Chapter Ten-Power of Prayer

Juanita threw her arms around Gabrella and squeezed, hugging her friend as she entered through the front door, "I've missed you so much, how have you been, Chica?"

Gabby squeezed back and enjoyed the attention from her friend, she was drained emotionally and mentally, her mother had fallen apart and she was forced to be both the adult and child," I need that hug so much, you don't even know…" puddles formed within her blue eyes, causing everything to blur,"I'm sorry," she said as she wiped her tears with a sleeve," I'm worried about my father."

"You're safe now, no worries. My father is excited to meet you, I told him about your demon problem." She pulled Gabby closer to herself and whispered, "He already sent some of his friends to help your father, I overheard him talking about it a few days ago."

"Really!" Gabby's head shot up and her back straightened," You're the best!" a squeal escaped from her mouth as she threw her arms around her friend.

"Quiet!?" Juanita said with a smile. She wrapped her arm around Gabby's shoulder and moved them into the living room, where her family sat," Hey everybody, this is Gabrella."

An elderly woman slowly stood and made her way toward Gabby and smiled as their eyes met," You are so beautiful, Gabrella. Are you hungry sweetheart? I just made some empanadas with plantains and a fresh Verde, come!" the older woman grabbed her hand and directed her into the kitchen.

Gabby looked at Juanita not knowing what to do.

"Your family now, my grandmother has you now, you're safe." Juanita smiled and left the living room," Me casa es su casa!"

Gabby watched her friend disappear around the corner as she was escorted into the kitchen, where a feast had been prepared. Gabby's mouth began to water as she looked at all of the vibrantly colored dishes. Bright green sauces, yellow rice, red beans, golden brown pastries, and some items she had never seen before," whose coming over tonight, grandmother?" she said following Juanita's instructions to call her family by their titles until they offered their names.

"Just you, sweetheart." the older woman smiled as she watched this little princess get overwhelmed with emotion," you are that special to us, Gabrella."

Gabby's little heart filled with love, a love that she had only felt a few times, Jusus was living in this house, and she wished that her mother and father could be here with her," thank you. When do we eat, grandmother?"

"Are your hands clean, sweetheart?" the older woman asked as she turned on the sink faucet, "the soap is here and there is a towel here." she took a small plate and put some food on it, "don't tell anyone, okay. I don't want them thinking I have gotten soft in my old age." her eyes lit up as she handed the plate to Gabby, smiling a toothless grin," this is just a taste, we eat at five."

Gabby looked at the clock, which read: 3:30pm," thank you." she took small bites and closed her eyes as her taste buds exploded with the perfect balance of flavors, the salty, savory, spicey, and soft undertones of sweetness tickled her senses. The aroma was something that she had never experienced before. Her mother's cooking was mostly pre-packaged food and take-out, there was so much love in this food.

"Are you still with us, Gabby?" the old woman asked with an ear-to-ear grin.

"This is so good; my mom can't cook like this." Gabby looked at the clean plate and wanted more.

"That was just the roasted pork with sofrito, wait until you taste everything else, sweetheart."

"Gabrella, are you finished, Toma." She took the empty plate and washed it," go find Juanita, it is time to pray before we eat."

Gabby walked through the living room and watched the men as they argued over a soccer game on T.V. She was curious, her father watched M.M.A, football, and maybe basketball once in a while and she didn't understand those games either, sports really weren't her thing, she was too busy learning the bible and becoming a demon hunter. She walked up the stairs and overheard Juanita talking to her father about something important because they stopped speaking as she turned the corner," Hi, your grandmother told me to come get you, it's time to pray."

"Did she give you food and then tell you not to tell anyone?"

"I don't know what you're talking about." A huge smile erupted on Gabby's face.

"You're a horrible liar, Gabby." Juanita smiled as she grabbed Gabby's hand, ``Come with me, you can sit near me."


"Yes, Papa?"

"Please have Gabby sit on my left and you sit on my right, we need to pray about a lot of things, including her father."

"Okay," She led Gabby down the steps and into the dining room, "my father likes you; he is really concerned about your father. He got some disturbing news from the demon hunter, Kaleb. Apparently, they all got attacked by multiple demons and your father made it alive, everyone else wasn't so lucky."

Gabby stopped moving and stood still, shaking," I tried warning him about the demon. He didn't listen to me, he is so stubborn." she began to cry and covered her face," did he get hurt?"

"Where do you think you get your tenacious personality, Gabby?" Juanita said with a smile," your father was not hurt badly, yet he did mess with a demon. We must pray."

Gabby could only think about her father being attacked by that demon, its claws and fangs tearing into his flesh. She just wanted to wrap her arms around his neck and tell him how much she loved him and apologize for just walking away when he didn't listen, she could have done more. What about her mother, would she understand what her husband was going through or just dive into another bottle? She really needed to pray and become a demon hunter and kill all of the evil within this world. God help me to become a hunter, fighting the demons that profane your name.

Juanita just stared at her," I called you like three times, are you okay?"

