: A Friend or Something else.. ( Elliot )

"Here we are." The guy announced with a wide smile. It seemed like he was interested in reaching this kitchen more than I was. Nevertheless , I followed him through the huge metallic doors of this kitchen and the sight I got after that left me stunned.

This place was literally a heaven for me. This kitchen was gigantic. Larger than any kitchen I had ever seen. I glanced around through every shelf and every table. I saw ten, no, around fifty cakes and chocolates and candies sitting there, waiting for someone to take a look at them. One table was brimming with real food, with rice, salad, chicken and stuff. And then there was a shelf with clouding ice vapours, their kind of fridge, I guess. I gulped a mouth full of saliva. I would not deny it. My mouth was actually watering.

To be honest, I was always a foody kind of guy, not a fatty one though. I don't know the science behind that. Coming to the point, when I was a kid I had an obsession for the story of 'Hansel and Gretel'. Actually, my focus was never really on the story, though. I would just stare at that candy house. In the story of Hansel and Gretel both the children were captured by a witch who lived in a house of sweets to lure children and then eat them. When I was a kid many of my friends were actually scared of that house and the witch but for me, it was just a wonder. A house made of chocolates, candies, cakes and biscuits. What else can a boy of four wish for?? Looking here, I felt like that four old boy had just revived inside of me, dancing and leaping at the sight!!

There were not as many chefs here as I had expected. Probably, doing some other business. I can't tell you how hard I was holding back my instinct to just jump over this candy house.

"My friend here needs some help. Will you all be kind enough to give us some food?" The blond guy beside me announced. The two or three chefs working there in the kitchen turned and looked at us with amazement.

"My...Y-oung L-ord, you don't have to come to the kitchen. Y-ou could have just ordered us." One of the ladies told us with a formal bow while the others followed her signal. Who was this guy anyway? Was he some high official or minister here?

"So... now that I AM here. Will you??" He asked again.

"Of course, my lord!!" One of the chefs almost exclaimed. Their reactions were like that of those teenage girls when they meet their favourite movie star or their crush. For his looks, this reaction made sense.

One of the oldest chefs came forward and showed us a table. I sat first and the blond guy sat facing me. Now that I look closer, this guy also wore a clear crystal like eating in his visible ear. Fancy, huh??

"So tell me about yourself.." He started the conversation. He still had that smile on his face. Do I look that funny to him??

"My name is Elliot Eves. I am a friend of Young Lord Zeo. I came here to accompany him." I told him.

"I see..."

"What about you? What is your name?" I asked with curiosity.

"You don't know me??" He asked me with surprise. Not that reaction again. I think I should have done some research on people before coming here.

"It's Adrian. My name is Adrian." He added. What? No more. I thought he would give me some idea of his status. His way of intro, I guess.

Suddenly, a plate of a full-fledged meal was presented in front of me. What?? I just wanted some snacks. I can't eat this much now. I just stared blankly at the food.

"I thought you were hungry." Adrian suggested.

"I am, but this much...."

"You just eat as much as you want. They will take care of the rest." He declared.

I first stared at his face and then the food. I picked up the spoon and took the first bite. This food tasted better than the food Friga gave me last night. What is their secret??

It took me about ten to fifteen minutes to lick up every last bit of the food. I burped.

"I thought you said you couldn't eat this much." Adrian asked, raising an eyebrow. To be honest, I can't believe it myself. I just gave him a shrug.

"Sir, would you like something, too?" A chef suggested. He just shook his head.

"You should try it. The food here is the best!!" I declared. He chuckled.

"Alright then, you can give me some dessert. Actually give whatever he chooses to eat." He added pointing at me. The chef nodded.

"What about you, sir?" She turned to me.

"Do you have some desserts related to strawberries?" I asked.

"Yes, we do. Just wait a moment." She said and walked away. I brought my eyes back on Adrian and caught him staring at me with that smile of his. Why does he keep smiling like that??

A moment later, the chef returned with every dessert of strawberry I ever knew. She had strawberry ice-cream, strawberry cakes, strawberry cookies, strawberry milk and every strawberry thing you could ask for. Is this real or am I dreaming?

I felt like I was out of joy when I saw them. I ate all of them, taking one bite of each. The next bite always felt better than the last one. If I get these everyday. I can stay in this realm for all my life.

I caught Adrian chuckling at me. His face was almost red, holding his laughter.

"What?" I asked, my mouth muffled.

He shook his head and got up and brought himself closer to me. He wiped off some cream which was sticking near my lips.

"Nothing. It's fine now." He said. My face reddened. He just winked at me. Wait! What does that mean??

Suddenly, I heard the metallic doors of the kitchen open. From it emerged Zeo and Lia. I can't say clearly, but I felt a strange kind of uneasiness seeing them together. Was I jealous? I certainly need to do something about these feelings?

Both Adrian and I stood up simultaneously. Lia bowed in front of Adrian and signalled Zeo to do the same. He did.

"Good morning, your highness." Lia greeted him. 'Your highness', now that's a new pronoun. Lia turned to Zeo.

"I think you might not know him at hand, Young Lord Zeo. Let me introduce him. This is the next heir of the throne of the Elf Kingdom, the royal Caster of ice, Prince Adrian." She declared. Wait, this guy was literally a prince. I mean a real prince. I looked back at him. He turned to me and just smiled.

Zeo greeted him and walked towards me.

"You shouldn't have run away like that, Elliot. You could have told me." Zeo said to me in a bit of a worried tone. My heart leaped again. 'How am I going to get over you when you act like this?' I thought.

"You know, Young lord Zeo. This friend of yours..." Adrian interrupted. Both of us turned to him.

"He is kind of cute." Adrian declared, winking at me again.