Chapter Nine- New Skin

John slowed his pace and leaned against the wall as he walked, his breathing shallow and labored due to the mixture of fatigue, humidity, dust, smoke, and the poorly ventilated hallway. He looked around the poorly lit tunnel that flickered as the flames from ancient torches danced on the walls. Kaleb must have readied the tunnel.

John thought back to the fight with demons, there was no way anyone or thing survived the collapse and grenade blasts. Why did they sacrifice their lives instead of taking the tunnel also, they could have… John's thoughts were interrupted as the woman began to slowly move around coming in and out of consciousness?

John gently placed the wounded woman against the base of the wall, collapsing his back against the wall and then slid down against the damp sandstone until he rested within the flickering shadows of the flames. The adrenaline rush had long ago subsided, he had been fighting the exhaustion for hours now; his heavy eyelids closed. John didn't fight his body, falling into a deep sleep, refusing it would put both of them into more danger than they already were in.

The darkness swirled around him, leaving him to the mercy of his thoughts and nightmares. John fell faster and deeper within his dreams until he was strung up like a marionette, moving and dancing to someone else's purpose. Faces began to materialize within the darkness around him, forming into Hyena, Snake, Frog, Kaleb, and the demon. They all began to scream as they circled around him, dropping huge tears that began to form a crashing tidal wave that broke against him. It was his fault, and the guilt began to drown him under the heavy weight of the salty waves.

John was caught up in the swirling waters and he was forced to watch his friends die, over and over they died and came back to life before he could reach them. They were inches from him and every time he reached for them a wave would crash down on him, sending them all in different directions," Noooo!" he screamed.

John looked around frantically in the rapids for his friends, they had disappeared, the waves had taken them. The waves died down and the waters became placid, allowing him to swim to shore. He dragged himself onto the wet sand and began choking as he gulped down the clean fresh air. He stood up on shaky legs and looked around the large island, trying to find tracks. He noticed a trail that led into the woods and followed, picking up a piece of driftwood as he entered the darkness. The light faded more and more as he walked deeper and deeper into the woods, making it hard to follow the tracks in the soft earth. John stopped and looked back behind him toward the light and suddenly felt something run by him within the darkness, he tried to use his other senses to locate whatever it was. He held the stick out in front of him and listened intently for any indication that he was in danger, and all he could hear was his heart beating within his ears. Bushes to his left rustled and then he felt a huge claw tear through his flesh, the sharp nails slicing his neck wide open. Another slash followed, cutting his midsection, spilling his intestines and internal organs as he found himself all of a sudden standing on the edge of the Cauldron of shadows lip. John tried frantically to hold in all of his innards while keeping his balance yet failed at both as the Cauldron began to overflow with thick waves of crimson blood, knocking him to the floor and covering him in sheets. Inch by inch, his own blood gushed out of him and the cauldron, filling the room until he began to go under because he was too weak to fight for his life. John gasped for air, yet his lungs refused to work. He was going to drown in his own blood. The creature that disemboweled him approached an evil laugh masked its face as it drooling maw told him all he needed to know about his fate, he was about to die, he wouldn't survive this mission, he would never hold his wife, or make breakfast for his daughter again and there was nothing he could do about it. The creature grew into a monstrosity and swung its massive claw toward John, hitting his leg and tearing it from it's socket. John fell and began to scream as he watched the demonic miscreation throw his leg into its mouth. He began to crawl away from the hovering creature and felt himself get snatched up by his other leg and dangled in the air, his limp body hung lifeless, swaying to and fro as the demon's breath warmed his face," we are going to do the same thing to your family. Did you think your god would save you?" John tried to fight with what little strength he had left, to no avail, the demon simply opened its giant mouth, its teeth sharp and covered with blood and bone from his leg, and held him high over its open mouth. John could smell the rotten and putrid stench that met his nostrils as the creature exhaled, dangling him over its slimy tongue. The demon let go and John fell into the demon's mouth, feeling its sharp teeth cut into his flesh and crush his skull.

