Business trip

"Look, what are you so worked up about? Yeah, Chiaki was my lover for a couple of years, but he cheated on me and now we're through. Well, to be honest, I never had real feelings for him so we were only lovers in name. I'd call it more of a sex-friend situation."

"Then… why, why did you break up with him, when he cheated on you…?"

"Agh I was just fed up with the situation, that was just an excuse to free myself from him, even though being together gave both of us a lot of business benefits." Hirahi stroked Shimizu's hair and laid him down on his lap. "I'm glad you calmed down." He said, stroking Shimizu's hair. After the room became quiet Hirahi noticed his phone was ringing, he tried to get up but Shimizu had fallen asleep. "Fuck…" He whispered, throwing his head back and closing his eyes. "Maybe, I'll give myself a sick day…"

When Shimizu woke up he saw himself laying on Hirahi's lap. His hand was slightly moving, playing with Shimizu's hair. He blushed. Shimizu didn't want Hirahi to stop so he just closed his eyes and enjoyed the comforting hand on his head. He woke up a bit and saw that hirahi had fallen asleep too, so Shimizu got up, covered Hirahi with his jacket, and went to continue working. Oh no, most of the day has gone down the drain. I better hurry up with work. Once the end of the day came, Shimizu walked into Hirahi's office and noticed that he was still sleeping. Shimizu gently approached him so as to not wake him up. He crept on Hirahi to shake him and wake him up but he stopped himself in his tracks. Shimizu remembered Hirahi's words from earlier in the day. "We were lovers!". He felt jealous, and he himself realized so. At that moment he thought that a bit of greed never killed anyone and gently pressed his lips onto Hirahi's.

Hirahi had noticed that after Chiaki's visit, Shimizu has been acting more distant, he started going to school too, so now Hirahi is usually alone at his office, which makes him overthink things. Since there are no distractions he focuses on his thoughts which are filled with what-if scenarios. It's been a while since the thoughts were this bad. He decided to text Shimizu and go back to his apartment to sleep. He thought that maybe all he needs is a simple rest.

Hirahi woke up because he felt something touch his lips. Once he opened his eyes he saw Shimizu on top of him. Once Shimizu saw Hirahi's opened eyes he turned beat red, pushed Hirahi away, and bolted out of the house. Hirahi pressed his finger on his lips not fully comprehending the situation. Shimizu ran out of the house he didn't have anywhere else to go so he decided to just work overnight. Once he got to the office he piled up work for himself to occupy his screaming mind. I just have to forget about it. Not thing about what happened and everything will get back to normal.

The whole night has passed and Shimizu spent every minute of it finishing projects that are due in months. It soon hit 9am and SHimizu was preparing himself to face Hirahi. Am I getting fired? He wondered. I can't afford to lose this job.

Soon after Hirahi showed up. He just requested for Shimizu to talk over the schedule and to show the finished projects. After reviewing them Hirahi calls Shimizu into his office. Shimizu is prepared for a scolding or a firing or just a rant about what he did but Hirahi just addresses a couple mistakes made in the project's development.

"You know Shimizu I wasn't expecting this work to be done by you. I'm devastated to say this but I'm disappointed in what you've given me. Please there's no rush so fix what I told you to and you can go home rest."

Shimizu was shocked, not only did he make the first mistake in a while but also the mistakes were just blunders that could have been easily avoided. He got embarrassed and couldn't contain his emotions anymore.

"It's all your fault! I'm going home." he said storming out of the building.

Hirahi sighed and called up the front desk.

"What can I help you with, president?"

"I'll be leaving work shortly, tell everyone that asks for me to review the papers to just send them via email."

"Are you sure you should be leaving work early, president? It's a very pressing time for the company, this week's work is crucial if we want to expand our business to other countries and you'll be..."

"I said what I said." remarked Hirahi ending the call.

Now I have to take care of a brat.

Hirahi got home and crept to Shimizu's room. The house was quiet and no lights were turned on. Hirahi knocked on Shimizu's door.

"Shimuzu are you alright? Can I come in?" He didn't hear anything, only sniffling and ruffling from outside the door. Shimizu is definitely inside.

Hirahi opened the door and walked over to the bed where he found Shimizu cooped up in a ball and wrapped up in a bunch of blankets. Hirahi pats Shimizu's head which was sticking out of the blankets a little. Then we heard Shimizu's breath quickening and it felt as if he couldn't breathe properly. Hirahi wanted to jank off the blankets and free Shimizu but he didn't want to anger him more.

"I'll be leaving tomorrow early in the morning if you want to talk, we can…" said Hirahi standing up from the bed.

There was no response from Shimizu. Hirahi decided to just leave. He opened the door but was stopped by a small whisper.

"When will you come back?" Hearing Shimizu's broken voice left a lingering feeling inside Hirahi, he couldn't shake it off. It felt like it was digging into his skin, but he tried to ignore it.

"Puff.f" He chuckled. "In two weeks. Make sure to call me ok?" Hirahi didn't need a yes or a no, he just looked over back to the bed and saw Shimizu nodding his head still under the blankets. Hirahi chuckled again and left the room.

Once the time for Hirahi to leave came, Shimizu didn't show up to say his goodbye. That made Hirahi anxious because he thought Shimizu hated him. So he didn't say a word and left hoping that once he comes back Shimizu will be calm and they could talk everything out. He touched his lips again, remembering Shimizus gentle touch. Agh this angelic brat is going to be the end of me.

Shimizu heard the door close once Hirahi left the house. He felt alone again. He remembered the numbness and emptiness from when his mother left and let out silent cries for help. After his mom died Hirahi appeared in Shimizu's life seemingly out of nowhere, he gave him a job, a house to stay in and warmth that made Shimizu happy, it put him at ease. He touched his head, experiencing Hirahi's touch again. He started to feel weird. Shimizu took off the blanket and saw that he had an erection.

"Oh no, what's wrong with me?" He worried. But his desires took over. "Hirahi, I'm sorry..." he said and started stroking his hard as a rock cock. "Hirahi..." whispered Shimizu, he rolled up his shirt and touched his nipples. They started twitching and Shimizu's moans became louder. His hands began to move quicker as he imagined Hirahi's hands instead of his own as he hugged Shimizu from behind. He quickly came. But it wasn't enough. He wasn't satisfied. "Damn it... don't tell me..." he wiped off his hand and licked his fingers, lubricating them. Smothering them with saliva. He hesitated. Shimizu inserted the first finger inside his rectum and let out a moan. The thoughts of Hirahi flooded his mind. He started to hallucinate Hirahi's voice. "You like that? Shimizu~." he kept on repeating his own name, imagining Hirahi inside him. Shimizu added another finger, it started to hurt, but Shimizu didn't focus on the pain alone. In his mind Hirahi had finally caved in and fucked the young man. Shimizu started moving his hips for more pleasure as he was about to climax. "Ahhh Hirahi!" he moaned.

After finishing, Shimizu realized what he had just done.

"I'm sorry Hirahi." he cried rolling up in his blankets. "I like you…" he muttered, closing his eyes and finally falling asleep.

Three days had passed since Hirahi left. Shimizu has been emerging himself in work and school during the day and he has been fingering himself while thinking of Hirahi during the night. In school he has been maintaining a low image occasionally talking to Kotaro, who wouldn't stop bothering Shimizu about Hirahi. Shimizu, of course being jealous, didn't comply with his demanding questions and just ignored his classmate whenever he'd mention Hirahi.

Only two more days, if he doesn't call me by then I'll have to take the initiative, I can't bear this long without hearing his voice. Just thinking about it makes my ass twitch.