Chapter Four-The Deal

Doug desired the authority and confidence that flowed from this goddess, sheer power illuminated from her body. He was captivated by this entity, and it wasn't sexual, this in of itself scared him. Why was she here? What did this beautiful creature want? Doug smiled in her direction, trying to remove the trepidation and wonderment from his voice as he spoke," you can probably guess what I desire." he vaguely gestured at the cesspit he called home," what do you want from me for helping me change my life?" Doug cleared his throat and continued speaking," I have no desire to sell my soul, my life sucks enough. I don't need more problems within this horrible existence that I call my life. ``

This statement brought an outright throaty laugh from Baal," I told you once already mortal, I am not your Satan. I have no interest in souls. I am not attempting to build a heaven or hell; my plans concern this world. What I want is what anyone who has lost something wishes, I want what is mine."

"So where do I fit in? What difference am I supposed to make?"

A gentle smile tickled her cheeks," I require two things from you, son of Adam. The first is your loyalty. Your soul is your own, do with it as you will. In this lite, however, you will serve my aims and wishes completely, without error or question. You will be a priest in my name, like the days of old."

"That sounds fair enough," Doug answered honestly, "and the second thing?"

"You will deliver a child of your own seed to me."

Doug had been guilty of many things within his miserable existence, yet the thought of killing one of his own sons or daughters was unthinkable. Bile began to rise into the back of his throat, his children were the only things he had left, and they were truly precious to him. Doug wanted to cry, his dreams were within reach and this creature wanted more than was willing to pay.

"Silly man," Baal said with a sad grin." I don't want either of your children that are alive now, no," Baal explained, reading the conflict on his face," I want an infant, your next born."

Doug quickly rationalized and justified his choice before he made it, he would not know the child and he wouldn't name it, no, he would let some street hooker or whore raise the child until Baal wanted it. How did he even know, maybe Baal would make the damn kid a high priest that would be raised on religious Kool-Aid and live a happy life. Besides, he spilled his seed daily with porn and meaningless sex, what was really the difference?

"Think of it," Baal purred seductively," unlimited wealth and privilege, no fantasy to exotic or depraved. Power over others, no longer being a pathetic addicted loser, can you see it?"

Doug stared off into an invisible distance daydreaming about the new life that awaited him," Alright, I'll do it!" Doug blurted out, all thoughts of consequence pushed aside," where do I sign?"

"We are not lawyers," Baal said as she produced a curved obsidian blade, it's handled braided in leather and its edge glittering like a razors. `` To seal our pact you must only slice open your forearm, acknowledge me as your master, and ask for my blessings. It is a long tradition from my priests dating back millennia, it's how you will invoke my name and power from here forth, the knife is your property, here and now, until your last breath within this life."

Without giving fear and reason the time to change his mind, Doug took the blade and slashed his left arm. The cut was so painless and clean, taking several seconds for the blood to surface. To his dismay, his life blood began to rain in sheets, making him fear he had gone too deep," My Lord Baal!" The panic and worry in his own voice scared him," I accept you as my master, from now until my death. I ask for your blessing and power within my life. All glory and honor to the great Lord Baal. ``

"Very nicely done, Son of Adam, traditionalist at heart," Baal said, forming a face splitting smile.

Doug looked upon his master's face and saw profound changes taking place. Her eyes turning into a deep jasper, her tongue began to fork and roll out of her tiny mouth. Without warning, Baal seized Doug's arm and sank sharp fangs into his bleeding wound. It occurred so quickly that Doug had no time to resist. He screamed and fell to his knees watching this beautiful creature drink his blood. A second later the room went dark, spinning out of control, as his face slammed and rested against the cold hardwood floor.

Doug awoke sometime later to find his master standing over him, Baal's appearance had returned to its original state, no signs of blood remain. He scrambled backwards in a crabwalk, his senses returned to him slowly, trying to distance himself from his assailant. HE frantically checked his arm to assess the damage, half expecting to see a stump. To his astonishment, his arm was perfectly healthy, even his self-inflicted wound was completely healed. In its place was a mark that could only be called supernatural. His skin was raised, and vibrantly colored red, jasper, and the mark was outlined in pure blackness, an empty supernatural darkness. It was obviously not produced by a tattoo gun or branding iron. The mark depicted a stylized skull, vaguely demonic in design, centered in a pentagram that was engulfed in brightly colored flames. It filled Doug with a sense of excitement, awe, and power; the design filled him with the forbidden emotion of hope.

"It is my mark and sigil." Baal explained. "All of my creatures bear it somewhere on their body."

"Why me?" Doug asked. "I am a fucking loser, junkie piece of shit that can't put one good day together."

"You're special Doug," she consoled him gently stroking the side of his face. Aside from the bite it was the first time Baal had touched him, her hand felt unnaturally warm, and it unnerved him." Your god has treated ya like trash, thrown you away. For this reason, I know you will be loyal to me, that you give me your all. I am going to prove Him wrong about you." Baal said as she rose and began to turn. "It is time for me to leave now. Expect company soon, they will bring the first of the promises. They belong to you as well, do as you will with them. They will deny you nothing. Up to and including their lives." Baal vanished and her voice trailed off with her.

A moment later a knock on the door echoed throughout the house. He looked toward the door. "No way!" Doug wanted to feel his ex-wife's warm body again and bask in her essence that once captured his soul. He reached for the door and knob and looked through the peephole, noticing two beautiful women standing outside his apartment. Sammi wasn't there. "Stop hoping, stupid." He said softly to himself. Doug opened the door and they both entered, brushing purposelessly against him with seductive smiles, wearing tight black leather miniskirts and white blouses that barely covered their ample breasts. One of the women held a large duffle bag full of money, bursting from the seams that held $100's, $50's, and $20's. The other carried a fifth of dark liquor and a zip-lock bag full of narcotics and weed.

"How can I help you ladies?" Doug said that a stutter unsure of himself. It had been such a long time since he had company, especially women in his home.

The women smiled, throwing both the money and their other gifts on the couch and began to undress. "You know why we are here, Doug." Doug smiled as he drank in their perfect bodies. Doug noticed that they both had the same marks that Baal had given him on their thighs, "Stop being a prudish sissy and come play." They said looking at each other laughing.

Doug stood there dumb founded, these women were gorgeous, especially naked. It had worked, Baal gave him what he desired, plus more and it only cost him his next child that he would never even know, or care about.

Doug walked closer to the women, and they reached for him, hunger in their eyes. A desire for them nipped and then tore through him as his emptiness wanted to be filled causing him to become weak with sexual desire. Both women giggled and laughed as they began to remove his clothes, slowly, piece by piece, overpowering and overwhelming their prey with their contagion.

"Be gentle, ladies. It's been a while." Doug said as he felt the warmth of their bodies.

"Not a chance, stud. You belong to us now!" Both women turned into creatures of desire, making Doug cry out in both pleasure and pain.