"What the fuck!" John jumped out of his deep slumber. The cold sweat trickled down his forehead, covering his face and neck. He tried brushing sweat off of him as if it was the bloody saliva that belonged to the demon. He felt his midsection and realized it was all just a dream. He noticed that his gun was painted at the woman's head and took his finger off the trigger. "That could have been bad." He could still hear the drumming in his ears as his heart pounded within his chest, "What is wrong with me?" He looked around, "Get your shit together." It was just a dream. John took a deep breath and remembered that his team hadn't been so lucky, they were all still dead.

John wished that it was him instead, his ability to survive was both a gift and a curse. This was the second time he had to watch his team die, the burden and weight of this began to play in his mind.

A soft moon pulled him from his thoughts as he felt the woman's arm move next to him. "Where am I?" She tried to sit up and let out a whimper and grunt as the room began to spin. "Where is Kaleb?"

"I think ya need to take it easy." John said as he handed her a waterskin. "Drink this."

"Thank you." She said as she took it and drank eagerly. "Does my hero have a name?" She wiped her mouth as she gave him back the leather waterskin.

"My name is John, and that demon killed my entire team. I hope it was for a good reason, Kaleb told me to protect you, why?" He said with a grumble as he stood up. "What is your name?"

"And here I thought all military men were assholes." She smiled and slid up against the wall. "I am sorry for your loss. I can only guess that Kaleb died as well, am I right?" She continued while trying to get up on shaky legs.

"Yes. They were all killed by that thing that Kaleb called a demon. He gave me these things before he died" John showed her the scroll and the dagger. "Why are these things worth dying for? What makes them so important?"

"I will answer all of your questions. But first, my name is Livianna, and I am from the order of Elisha. We must go warm the others in Harvest Hills before they use the cauldron to open other portals.

"They're not using the cauldron back there; the whole place is destroyed." John pointed toward the pile of rubble.

"That is one of three originally. These cauldrons were used by my people to communicate during the rule of Ahab and Jezebel. My people were getting slaughtered by the prophets of Baal and Jezebel's witchcraft. So, we needed a way to get messages and important information to our tribes without being noticed, so we prayed, and God answered with Holy water from Heaven. The problem was our supplies and food dwindled as with our numbers, making us have to hide in caves with very little to eat or drink. Many times, the elderly and young would perish during the night. Then something amazing happened, God sent us a miracle when a man drank from one of the cauldrons because he was thirsty. Health coursed through his veins, and he no longer got hungry or thirsty, making him valuable within the fight against Jezebel and her prophets, He then went and selected twelve strong men and women to follow in his footsteps, drinking from the Holy waters of the cauldrons. The problem was everyone followed blindly without question because it was a desperate time. In the end, we lost all communication in exchange for supernatural powers and immortality."

"You speak as if you were there, Livianna." John said checking their supplies.

"I was, John. I am a prophet of the order of Elijah."

"So that makes you thousands of years old, I don't think so. I was born at night, sweetheart, but not last night." John checked his gun and chambered a round. "I think we need to leave. I gave my word to a dying man." John put both the dagger and scroll into his rucksack. "Why harvest hills?"

"You will believe in time, John O'Neil."

"How do you know my full name?"

"It's on your name tag." She pointed toward his chest. "See, you already believe that I have powers."

"A few weeks ago, I thought demons were fake and my daughter was going crazy. Maybe my daughter was the sane one. We need to get my family on the way."

Livianna's facial expression changed into sadness. "There is no time, John. The clock is already against us. If we don't stop whoever is using the cauldrons there won't be a world worth saving, meaning no family."

"I'm not stupid, I know what you mean." John said as he looked around, handing her a 9mm handgun. "Watch my back, okay?"

