The day of the power test?

In a blink of an eye.

It's the day of the power test.

Early in the morning, the elite camp training room became lively.

All the elite recruits, including Xiaming, gathered here, and under the leadership of Zephyr and other instructors, they were conducting a moral test.

It is worth mentioning that elite recruits such as Drake and Smoker for one or two years also need to be tested.

The difference is that Xiaming is used to judge the qualifications to take the graduation exam, while Drake and Smoker are only used to judge the combat effectiveness in order to have a clearer understanding of their own strength.

And it is the Daoli robot developed by the mysterious and talented scientist Bega Punk who is responsible for the test.

This kind of robot, two meters high and composed of white machinery, is a combat robot, but while fighting, they will collect various data of the opponent, and the approximate power value will be obtained after five minutes.

At this moment, what was tested on the field was an elite recruit who had been in the camp for a year.

He is fat, but very flexible, holding a pair of fat fists, hitting the Daoli robot from time to time.

Five minutes later, the Daoli robot stopped, and the number 40 appeared on the small screen on its head.

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Seeing this, Xiaming suddenly raised his eyebrows.

He knew that this meant 40 power points.

Ordinary Marine, the power value is 10.

But this is an elite camp, so the requirements are naturally higher. The strength of the three-year graduation exam even needs 100.

However, he is a recruit who has been in the camp for a year, and he can have 40 power points, which is already very good.

You know, Xiaming, who had been in the camp for a year, only had 24 power points.

as predicted.

When the chief instructor Zephyr saw this, he nodded and encouraged him: "Not bad."

The recruit suddenly showed excitement, and after a gratitude, he went down.

"Next person."

As the instructor summoned, another recruit came up to test.

But this time the recruits were obviously more popular than the fat recruits just now, and it caused a little commotion.

"Ah, it's my goddess!"

"Don't stain my goddess with your lustful eyes!"

"Hina, so beautiful!"

Berry Goode, Xiun and other recruits, their eyes turned into love.

Even Xiaming didn't realize his eyes lit up.

This time it was a female recruit who came out for the test.

He has long straight peach hair, a delicate face, a graceful figure, and a long sword in his hand.

It is Hina!

Later, those who have the ability to be fruitful.

It is worth mentioning that Hina is also a one-year recruit in the elite battalion, at the same time as Smoker.

It's just that she hasn't eaten the fruit of the bar, so she can't match Smoker, let alone Drake.

However, with her young and beautiful setting, she also attracted a lot of admirers, and she was well-known in the elite camp.

Of course, Hina is not bad now.

She fought against the Daoli robot, and finally achieved 95 Daoli points!

Now she has only entered the elite camp for one year. According to this strength, if she is allowed to practice for a period of time, she may be able to directly qualify for the graduation exam.

This kind of performance not only made Xiaming nodded secretly, but also praised Zephyr.

In one year, he reached 95 points of power, and he was considered a small genius.

You know, before this, Berry Goode and Xiun, who are capable people, were only around 90!

Hina has no fruit ability to support, but is higher than Berry Goode and Xiun, and the talent is naturally very good.

The voices of those who admire are all warmer because of this.

But soon, with Smoker's appearance, the attention of the recruits suddenly shifted to him.

Even the instructors are different.

"It's Smoker's turn!"

"Logia Smoke Ability?"

"I don't know what his power value is?"

"Will it be higher than Drake's previous record?"

It is worth mentioning that recruits like Hina and Smoker, who have been in the camp for a year, are now only testing their power values ​​for the first time, so everyone is very concerned.

Especially now that Smoker is fighting against Drake, so everyone is very curious whether Smoker's power value this year can be compared with Drake's power value last year.

Even Xiaming was very curious about this, so he watched intently.


As another five minutes passed, the answer was revealed.


Smoker's power value turned out to be 120!

Compared to Drake's record of 110 last year, it is 10 points higher!

"It's worthy of being the strongest recruit of this class!"

"Awesome, Smoker!"

"Interesting, it's actually higher than Drake's power value last year!"

The recruits couldn't help but talk excitedly.

Smoker was firmly established as the strongest recruit.

You know, the recruits who have been in the camp for one year have already been tested. Smoker is the last one, but as of now, only his power value exceeds 100.

Next, I don't know if the instructors deliberately wanted Drake to compete with Smoker. Among the two-year recruits in the camp, Drake was the first to be called out for testing.

Drake was silent, and walked towards the Daoli Robot silently.

Soon, in the eyes of everyone, the battle was simply over.

Drake is not the leader of the recruits in the elite battalion, and even without the fruit ability, he has played 200 power points!

At this time, the entire training room became a little noisy.

You know, this kind of power value, many veterans who have been in the camp for three years can't get it out.

In this way, whether it is Smoker or Drake, the performance of the two can be said to be very amazing.

It was so amazing that many people ignored the test of the recruits who entered the camp for the next three years, and they had been discussing the two in a low voice.

The two people are so prosperous that they will definitely develop into a battle between dragons and tigers in the days to come.

But the next moment, when the instructor called the name of a recruit who had been in the camp for three years, the entire training ground suddenly fell silent.

"Next, Xiaming."

The audience was silent, and then brushed, almost everyone's eyes suddenly looked at the handsome teenagers in the crowd.

It's him!