Preparando La Cena

All the boys were preparing the food on the deck, according to the captain's orders the food had to be ready before the sun goes down and eaten during the night until the sail burned out.

But the ritual itself began with the assembly of the meal, at noon, when the sun will cause the ship's mast to not have a shadow, at that moment the dinner of the night should begin to be prepared.

'The days of good food are over... accept it... or erase it.' Lucas complained in his mind about having to eat fish again, he had already gotten used to the days when the boat was worth everything, he still kept some 'provisions'. But he would have to discard them, without heads to sacrifice the effects of the obsessions didn't become as harmful, and the taste was bitter.

'But if I get a mermaid, the famine is over, I just need to wait 10 years and... win the duel... Better forget it, yes' Lucas thought making a decision while cooking, he had many things to ask the rest. But everyone was quiet and Lucas didn't know if it was part of the ritual or not, the only time he sailed as a crew member was on a ship without humans, so they loved Galleon more than Tusha.

"How did you survive, Lucas? Are you really a merman?" Taras asked next to him, he didn't trust the merman very much, but it wasn't bad to ask him a bit, by the way he would know the other story.

'I would have preferred that they didn't ask anything…' Cursed Lucas.'

"Yes I am, but I didn't lie about the church, if they kill, they're going to kill them all!" Lucas said suspiciously, he didn't like others to know about his childhood, his adoptive mother: 'La Puta' taught him that they could enslave him if other people found out.

"And that she sent you to do the church?" Taras asked out of curiosity.

"Don't answer, Lucas! This ship doesn't know anything and you don't know anything about us either, only that we saved your life at sea..." Ordered the captain, There was a rule of any intelligent captain: 'stay out of trouble. Affairs of the church or governors', the captain did not mind dying, but if they offended a god, they went straight to the spiritual world in that place, having a god as an enemy is tragedy.

"Well, I won't ask anymore about it... but are you really a merfolk? You seem like a fairly ordinary human" Taras said with some doubt.

"This is how your brain sees me, not how I am..." Lucas replied with a short answer, the less they talked about the subject, the better he thought.

They all stared a couple of times as if trying to see something strange, but it didn't seem anything abnormal, besides the fact that he had other new teeth, but luckily for Lucas none of them remembered seeing the sirens, otherwise the questions would flood him.

"And does your arm grow back?" Ron asked, seeing that the boy had quite a bit of control with his one hand.

"No... unfortunately, I don't have that gene... But... I'm used to it... it's not so bad to live with one hand... It just gets a bit complicated, a few things." Lucas said somewhat dazed as if meditating for a long time, the truth is that he had forgotten that he was born with two hands... But telling that would lead to more questions, and he loved her.

"Like, you don't have to get used to it either, you can get a new arm" Ron said with some experience in these matters, when he was in the military there were no shortage of cripples, but ways to solve it were not lacking either.

"Seriously... I don't know... it would be awkward to have two arms..., it's like I'm used to this" Lucas said, looking at his stump, he didn't understand why look for another hand .

"Ha, ha, ha, yes, I understand you, but I'm not talking about a prosthesis, there are more advanced things, if the military of an island can insert an arm from a slave, then I imagine that the church can make you grow one of hit" Ron said between laughs.

"I'll think about it..." Lucas said, somewhat confused.

"Remember that dinner has to be before nightfall or else we have to start everything from scratch" Said the captain, killing the conversation and hurrying up with the food a bit.