"I can do more than that, John." Livianna said as her hands began to glow bright blue with power. She waved them around in a circle and energy swallowed them both, creating a shield around them. "This will protect us for a day. My powers are weak right now because I have not rested and prayed, I must meditate soon."

"How can I get a power like that?" John asked with awe.

"Ya must drink the waters of Heaven, or have Elijah bless you. Either way, these powers are not weapons like a gun that can simply kill. No, these powers are extensions of God's powerful love that destroys the darkness and protects the innocent."

"How do I become part of your order?" John said as he looked intently into her eyes.

"Your heart must be pure, and you must deal with your own personal demons, John."

"I'm not a demon. How can I say that I'm a demon or have demons?"

"I never called you a demon, yet you have some monsters living within you. I can feel the anger, guilt, remorse, and something else."

"What are you a fucking witch or fortune teller? I don't believe this bullshit." John said as he stormed out of the protective shield, his pride hurt.

"John, wait…" Livianna stood still and began to speak out loud to herself, "good job, Livi. You know men are sensitive. Thousands of years and you still can't speak to them." she slowly walked behind the man who was supposed to protect her and save the world.

* * * * * * * * * * * * *

The murky liquid of the Cauldron rippled as the demon powered through debris, standing tall, and making large stones and large chunks of wall fall on top of Hyena's mangled body. Its rage filled eyes looked around for Kaleb and roared angrily when his body was absent. The demon turned and dragged its huge claws through the cauldron's dark liquid, mumbling ancient words of the fallen. Darkness fell over the demon and the room tore open as a portal appeared, it stepped through, leaving the disheveled room tranquil.

Hyena's dead and mangled body landed on the ground first as the demon stepped through onto the other side, the demon kicked his dead body toward the priest in the room.

"Hecate!?" a man in a red robe said as he approached with fresh cut marks on his arms, "I have been praying to Baal for your victory." He fell to his knees as he began to worship the eleven-foot demon," I am your humble servant, my lord. Do what you must, I welcome your power and majesty."

The demon stopped walking and looked down at the man and said," Human, arise and look at me, I need to see your eyes."

He stood on shaking legs as he looked up into the demon's hate filled eyes," You have my full attention, my lord."

"Create me an Army! I need more soldiers to fight. The order of Elijah is too strong, they got to the dagger and scroll before we did, and they destroyed the Cauldron of shadows. They had help from some human warriors, he is one of them." the demon pointed at Hyena," they all must die. I need you to send an army after them and get those artifacts back, we must release Lord Baal." Hecate got really close to the priest and said," do not fail me, Jeryl." and grabbed a temple prostitute before disappearing into the seclusion of his own chambers. Hecate stopped and turned and growled," Jeryl, I want an army."

"Yes, my Lord!" Jeryl said as he pulled a leather book from out of his robe and placed it on top of the altar, thumbing through pages of spells until he smiled and began to speak loudly. Names engraved within the walls that stood in front of him began to glow supernaturally. Blood began to flow from the demonic faces that looked down upon the altar," I, Jeryl Clervey, call upon the power of my lord, King Baal, the light bringer. We have an enemy that must be destroyed before I am able to release the chains that bind you. Lend me your power and watch me defeat the Order of Elijah once and for all, they have been a thorn in our side for thousands of years."

The spirit of Leviathan materialized instantly in front of Jeryl, shoving its boney fingers into his chest, snatching his beating heart out for him to see," you say one name and mean another. Your life for his power." the spirit said as it dematerialized back into the darkness from where it came. Jeryl fell to his knees as he tried to stop the blood from gushing onto the floor. All of his strength and color left his body, leaving him pale and lethargic. Next, the spirit of Necromancy crawled through the cracks of the blood covered floor and climbed onto Jeryl's lifeless body, breathing blackness into his corpse. Bile colored ooze filled his mouth and then his body, making his body convulse violently until his color came back within his flesh. The demon then racked its razor-sharp nails across Jeryl's chest, closing his chest cavity where his heart once rested," You want power, Jeryl?" the spirit stood tall and towered over Jeryl's weak body, "the lord wants your soul."

