Dao power reaches the standard, this is a miracle! ?

"Next, Xiaming!"

As the instructor's cry fell, the audience suddenly fell silent.

Then in the next instant, almost everyone looked at the handsome figure in the crowd.


By the time he began to test his strength value.

In the eyes of everyone, Xiaming walked out of the team blankly.

But at this time, the low sarcasm suddenly floated up again.

"Haha, it's the end of this crane!"

"Guess he can meet the standard?"

"Originally I thought it was okay, but now it is estimated to be difficult. Don't forget that he took three days off!"

"That's right, if you say that, based on his performance of only 60 strength last year, it's not bad to have 80 this time!"

"I guess there is no 80, hehe!"

Among them, Berry Goode and Xiun were the most ridiculous.

No way, although both of them are fruit-powered and have decent talents, they are not as good as Drake and Smoker, and even Hina is inferior.

In this way, they can only brush up on the sense of existence from Xiaming, a three-year veteran.

Of course, their ridicule is also based on certain grounds. After all, the other recruits present, including Smoker Drake Hina and others, are not optimistic about Xiaming.


But at this time, Zephyr apparently heard the taunts, stared sharply, and snorted.

An invisible aura swept along, and immediately suppressed all the noise.

Although he is not optimistic about Xiaming, Zephyr still approves of his hard work and practice.

In his opinion, if Drake and Smoker can work so hard, their future achievements will definitely be even higher.

It's just Xiaming, it's still a pity…

And when Zephyr regretted and everyone was not optimistic, Xiaming's test began.

As soon as the Daoli robot stepped on it, it immediately attacked Xiaming.

A white mechanical fist came abruptly.

At this moment, Xiaming's eyes condensed.

"Good job!"

With a low cry in his heart, he stepped out in the same way.

He slammed his head to avoid the Daoli robot's fist, then jumped on the spot, twisted his waist and turned his legs.

A standard whip kick hit the back of Daoli Robot!

With a pop.

The Daoli robot was kicked and staggered forward, almost falling to the ground.


At this time, Berry Goode, Xiun and others who looked at them jokingly were a little surprised.

Originally, they thought Xiaming would fight against the Doli robot in a game. They didn't expect Xiaming to face the Doli robot right from the beginning, and it still had the upper hand?

As for the instructors such as Zephyr, he was also a little surprised at this time.

Xiaming's performance doesn't seem so bad.

With this idea, they will continue to watch.

There are Smoker Drake and Hina. They didn't pay attention to Xiaming originally, but now they noticed the abnormality and couldn't help but look at it.

At this time, Xiaming's eyes brightened.

Of course he wouldn't foolishly fight with Daoli robots.

You know, he has a 100 Times Experience Increase!

So when fighting against Daoli robots, the combat experience he gained was also X100!

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In this way, of course, the positive advantage is greater!

And at this moment, after kicking the Daoli Robot for a while, Xiaming immediately felt the massive experience feedback!

Without a second word, the corner of his mouth curled slightly, and he immediately stuck to the Daoli Robot again.

Under the 100 Times Experience Increase, Xiaming's skills in dealing with Daoli robots began to advance by leaps and bounds.

Ever since.

In everyone's eyes, Xiaming had just started fighting with the Daoli robots, and only had the upper hand, but as time went on, it became stronger and stronger, almost completely suppressing the Daoli robots.

In the end, I don't know if he calculated the time correctly. When there were only ten seconds left, he suddenly slammed into the arms of the Doli robot, then turned around abruptly, grabbed the hand of the Doli robot and pulled it to the ground.


The Daoli robot was directly bombed on the ground.

When everyone saw this, they were shocked, and then subconsciously looked at the small screen on the head of the Daoli robot.

There it started to analyze all the data collected, and then jumped out a number.


It turned out to be 110 power points!

Seeing this value, many people are a little confused.

"You are not mistaken, Xiaming actually has 110 power points!"

"It should be correct. According to the situation just now, it is almost this value."

"I didn't expect this kid to meet the eligibility criteria for the graduation exam…"

"This should be considered a miracle, right?"

The recruits started talking again.

Among them, Berry Goode and Xiun, who despise Xiaming the most, can't help but blush.

Although Xiaming, as a recruit who has been in the camp for three years, a Dao Power of 110 is nothing at all, but it depends on what the situation is!

You know, in the past, Xiaming's performance could not even have 100 power points.

It is precisely because of this that they have just mocked Xiaming so surely that it is impossible to reach the standard, but now this value is almost like an invisible slap, calling them on their faces, faintly painful.

At this time, Zephyr also came out to educate: "Here, I want to give special praise to Xiaming. God pays for his hard work. This is not a miracle, but the result of his hard work. I hope that others will also be able to He learns a lot!"

With that said, he glanced at Berry Goode and Xiun intentionally or unintentionally.

Berry Goode and Xiun flushed immediately and lowered their heads in shame, but there was a trace of unrest in their eyes.

Soon, the power test was over.

Zephyr and a group of instructors took the lead to leave.

But this time, Xiaming, whom no one cared about in the past, someone took the initiative to greet him.

"Xiaming, you are amazing!"

"Instructor Zephyr is right! Xiaming, we should learn from you!"

"It's amazing, Xiaming, everyone thinks you are not up to the standard!"

Xiaming suddenly became a little funny.

Those who greeted him were all recruits from the same year as him.

In the past, I saw Xiaming's low strength and dismissed him, but now Zephyr has specifically praised him by name, but has become kind.

ow could Xiaming not know what these people thought, maybe just flatter him now, and he could not decide how to despise him.

After all, many people's Dao power values ​​even exceed 150.

Thinking this way, Xiaming didn't bother to return, and just stepped away.

But soon, he was stopped by two figures.