Is he back?

It's been five days since Hirahi left. He had been drowning in work until today, finally Saturday came and he could relax. Now that work was out of his mind, he remembered Shimizu, his gentle voice was usually the first thing he heard in the morning. Now it's just the buzzing alarm clock. He missed him. He hasn't called me yet, I guess he's still mad. He laid down on the bed and reminisced: how great it was having Shimizu around, everyone at the office liked him and respected his work ethic, he can easily talk to people, he always puts others first, hah that reminds me when he makes breakfast even though he likes his eggs sunny side up just like me, if the yolk breaks he'd always scramble the egg and eat that one himself, making me a new one. "It's always the little things that make you attracted to someone…" He sighed looking at his phone. Hirahi contemplated calling him, until he saw Shimizu's number pop up, with no hesitation he answered.

"Hello." Hirahi answered, clearing his throat to make it sound as if he wasn't excited.

There was a long silence. Hirahi checked the phone but the call was still going, so he just sat there waiting.

"Shimizu?" Once Shimizu heard his name in Hirahi's voice he remembered his dirty night adventures and got hard. He faced his fears and started talking.

"Hirahi…" Shimizu hesitated. "How's everything going, according to plan?" He thought by initiating the call Hirahi would understand that he forgave him and that Shimizu wanted to talk to him himself. During the week Hirahi wasn't around Shimizu realized that he won't be backing down that easily, his feelings for Hirahi are real and he can't give up.

"Everythings going alright. The food here is a bit bland…"

Shimizu got flustered. He had already gotten used to cooking for Hirahi so hearing that his food is better than what he is eating put him in a great mood. "Haha well as soon as you come back I'll cook something up for you, if you have anything in particular you'd want to eat send me a message." Shimizu felt awkward. This was the first time he was talking on the phone with Hirahi, which wasn't about work.

Agh why do they make phones like this. Shimizu couldn't continue the conversation, Hirahi's voice being right up Shimizu's ear got him even more excited.

"I can't hold it in." He whispered, and started stroking himself and working his way to the behind.

Hirahi didn't hear what Shimizu said. "You're breaking up, let's talk tomorrow. I'll be going now. Goodbye, Shimizu."

Shimizu thought that Hirahi was going to end the call so he inserted his finger and moaned slightly.

Hirahi was about to end the call when he started hearing strange noises from Shimizu's phone. Is he alright? Why is he panting? Soon after Hirahi heard a moan and Shimizu's voice. "Hirahi! haa". What was he doing? Hirahi couldn't believe how cute Shimizu's moans were. I didn't know my self control was this bad… Hirahi put the volume up to the max and held the phone with his head leaning on the shoulder. He jacked off listening to Shimizu's moans. After cumming Hirahi quickly hung up and cursed himself for acting like a teen and not holding back his desires. I'll have to survive another week without him… I'll have to try and get home sooner.

Shimizu finished and he immediately checked his phone. Thank God he ended the call, I don't know what I'd do if he heard it. But truly these cellphones are dangerous. Just hearing his voice so close to my ear made me horny. He quickly fell asleep imagining his life with Hirahi.

For the next week both Shimizu and Hirahi drowned themselves in work and tried to finish all of it as quickly as possible because they both realized that once they lose focus their thoughts fill up by the other person. Shimizu still goes home and occasionally calls Hirahi just to hear his voice. Hirahi on the other hand has not slept since the last time they jerked off. He wanted to finish work early and occupy his mind as much as he could, because he knew that as soon as he'd stop he wouldn't be able to control himself. The thought that pestered him the most was that Shimizu was still a highschool student and that he lusted for an underaged lad. Hirahi couldn't forgive himself for it, and everytime he would be reminded of Shimizu he'd guilt trip himself to stop.

The week went past like a flash and soon Hirahi came back home. He was extremely excited to finally be able to see Shimizu and eat his cooking. Shimizu couldn't hold his excitement as well; he had finally made up his mind to confess.

Hirahi came back during the day and immediately rushed to his bed to catch up on lost sleep, so he could finally relax. Shimizu had just gone to work so there's a whole day left for Hirahi to relax until he meets Shimizu. He had texted him in advance that he'd be back today so there was nothing to worry about.

Shimizu excitedly finished work early and rushed home to meet Hirahi. Once he came inside the apartment was pitch black. For a second he got confused then Shimizu turned on the lights. Why isn't Hirahi still back? he thought. But as soon as he noticed the man's shoes by the door, a smile flashed on his face. He ran to Hirahi's room and quietly opened the door. He was still sleeping. Shimizu rushed over to him and gently shook Hirahi to wake him up but the man didn't move, he was out like a light. Shimizu couldn't waste this opportunity, he remembered all the nights he pleased himself in Hirahi's bed and couldn't control his excitement. He got on top of the man and kissed him, he opened Hirahi's mouth and deepened the kiss. To his surprise he was still sleeping.

"Haa, this looks like a scene from an adult movie…" he gently whispered, moving down Hirahi's body. Shimizu gently caressed Hirahi's muscular body, he brushed the tips of his fingers through his chest until Shimizu saw shivers on the places he touched. Slowly he moved more down, licking and kissing Hirahi's abs, holding his waist in his hands. Hirahi started to react, he mumbled, it made Shimizu look down. Once he did that, he noticed a bulge in Hirahi's pants.

"Well this is getting more fun. Hirahi~..."Shimizu called out playfully. "If you don't wake up and stop me I'll do whatever I want~." He waited a couple of seconds holding his breath, he held his breath not daring to move, he had to make sure Hirahi was fast asleep.

Shimizu let out his breath and chuckled. He sat on top of Hirahi and started unbuckling his belt. He slid down his pants and Hirahi's erect cock sprung out of them. Shimizus chest almost burst upon seeing what was between Hirahi's legs. It's way bigger than what I imagined… I wonder if it will fit. Shimizu took off his pants and started to prepare himself, but once he inserted the first finger he moaned loudly, which woke Hirahi up. At first he didn't understand what was happening but after he got to his senses he pushed Shimizu off.

"What the hell are you doing? Have you gone insane?!" He shouted putting his pants back on. "You're still a highschool kid. And in any way what you were trying to do? Do you understand how wrong that is?" Hirahi wanted to leave and just run away or at least take care of his problem downstairs. Seeing a guy he liked, Hirahi, couldn't help but feel really excited.