Chapter Twelve- Doug and Heaven

Doug walked down the street with both women, one on each side. Every man that looked at the two beautiful women got slapped by their wives or girlfriends in protest. A smile erupted on Doug's face, making both women hug his arms tighter. "We make you happy, right babe?"

Doug squeezed them both closer, kissing the blonde first. "You have no idea."

"You can show us later, daddy!" The brunette squealed with excitement.

"What are your names?" Doug asked.

"My name is Melissa, sweetheart, but you can call me whatever you want." Her blonde hair blew in his face as she nibbled on his ear. "This is my sister, Mary, and we are both here to please you in any way that you desire." They both put their hands on his crotch as if they wanted to eat him alive. Doug pushed their hands down. "Not now, we are in public."

"It's the best in public places." Mary said as she rubbed her body. "It's so exciting, right Melissa?"

Doug adjusted himself as he entered the mall, leaving them briefly. They both seemed as if rules didn't matter and meeting his sexual desires was their only purpose. He stopped and remembered the blood wish that he made with Baal, he would have to learn how to word his requests differently in the future. Doug turned around and held his hand. "Let's go ladies. I need to buy a new life, starting with clothes."

Doug, Melissa, and Mary walked into Olive Garden starving from a full day's worth of shopping. They had spent over half a million dollars buying new wardrobes, cologne, perfume, make-up, jewelry, watches, rings, chains, furniture, appliances, bedding, and whatever their hearts desired. The money was magical, the more they spent the more they had. Doug found this out when he purchased a brand-new custom charger, spending over one hundred thousand dollars in cash. The shadowy black finish called out to him, especially with the chromed-out rims and details. What sealed the deal was the pearl-colored skulls that danced within the phantom paint job that created the outline of the racing stripes that ran down the center of the hood and roof. After handing the remainder of his money to the sales associate, he noticed that his money bag replenished itself supernaturally as he stood there waiting for the paperwork to close the deal. Doug looked at the bag and found that it went to its original heaviness, as if he had not spent any money at all. It was then that his mind set changed, he was the man now and he no longer needed to worry about money, bills, or the cares that once controlled his life, he had no financial concerns.

Doug then decided to forsake his dump of an apartment on Chestnut, in west Philadelphia, buying a large condo in the Northwest section of the city, where the upper middle class lived.

Doug confidently walked toward the hosts desk wearing all new clothes and a new money smile and recognized the waitress that worked in the left dining room. "Hi, party of three. Please."

The hostess smiled and batted her eyes at him. "Where would you like to be seated, by the bar, near the window, or regular dining?"

"I want her as my server." Doug said as he pointed toward a tall blonde, the problem was he couldn't remember where they met before, he wanted to find out.

"Oh!" The hostess' demeanor changed as she recognized who Doug was pointing at. "That's a shame. We could have had fun, loser. Thank you for coming to Olive Garden. Please follow me."

The hostess escorted Doug to his table and walked away with a sneer. A moment later she began to point and speak angrily as she talked to some other waitresses. This had been happening all day. It seemed that wherever he went women from every walk of life would fight for his attention. Whatever Baal had done to him was changing his life in a way that both surprised him and cured him of all doubt, this was how life was supposed to be.

"Welcome to Olive Garden, my name is Heaven, and I will be your server. Should I wait for the rest of your party before taking your drink orders?" She stood there patiently, pen and pad in hand.

"Do I know you, Heaven?" Doug asked with a flirtatious undertone.

"Have you been to Olive Garden before? I have worked here for a few years now."

"No, this is my first time at this location. I know you from somewhere else. Do you work somewhere else?"

"Are you a cop or something?" Heaven asked as she shifted her weight to one side while raising an eyebrow.

"Do I look like a cop, Heaven?" Doug finished speaking just as Melissa and Mary walked up to the table.

"Oh my god, Heaven is that you? You're gorgeous with or without clothes." Mary said as she kissed Heaven on the cheek while she ran her hand down Heavens back, stopping at the crest of her buttocks. "Hope to see you later." Mary said with a wicked smile.

"Mary, you know Heaven, how?" Doug asked with amusement.

"Duh, so do you, sweetheart. She works at Pink, she's the best stripper in Philly. We watched her dance the other night, remember? You bought every girl in the club except for her, she's playing hard to get." Both Mary and Melissa smiled at her before blowing her a kiss. "We'll see you later, Heaven."

"Well, this is embarrassing." Heaven said as her face flushed red as she noticed all of the men in the area looked at her lustfully.

"We didn't mean to upset you, we apologize, Heaven." Doug said nonchalantly while picking up a menu. "I would like two T-bone steaks with an extra order of potatoes and broccoli, both. I would like a bowl of your cheddar broccoli soup, a large salad with blue cheese dressing, and a bottomless bowl of breadsticks. Please." He looked at both Mary and Melissa, waiting for them to order, but they just stared at him smiling.

"Is something wrong with them?" Heaven asked as she looked closer at the two girls, noticing that they both had the same blank look within their eyes. "Are you high or something?"

"Yes, they are both high on life." Doug said with a smile, as he placed his hand on Melissa's. "They will have the same thing, Heaven. Thanks." Doug said before he whispered into Melissa's ear.

Melissa came to first, noticing that both Doug and Heaven were staring at her. "What are you looking at? Do I have something on my face?" Mary looked around and copied her sister by wiping her face before getting her compact and began to powder her nose.

"I was just admiring how beautiful you both are, that's all." Doug said with a wink. Both Melissa and Mary giggled and laughed before looking back into their mirrors.

"Really! This is your type?" Heaven said just loud enough for Doug to hear before she left the table. "I will be right back with your drinks." She softly waved to Doug as she looked over her shoulder at him.

He was fascinated with the idea that Heaven was a waitress by day and stripper by night. But, not just any stripper, no she was Pink's prized possession. How did this beautiful creation get herself caught up in this conundrum? Doug was curious and would be spending a lot more time here and even more time at Pink, he wanted to know more about this Heaven.

Doug's arm began to burn hot and started to glow softly around his tattoo. Making the atmosphere of the dining room change as random women gathered around Doug's table, chair by chair. Baal's mark had activated the magic that pulsed within Doug's veins. Husbands, children, and on-lookers became angry and began to protest loudly. Doug smiled as he dipped his garlic bread in his blue cheese dressing. "Ladies, it's gonna be a good night."

Both Melissa and Marry scootched their chairs closer to Doug and said, "Our one and only rule is this, no one is allowed in our bedroom. That is our sanctuary." Their voices in unison as if one person. "Relax ladies!" Doug's lips curled into an arrogant smile. "I…"

Melissa picked up her steak knife and placed it to Doug's throat. "Say you understand, babe!"

Doug's smile faded as he felt the cold steel against his jugular. "I understand. No one allowed in our bedroom. Got it."

Mary squealed in excitement. "I knew you loved us!" She said with a kiss to his cheek. "Let's eat!"