He chuckles behind you, then says, "Yeah, the Surgeons' representative in this world—the woman I'm here to kill—is human as well. No, I think I'll keep my rifle pointed right at the back of your skull."
His laughter annoys you, and for a second you can't help imagining slamming your fist into his face.
The two of you walk on. After a short while, you ask, "Okay, you have to tell me where we're going, exactly."
It's begun to grow dark as you walk. And then, before Mekk answers, you suddenly realize where you are.
"There," says Mekk, as you round a corner.
Up ahead stands MetaHuman Tower. It looks quite different from how you remember. Its top twenty floors have been blasted off. In its gloomy interior, a single light is shining.
That light is coming from your office.