Mekk marches you on through the city. Happy to have postponed a bullet to the brain, you allow him to.

"Around a month ago, the people I work with detected temporal displacement energies from the heart of Seattle," says Mekk, as you walk. "We determined it was a time traveler. Now, we know the Surgeons don't have access to time-travel technology. But coming from Seattle, a city with a direct link back to the Surgeons' homeworld, that couldn't be good. My mission here is twofold: I want to kill the Surgeons' human representative, the greatest traitor alive, who we believe is here in this city. That won't slow the Surgeons much, but it'll send a powerful message. Second, I want to use that Zapp Sapper to siphon off the temporal energy. It's a small hope that we can weaponize it, but it's a hope."

You glance down at the Zapp Sapper that you are now carrying. You can only hope that Mekk's curiosity about your origins is enough to keep you alive, for now.