Leach chips in. "I'll bring up a piece of news I came across, if I may. You remember Professor Nemesis, who interviewed for the HOR position in January? He's been witnessed committing a rather violent murder, somewhere in Texas. He's currently a fugitive from justice."
"Not recruiting him was a shrewd choice, it seems," says Electra. "We may have dodged a rather embarrassing bullet."
The news surprises the group. At last, Winston speaks. "And are you willing to help them, if we judge that route to be most advantageous? That's steering dangerously close to selling out humanity."
"If we do go that route, we'll have solid reasons for it. If, conversely, we have to fight the Surgeons, we'll do so because that's what's best—for us, and for humanity as a whole. I don't take these decisions lightly, Winston. Have a little faith."
Your colleagues are worried. But you're confident that they do indeed trust your ultimate decision in this, for now.