The rest of the meeting's participants—Winston, Electra, and Claudette—arrive, and take their places around the table.

"Good vacation?" Claudette asks you.

"Eventful," you say. "You?"

"It's difficult for me to take a vacation, really," she says. She taps the side of her head. "Even when I'm supposed to be relaxing, my brain is always working, working." She grimaces. "Gives me terrible insomnia, sometimes."

"Let's start," says Winston. "I think we can keep this short, today. Anybody mind if we open with the budget allocation?"

"Fine by me," you answer.

"One point, before we get into that," says Electra. "We're currently watching our new friends at ORPHEUS—by the way, it's extremely hard to spy on psychics. Anyway, we've been helping with their psychic augmentation treatments, and it seems some of their work could be beneficial to our own Psi-activator Enhancement. I've already forwarded all relevant details to Claudette."

You nod, pleased with this unexpected bonus.
