Sell my soul to the devil

Lina rushed back into the building, to her room to check up on Talia, she initially wanted to scold Talia for disobeying her instruction but when she saw the little girl fidgeting on the bed, her heart melted at once.

She climbed on the bed and gathered Talia in her arms, she kissed her forehead as Talia’s grip on her tightened, her (Talia) body was so cold, maybe it was due to her anxiety.

“What was that?” Talia asked, her voice was barely a whisper, “shhhhh” Lina placed her index finger on her lip and make her shut up.

Lina ran her fingers through Talia’s hair and she tried her best to put her to sleep, soon the both of them were fast asleep.


Diana kept on shouting on how their mission failed, she was furious about what happened, it did not go down well with her.

“How did they know that we would be attacking tonight?” She fired her question at Kai, who just looked at her without any form of emotions on his face.

“I am asking you Kai? Did you tell them?” She asked but got no response from Kai, his silence infuriated her the more and she was beginning to suspect him. She knew that him helping her was too good to be true, but she chose to believe.

“I asked you a question Kai! How did they know?” “Ana, have you forgotten that you are dealing with Peres, the immortal?” His voice was so calm like as if nothing had happened and that made Diana’s blood to boil

“I have not forgotten” she replied taking her gaze away from him “I think that they are ready for us at all times, we should come up with another plan to take Peres down” Kai said

“What should we do now? Peres is getting on my nerves” Diana gritted her teeth in frustration

“I think we should attack the human world, and use that to create a warning for Peres” Samson suggested and that seemed to pique her interest.

“No!” Kia said and Diana narrowed her eyes to him “why no Kai?” Diana asked, her hands folded at her chest

“Because it is ridiculous and risky, attacking the humans is way out of it” Kai replied, though his response was not fully accepted by Diana

“Kai, I would do everything and anything in the world to make sure that I get back at Peres, even if that includes attacking the humans” Diana stated

“Listen Diana, it is not worth it” Kai tried his best to change her mind

“I would sell my soul to the devil just to get back at Peres. Wait a minute, why are you even bothered, since when did you start caring for humans or are you helping Peres?” She asked with her eyebrows raised

“Why would I help someone I want to defeat, it is just that we need to be careful, we are not dealing with a baby Ana, we are dealing with Peres” Kai’s tone was flat and then he said

“Also, the drones programming needs to be upgraded, a little but stronger than before”

“Do whatever you like to the drones Kai, I would go and sketch out a plan” she said with an evil grin on her face.

Back at the house;

The bright morning rays flashed through Talia’s room causing Lina to stretch, she sat up and looked at Talia. The beautiful girl was fast asleep. Lina quietly got off bed, to the bathroom, brushed her teeth before heading out.

The sitting room was eerily calm, no one was up except the guards who were on patrol. They cleaned up the house the previous night and burned all the dead drones.

Lina then headed for the kitchen and was surprised to see Karen already up and was preparing breakfast

“Good morning Karen” “good morning Lina, how was your night?” Karen asked

“Horrible!” Lina replied and earned a chuckle from Karen

Silence then reigned between the duo. “Karen, why is Diana interested in Talia? She is just a child” Lina finally broke the silence

“Diana knows her worth, she knows what exactly Talia is” Karen replied “you know Talia is no ordinary, I have been trying to figure out what she is but I came up with a hypothesis that she might be a fairy and a demon, quite ridiculous right?” Karen asked

“Yep, whatever Diana wants Talia for, it no good” Lina said “does Peres not know what Talia is, he had been existing since right?”

“As I said Peres had his memory wiped off after the first battle, he is trying to recollect his past” Karen replied causing Lina to curse under her breath.

“Talia is no longer safe here, I feel like Diana is going to come back for her” Lina said “you are right Lina but we do not have any other place to take her, all we can do now is to keep her safe” Karen added

Lina was lost in her thoughts when Pearl came inside the kitchen, she was on her red night gown, she was as beautiful as ever as her red hair was packed in a messy bun. She was really cute in that outfit, Lina could not help but feel inferior to her, she was nowhere near her beauty

“Come on Lina, do not tell me, you are still putting on those rags you used to fight last night” Pearl asked as it dawned on Lina that she had not changed her clothes, she felt embarrassed but she would never in her life allow Pearl to win any argument against her

“And so fucking what? Why does it bother you, you can go to hell with your concern” Lina fired at her and Pearl hissed, she (Pearl) was about to leave when a figure entered the kitchen


A/N; hi giftedreaders, what do you guys think about this book to far, write a review to let me know

Don’t forget to sends gifts, they are motivations for my writing!