Gabby smiled and grabbed Juanita's hand and said," Ima be the best demon hunter that ever lived, watch." and sat down next to the old woman that had given her such delicious food," ola grandmother!" She laid her head on the woman's shoulder and waited for the others to come.

Within seconds, everyone within the living room had filed into the dining room, still talking about the game. Juanita's father was the last to sit and he smiled as he looked at the generations that were represented at his table. There was his mother, uncle, son, nephew, and Juanita. Then there was Gabby who sat quietly stuck in her thoughts, the youngest at the table.

Juanita's father cleared his throat and began to speak, `Tonight we need to pray about many things, if the food gets cold, we have a microwave, I'm sure the flavor will be the same, sorry Momma."

She just waved him off and closed her eyes and crossed her hands on her lap," Jesus is my food."

The rest of the family closed their eyes and followed suit as if her word was final. Gabby closed her eyes and crossed her hands and listened. She waited for a few minutes and looked around and still no one said anything, they just waited for something.

"Gabriella, will you lead tonight?" Papa asked, his eyes still closed.

Grandma placed a warm hand on her shoulder to give her strength, "you want to be a demon hunter then you must learn to pray first, this is where the battles are won."

Gabby shook her head and closed her eyes again, taking a deep breath and started," Dear heavenly father, Hi, it's me Gabby. I need your help, my daddy's in trouble and he needs you to protect him. He is stubborn and doesn't listen. Will you please send him someone who can help him win this fight so he can come home to me? I really like when we make breakfast together. He really can't cook, but I enjoy spending time with him, please don't tell him I said that.'' She looked around to see a smile on everyone's face, and a tear came down papa's" father, I want to become a demon hunter and destroy those who come against my family and you. Please help me. Oh yeah, help my mother to stop drinking and heal her heart's pain. I pray this in Jesus' name. ``

Grandmother wiped a tear from her face and said, ``Gloria a Dios." she grabbed Gabby's hand and said,'' Que Dios te Bendiga." she kissed Gabby's hand and began to cry softly," Me Padre, please listen to this child's heart. Nombre de Jesus, amen"

Juanita's uncle spoke softly and earnestly," Papa God, I ask that you help Argentina lose tonight, if we beat them then we will have a chance…" he looked around and noticed the heads nodding as he prayed," also, please help Gabrella's father and mother to be safe and to come to a better understanding of who you really are, you love us so much that you care about our games. Thank you for loving me enough to send your son to die in my place. But seriously, Papa, I need you to help us win this year…" a hand rested on his arm." I pray this in Jusus' name. ``

Juanita looked up at her father, pleading with him, knowing that the rest of the prayers were more of the same. He smiled and then cleared his throat, nodding for her to pray before he did," Dear God, you know why I am praying tonight. My friend needs your help, she is my best friend and I ask that you reach down and put your arms around her father and protect him while he is in this battle. I also ask that you help her to become a demon hunter, so she can protect her family and your people. In Jesus' name, amen."

Juanita's father stood and placed his hands on Gabby's shoulders while she still sat and began praying," Dear Jesus, I come to you knowing that you are the only person who can change the outcome of this situation. I bring to you my friends and their families, Gabby and John. They are in a battle that has chosen them for a reason that only you know, so we surrender them into your capable hands and ask that you use them in this fight to bring glory and honor to your name. We love you and thank you for your love and grace. Give us victory and release your might angels on our behalf this night and until the end of eternity.'' He moved back to his seat and said,'' oh, yeah, Jesus, will you allow us to win tonight, Argentina must lose. In Jesus name, amen. ``

A resounding amen echoed within the dining room," let's eat!"

* * * * * * * * * * * * *

"Move, Move, get out of the way, please." a ministering angel ran through the golden hallways of the great hall. The regular hustle and bustle of the heavenly realm had him fighting against earthy time, a prayer of the innocent had made its way to the war room, releasing great power and urgency, "My LORD, a prayer for John O'Neil has reached the war room. Should I send out the warring angel, healing angels, and guarding angels to answer his daughter's prayers?"

"Jesus stood up and approached the angel," why is this prayer so different from Gabriella's others?" he asked knowingly, seeing if the young angel understood his job in the war room.

"Lord, a power surge like I have never seen before lit up the room, it was so beautiful and full of enormous power. I knew it had to be important." A smile crossed the angel's face.

"Nathanel, it is Nathanel, right?" Jesus just smiled at him," you did well, I am glad that you find joy in your job, may you bring honor and glory to my father's kingdom." Jesus turned toward the window of Heaven and looked down at the earth, "release three legions of each kind of angel to cover John and his family."

A bright light exploded with Nathanel's eyes, excitement causing his legs to twitch spontaneously, "That's thirty thousand angels, my lord!

"Do you think that's enough, or should we send more?"

"I think 6,000 Ministering angels, 6,000 Warring angels, 6,000 Healing angels, 6,000 Guarding, and 6,000 Messenger angels will be enough for now, my LORD. If we need more, I will notify you."

"Nathanel, you are in charge of this, see to it."

"Thank you, My LORD."