Por que no?

He jumped to his feet, stretched his hands over his neck and nonchalantly yawned as he walked to the cabin door, but on the way he turned away as if he had forgotten something and headed for the hold.

With all the calm in the world, while he yawned lazily, Lucas picked up a bottle from the cellar, then looked at it and put it down again to grab another, he stayed like that for a few minutes until he had chosen 5 bottles that seemed correct.

Calmly, Lucas went up the stairs until he saw the situation on the deck, all the sailors were around the edges arguing… with the water.

Some sailors were arguing seriously, some were swearing, some were crying, and most were just listening.

If one were to get closer to the edges, they could notice that under the water there was a creature and the reflection of it on the surface of the water had a totally different shape for each sailor

For some sailors she was an attractive and seductive woman, for others an old woman or old, some were men and another was children.

The underwater creature was considerably larger than a person and almost the size of an orca.

Their heads were completely bald, and their faces were faceless except for a circular mouth with several rows of sharp teeth.

They had two hands, but only three fingers could be counted on each hand and more than fingers they looked like long claws joined together by a kind of membrane.

The upper part of the body seemed to be humanoid, but its skin was completely gray, there were no pectorals or boobs, it was completely flat except for gills on both sides of the body. At the bottom was a fishtail.

Lucas already knew that these were the famous mermaids of legends, they were not very beautiful and most humans were scared when they saw them, their grace was that they could transform into other creatures to devour them, although the ones we have here done not show that grace .

Lucas approached the water, while uncorking a bottle and leaving the other 4 in the middle of the deck for no apparent reason, he was always somewhat curious to see who it reflected, and it seems that today was a very quiet night because he didn't try his luck and see which person materialized their wishes.

When Lucas approached the end of the boat, he nonchalantly sat on the rail, with his legs in the air pointing to the ocean, any miserable wave would make him fall into the water, but he seemed to care little for the boy.

Happily, he began to drink the alcohol hoping that a friendly mermaid might try to hunt him down, his face at this moment was like that of a child, waiting to see what gift he would get.

And finally the lucky girl presented herself to the gentleman, without a lady to accompany him tonight.

It was quite shocking to see the mermaid approaching over the water, since she was several meters tall and looked like a small giant swimming below you, luckily for the hunters there was another mermaid who cared about the details, which they seemed to ignore, hypnotized to the entire crew.

Lucas, somewhat happy and impatient, looked at the reflection that was about to form while his legs wobbled and the bottle went back and forth from his mouth to the wooden edge, where he supported it.