: A Visitor (Elliot)

Zeo's words fell like a meteorite on my little fantasy of him liking me. Before I could say anything more, he just walked away, hastily and closed the door of the washroom at my face. I sighed. Zeo was acting weird. Last night he said he was falling for me and now he just denies his words saying he was drunk. Or was I dreaming all along?? Perhaps, it's my fault only. I am hoping too much, I guess. I shouldn't expect him to return these stupid feelings I have for him. Not everyone can like men, can they?

I got out of bed. My stomach was growling. Even if I hadn't brushed yet, I needed something to eat, even a cookie would be enough. But I didn't have any. I had already eaten all the food Friga had given me last night. Wait a second! Friga had told me the way to the kitchen, right? I played in my mind the simulation of the turns and paths we had taken. There were a few blanks in my memories, though. I really should add almonds to my appetite.

' Maybe... I can just ask someone.' I thought. I walked towards the door.Should I inform Zeo? It's fine. I would be back before he freshens up. Hardly, had I opened the door, I saw a young woman standing at the door. She looked really beautiful to be honest. She was dressed in a blue dress while her hair was unlocked into tiny curls. She literally looked like some princess. If it wasn't for me, I am sure any man would have been enchanted by such beauty. She had raised one of her hands, probably to knock.

"Yes..?" I asked politely.

"Umm..I Young Lord Zeo in there??" She asked. Why does everyone have to use this 'Young Lord' with Zeo? It makes me feel like he is a prince or something. Well being the Clan Leader's son, in a way, he is one.

"Yes but he is freshening up." I replied.

"I see..."

"Are you his friend?" She asked, shortly after.

"Yes. My name is Elliot Eves and you are..??"

"You don't know me!! " She exclaimed with surprise. Now, this was an awkward situation. No one informed me of whom I should know or shouldn't know in this place. And with a girl coming to me and exclaiming on the idea that I didn't know her made me feel like an idiot.

" I am sorry. I am not quite good at remembering people and this is my first visit to the Flora Clan." I cleared.

"Okay...Anyway, my name is Lia Swigs. I am the Young Lady of the Flora Clan. My mother is the Clan Lady here." She introduced herself in a formal way with a little bow. So, she really was a princess.

She looked up at me. Her expression felt like she was expecting something from me. A bow?? It would be polite, I guess. So I bowed in return. I actually bowed more than she did and mine was not nearly as elegant as her. But what can I do? I am just not into this stuff.

I looked up at her. She stood there with an amused look on her face. Wait! Was she laughing at me?? Ohhh!! This awkwardness is killing me. But thankfully, she broke the ice first.

"So....can I wait in your room for Young Lord Zeo?" She asked with a bit of hesitation.

"Of course." I declared.

I sided from the door to let her in. Suddenly, my stomach growled loudly. She looked at me and then chuckled. Hahhh!! Should I just kill myself..

"I think that will need some help." She said pointing at my stomach. I coughed a little to hide my nervousness.

"You can go to the kitchen. It's just on the right turn after the two squares in the hallway." She told me. I gave her a half-smile.

"Thanks. I will do that. You can wait here till then." I said as I exited the room shutting off the door behind me.

I walked through these cold halls. This place was so empty that even my footsteps were echoing loudly. It's kind of creepy. I could prevent my mind from wandering off in thoughts as I walked. Apart from Zeo acting weird, I still have no idea where Millia or Nathan are at this instant. I haven't got any time to talk about them with Zeo. Even Obrion is out. I have to talk to him about this after I go back. Till then, I can just hope that they are alright.

And then thinking about another problem, I still have to find my way back to Earth. I promised both mom and Nathan that we will return home safe.

I kind of did travel back to Earth. I can do it again, I guess. The only problem is the control. Last time, I barely managed to escape that grim reaper or whatever it was. I have to gain control over these Walker powers. Lost in these thoughts, I certainly forgot I was hungry but was soon reminded by my own stomach.

Wait a minute! How long have I been walking? I turned to my left, my right and then forward. Where am I ???

I ran back and forth through this labyrinth of walls and doors to know my location but why do all these doors and all these hallways look the same?? Now I can't even find my own room. What do I do now? I can't even see anyone. Last day this place was brimming with people and servants. Where are all of them??

"Fuck this !!" I sighed.

Suddenly, I heard some damping footsteps through this utter silence. Finally!!! I ran fast. I can't lose my only hope to get out of this maze.

At the next turn, I bumped into the guy as I briskly turned to my right. I fell back as I collided with that man.

"Ouchh !!" I cried.

I looked up at my culprit. The man was tall, almost as high as Zeo. He had long blond hair. His hair was hiding his left side of the face but the one which was visible was indeed a handsome one. He had green eyes. This guy actually looked like a movie star, those of romantic and action movies, I mean. He smiled a little at my expressions.

He gave me a hand to get up. Well, at least this guy had some manners apart from a sense of humour.

"You shouldn't run in the hallways like this." He told me as if I was a child. Wait! Does he actually think I am a child because of my height!!

I didn't take his hands and got up myself.

"I wasn't running. I was just finding my way to the kitchen." I announced, hiding my embarrassment. My stomach added a proof to my announcement by a growl.

He chuckled. My face flustered....

"Let me help you then." He declared.