The magical increase of 100 Times Experience!


Xiaming suddenly took a breath.

Although he suspected that the activation of the system just now was an illusion, he still had a hint of hope.

Since according to the system, no matter what you do, you can get 100 Times Experience, so if he does some exercise, it should be effective?

With this idea in mind, Xiaming stayed in place and did a sit-up.

As a result, something magical happened!

After doing this sit-up, Xiaming's abdomen felt extremely sour and soft!

It felt like he did hundreds of sit-ups in one breath!

Xiaming's handsome face could not help showing pain, but soon it was replaced by excitement.

"I just did a sit-up, how can I feel this way!?"

Xiaming's eyes widened again.

Even at this moment, he is already over-exercising, but doing one more sit-ups, it is impossible to feel like this!

The feeling of extreme soreness is clearly the feeling that will only appear after doing many exercises!

Realizing this, Xiaming's eyes gradually brightened.

"So, this is what the system calls 100 Times Experience? One exercise is equivalent to one hundred times?"

"So, the system is activated, is it true!?"

Thinking of this, Xiaming suddenly laughed.


There is a sentence how to say it.


Although the system will be late, it will never be absent!

I finally have a system!

And it's such an amazing system!

100 Times Experience?

Cool! ! !

the next day.

Zephyr got news from Xiaming's three-day leave from his instructors.

Speaking of it, it is difficult for recruits to apply for vacation in places like the elite camp. After all, the Marine government provides so many resources to recruits, but it is not for them to be lazy.

But Xiaming is different. He belongs to the kind of person who often trains his body, so the instructors turn a blind eye to Xiaming's leave.

Because they all know that the cultivator mad, as long as he can move, he will cultivate himself.

After discovering that Xiaming did not come to participate in the training, even if Zephyr didn't say anything, the other recruits naturally guessed the reason.

"Haha, that guy must have been irritated yesterday, and he has a problem with his body again, right?"

"It's really pitiful, I don't understand the truth that too much is too late!"

"Don't talk about the graduation assessment now, even if you don't know whether you can participate in the test of ability!"

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"Hehe, maybe I know I can't even handle the test, and I'm pretending to be sick."

Among them, Berry Goode and Xiun were ridiculed again.

But Drake and Smoker didn't say much, because in their eyes, Xiaming was really not worth mentioning.

At this moment.

A dormitory for Marine recruits.

Xiaming, who asked for leave, stood in the living room of the dormitory brilliantly, with a smile on his lips.

In fact, he did practice badly yesterday.

After confirming the existence of the system and its magical usefulness, he naturally jumped up and gritted his teeth for a new round of training.

Under the influence of 100 Times Experience, his physical improvement is amazing.

But in this way, Xiaming's fatigue value is naturally increased by a hundredfold.

So at the end of the practice, he almost crawled back to the dormitory.

However, he asked for three days off not because Xiaming wanted to recuperate, but because he wanted to continue practicing!

It is worth mentioning that Xiaming's resilience is obviously much stronger because of the improvement of physique.

After only lying down for one night, he was sore and feeble last night, and he was resurrected with blood, as if he was full of inexhaustible energy.

But next, he didn't go to assemble training as usual, instead, with a clever idea, he directly asked the instructor for three days of leave.

As for the reason, it is very simple.

It is because of 100 Times Experience Increase.

You know, the system says that no matter what you do, you can get 100 Times Experience Increase!

Yesterday, he just used this increase to exercise and achieved amazing results.

So, if it is used to train him for a long time, but there is still no Iron Body to get started?

Under the 100 Times Experience Increase, there is no doubt that the effect is absolutely amazing!

So in order to prevent Zephyr or other recruits from seeing any clues, Xiaming also planned to practice in the dormitory for three days.

"Start now!"

Without wasting time, Xiaming immediately condensed his breath and calmly began to practice.

After a while, a soft drink came from his mouth.

"Iron Body!"

At this moment, Xiaming's body stretched, only to feel that some invisible power began to appear on the surface of his body!

Vaguely, there is a sense of increased defense.

Aware of this, Xiaming's face suddenly smiled.

Although he hasn't tried it, he knows from his past experience that his current self does indeed use a "semi-iron body"!

You know, even though it's just a half-bucket of Iron Body, in the past, Xiaming was not a hundred spirits!

After using this half-iron body, he didn't know if it was Xiaming's illusion, he just felt that suddenly he felt comfortable.

It seems that when I use the "semi-iron body", I understand a lot in an instant.

"100 Times Experience is working!"

Xiaming naturally understands where that feeling comes from, it is 100 Times Experience Increase!

In other words, he succeeded in using the half iron body this time, which is equivalent to one hundred more successful experiences in using the half iron body!

This kind of experience is of great benefit to Xiaming's cultivating real Iron Body, so naturally it is unnecessary to say more!

Seeing those successful experiences, Xiaming's lips curled up.

He suddenly discovered that Iron Body doesn't seem to be that difficult to cultivate.


Xiaming is a little looking forward to the strength test in the near future.