Jeryl nodded his head, his eyes empty and void of emotion and of what was," My life and soul belong to you, my lord."

A bright light flared and shot out of Jeryl's body, blinding the spirit, as he held a Jasper gem that imprisoned Jeryl's soul, and began to dim as it was trapped," you want his power, drink." the spirit waved a hand toward the walls and blood began to flow, "Drink!"

Cultists, prostitutes, and prophets of Baal heard the flow of blood begin to gush and surrounded Jeryl with cups. They all began to chant and cut each other while passing a full chalice of the crimson liquid.

A voice boomed loudly, "Drink, my Children!" A young man walked into the room with dirty blond hair, deep green eyes, and an alabaster complexion. His massive chest muscles were barely contained by his tight wife-beater that was tucked into a pair of Levi jeans that hugged his anatomy, leaving no room for the imagination.

The demons that were tormenting Jeryl vanished into the darkness, leaving the gem on the blood covered floor.

"I have heard your cries, Jeryl. I am here to help you."

"Who are you, my lord?" a young woman asked as she bowed," do you have a name, my lord?"

"Of course, I have a name, I have many names, my dear." he looked the young woman over and said," but you can call me daddy, later, of course." he took her hand and kissed it while bowing toward her. In one quick movement he grabbed her by the waist and tickled her neck with his nose, speaking sweet nothings into her ears. She melted into his embrace and began to rub and kiss him before she fell to her knees and said," I will serve you with my life, daddy."

He smiled and helped her up to her feet," I know you will, sweetheart." He gently twirled her hair in his large hand and slowly ran his fingers down her neck and to her collarbone, making her neck arch," what is your name you deliciously naughty creature?"


"What a lovely name." He took her by the hand and led her away from everyone else toward an exit and said," I will eat you up later, go and prepare a bath for us first."

Natasha giggled and blushed, looking down as she said, "yes, my lord."

He turned toward the crowd and began to speak," you are probably wondering who I am, right? Well, I have many names, the bringer of rain, the light bringer, the lord of the air, I could go on and on. Many of you know me as Baal, yet I have been called Chemosh and Molech, it all depends on what tribe you come from, really." he looked around at all of the gaping mouths and wide eyes and said, "Jeryl, get over here!" his green eyes burning with emerald fire.

"Yes, my Lord." He fell to his knees and bowed lowly.

"Have you seen yourself lately, you look hideous. You can't lead my army looking like that, now, can you?" a loud popping and tearing sound erupted from behind Baal's body. A look of sheer terror and disgust formed on the crowd that stood behind the demon-god, Baal," you're going to need a new body, you can have mine."

Baal stepped out from the fleshly suit that he was wearing and tossed it at Jeryl's feet, "Put it on."

Jeryl took the mangled mess of warm flesh and began stepping into his new body, one leg at a time, and then worked the rest on until his face was covered. Jeryl began to scream as the flesh began to mold itself into his body, creating a monstrosity of a person, a larger and more powerful version of himself.

Baal smiled as many of the newly converted cultists and priests began to run and scream away from their lord. The demon-god grew to his full size and height, towering over everyone within the room. His massive wings unfurled and stretched the entire width of the room, knocking over statutes, columns, and people," Jeryl, serve me and me alone and I will raise you up like no other. Betray me and I will rain down pain like you have never known, understand." Baal closed his mighty fist and pointed it at Jeryl, making him curl up in excruciating pain."

"Yes lord, I promise. PLeeeease!"

Baal stopped and said," Destroy all of my enemies! Build me an army to destroy the order of Elijah! You will start in Harvest Hills, with the church. Become the new pastor and blend in with the locals." The demon-god held Jeryl's gem in his massive clutch and said,'' once you finish this assignment, you can earn your soul back, I have no desire for souls. ``

"Thank you, my lord."