El Mar

"And tell me what kind of monster attacked your lifeboat?" William asked in some haste.

The atmosphere became a little more tense, layers to most of the sailors, who did not witness what happened in the hold, did not care about the story of the malnourished castaway in front of them.

But when it comes to the mysteries and dangers of the seas, none dared not pay attention.

"... From what little I could see, it was a kind of fairly large shark, almost the size of the lifeboat..." Lucas answered, already a little tired from so much talking, "But I couldn't see much, when the boat hit the first time I had already fallen into the water"

"And why didn't he attack you when you were in the water?" Richard asked quickly.

"Mmm well..." But just when Lucas was about to answer the question, the eyes of the sailor who kept pointing a musket at his head turned completely black.

"The questions are asked by those who have more experience, boy!!" Ron shouted, somewhat annoyed, but with a smile on his face.

Ricardo was upset when he heard the first officer's challenge, he was still upset with this bastard because it happened a while ago, but just when he was going to say something he noticed the look of the captain and many members of the crew in an angry way, so Ricardo decided to do the fool.

Lucas, noticing what happened, also decided to play dumb so as not to explain more than necessary with these strangers.

Wiliam, too, wanted to ask the same question, but he didn't want to agree with the boy and allow him to speak over him in front of all his boys, so he decided to ignore the question.

"And the monster do you think could knock down this boat, Lucas?" Wiliam asked in a voice that was duller than usual.

But really that was the question that was weighing on his heart the most since he heard that there were sea creatures involved in the story of this castaway.

"I really doubt it... the monster was only slightly bigger... than a lifeboat... I doubt... it could break... a merchant ship" Lucas said almost dragging each word of how tired he was, the only thing keeping him conscious was the musket pointed at his head.

Everyone's gaze relaxed a lot upon hearing this, especially that of the captain, who was already prepared for the worst.

The only one who was still worried was Ron, who never stopped aiming his musket even though his hands hurt, after all he was the one who blasphemed a God, so he was the most likely to die if something bad happened.

"Well that's all, if we continue like this, layers will die on us as we speak" Willian said looking at the sorry state of the castaway

"Ricardo, take him to the cabins and let him rest"

"Ron, come here, I have to talk to you about something"

"The rest return to their positions, and Tomy yells if you see any other castaway"

Lucas could not walk without help due to the leg injury, but luckily Ricardo lent him a hand to get to the cabins, while he was leaving he noticed that the captain was talking to the sailor who was loading the musket.