind of training they are receiving from Peres, seriously speaking he is hard on them” Lina told herself internally

After training for what seems like hours, it was time for Lina, Gina and Pearl to train, they had a triple threat match.

The three of them had great skills and were good with their swords, their swordsmanship was superb, hardly did any of them lose balance. The fight was tough and rough, they fought fiercely and they didn’t care if they hurt each other, they just fought to gain victory.

Their fight lasted very long, the warriors were even awe at their performance, wow they have leveled up their skill. Lina tried as much as possible to not use magic when fighting, she needed to learn that.

After a very long period of fighting, Peres said “it’s enough, the three of you outperformed yourselves and I am sincerely proud of you guys, you guys have leveled up your skill and it’s great knowing that you guys are ready for the so called battle”

“Before I forget, I really want to commend Lina for a job well done, I was surprised and pleased at your skills because you didn’t apply magic whole fighting, it’s a thing of surprise” Peres added grinning at her.

Lina smiled back at him and with this Peres declared “we are going home”. Everyone set for home, upon arriving everyone departed to their various rooms.

Lina walked into her room exhausted, she was tired from the training, Peres was really hard on them.

She collapsed on the bed and dozed off. Talia came inside the room, she had been at the garden, practicing for her upcoming match (karate), she saw a sleeping Lina on the lower bed, she admired her.

Her face was calm when she was asleep, all her features were at rest, her silver hair was something not normal for humans except if they dyed it, her oval face and her thick eye lashes and brows were exceptionally beautiful. ‘How on earth was a lady very beautiful’ Talia thought internally and shoved her thoughts aside as it returned to the main problem, who exactly is she?

Many thoughts ran through Talia thoughts and as she tried to make sense out of one, it only got confusing, many ideas were popping up in her little head but she couldn’t get to understand anyone.

Lina woke up and everywhere was already dark, dusk was approaching, she stretched her body and stood up from the bed tiredly, she undressed and went inside the bathroom.

She filled the bathtub with cold water and slid into it, she relaxed and realeased a breath, tired was an understatement, she was exhausted, she really wanted to rest but little did she know that more was waiting for her.

A/N: read my new book ‘why my son?’ And don’t forget to drop your review, merci beaucoup. And do not forget to drop your comments and reviews, who doesn’t like gifts, send gifts.