Hombres y Pistolas

When Paulo turned around and saw which box each of the boys took, he smiled bitterly as he smoked heavily through his pipe.

The three men watched in silence, as waves of the sea beat against the hull and the boys on deck stood guard.

"Won't they say thank you, ungrateful sleeves?!" Paul growl.

"Aren't you giving away these pistols?" Lucas murmured, somewhat surprised. After all, he practically didn't know this old man in front of him.

"It's not that he wants...." the helmsman answered calmly as he smoked "...but my god demands it"

"Are you a Templar? But you are only going to teach us how to shoot, and we are not even believers in the Pantheon" Ricardo commented somewhat confused.

"It was a long time ago..... but well, you know what the saying goes, The teacher of one day is the teacher of a lifetime" Paulo replied "Besides, I am a lonely old man, who has long been looking for someone to leave these two young girls and it just turned out that the two boys on the ship don't have weapons"

"Just do this old man a favor and accept the gift" Said the helmsman, as he turned to look at the stars reflected in the ocean "but keep in mind one small detail, young boys"

The two boys waited patiently for the words that this generous old man had to say next.

"What's in that box are not ordinary pistols" The helmsman with his back commented as if not giving importance to his words "Rather, they are living pistols from a very... very... distant sea"

"One is capricious and thirsty for adventures, as long as you can satisfy her, she will be more and more powerful" Paulo said, as he turned around and exhaled an abnormally long trail of smoke over the two boys "And the other will never betray you, as long as you betray all the others "

"And which is which?" Ricardo asked, understanding the problem.

"I don't remember anymore" Paulo said, while a smile appeared on his face.

"So one of the two gets a cursed item that kills him at any time and the other a divine one?" Ricardo said looking at the helmsman that he no longer seemed like a generous old man but an old devil.

"Ha, ha, yes!!" The helmsman shouted, laughing with a laugh like a pig.

"If you don't want to take the risk, you can leave the box on the ground, boy..." The helmsman said in a low voice, as if testing his ideals.

Ricardo looked at Paulo with some anger, the last time he bet he almost lost everything he won on this trip, now directly this devil who was in front of him wanted him to bet his life....

"If you are willing to bet, but not to lose, you better not bet" murmured the young cabin boy, but the box still did not come down from his hands

Lucas for his part looked at the box he had in his hand for a long time.

He had never been given such an expensive gift in his life, although if this box contained the cursed gun, at any moment it could jam and screw up his life.

Or even worse, he could suddenly shoot himself, leaving him no time to regret accepting the box today.

But there was also another way of seeing the cursed object, and that was by thinking: what would happen if you fulfilled the conditions.....